Which programming language should I learn if I want to avoid pajeets and nu-males?
Which programming language should I learn if I want to avoid pajeets and nu-males?
Racket. You'll be left completely alone.
Assembly, binary machine code, and in a few years, Java.
Reminder that hipsters and Indians only learn the hot topic language so they could work west coast.
>Racket. You'll be left completely alone.
This. Also APL, Forth, Fortran, COBOL, Pascal, Common Lisp spring to mind.
Java is far too pajeet though
Pajeets do pretty much anything, so you can't avoid them, but you can easily avoid nu-males: just skip Go and Javascript.
>I want to avoid pajeets and nu-males?
Is this code for 'I want to remain unemployed'?
Its a code word for "places where sjws and psuedo-intellectuals are absent or minimal"
this. Don't forget Rust.
Rust is in a middle ground 2bh
Choosing a language based on the personal characteristics of people who use it (instead of the most suitable tool for the job) makes you the pseudo-intellectual, actually.
Go to some other part of the planet than the US.
Choosing a programming language based on your work expectation is normal. Only a retard wouldn't do that.
Make your own
What's it like being a brainlet? Just curious.
>places where sjws and psuedo-intellectuals are absent or minimal
you can move to europe for example. there's less sjws here. as for pseudo-intellectuals, they are everywhere, but especially on Sup Forums, where the most arrogant ones like yourself seem to clump
PROTIP: You are going to have coworkers you dislike no matter what unless you work at a startup.
Ruby is the most nu-male language. The Javascript and Go communities don't even come close in comparison.
Haskell or C++
social engineering is the best programming language
why learn codes an shiet when you can make other people learn the stuff and work for you
if you're learning a programming language for reasons that have nothing to do with programming, you are an idiot. If you're worried about competing with pajeets and nu-males, you don't deserve to call yourself white in the first place.
wouldnt fortran come in handy for some banter with your programming colleauges about who can write the fastest program to do x?
At least for it always gives me that E D G E
Learn ActionScript, you will avoid tons of people.
can't go wrong with R and Python
Erlang, it's worth it. Low latency high availability big server infrastructures with in-house deployment solutions yes please
Haskell if you like academic languages without real world use
R is you like data (whatever that means)
Scheme if you want to know the language the Universe would be written in
C isn't really worth it these days, but at least know basics
R is for academics, who the fuck even uses Haskell?
>who the fuck even uses Haskell?
academics that do programming language research
here's some papers:
nice try dotpajeet
As someone who has been programming in C# for a decade, its nice to see the nu-biz crowd promoting it. I'm normal enough to train people, travel a bit and enjoy life. Thanks for posting some LinkedIn click-bait for I-hate-muh-job-as-an-analyst normies. Feels good man.
probably R
my mum keeps telling me i should leard COBOL
The one that accounting and banks use. I forget what its called but I was offered (mind you I have never attending college, I just knew a bit about computers and the guy was impressed) a full ride to learn it. Apparently the language is so shit and old that the current coder base is literally dying off and they need replacements quickly. I can't believe I forgot the name of it.
Haskell and C. You might run into a couple of niggers while waiting in line at the welfare office to receive your unemployment benefits though.
sounds like COBOL
Yeah thats it.
In descending order of applicability
Pajeet languages:
Numale languages:
JS is Pajeet af
It's more numale than pajeet. Rajesh can't into web dev, zero creative vision, empathy deficit syndrome, and poor english means any UI related work is uncomfortable for them and they would be scared of getting exposed so easily. They'd rather code in their native language of Java where nontechnical clients can't see how bad their work is from the surface.
Ruby is fine if you speak Japanese.
C# is the new Ruby.
Just like anime
>Which programming language should I learn if I want to avoid pajeets and nu-males?
What is "Nothing"?
Anime has autists, not numales.
This is actually pretty hard. I guess we should avoid ENTERPRISE (pajeets) and WEB SCALE (numales), which leaves pretty much functional languages and LISP-likes.
If you are fine with fags - Clojure
If you are fine with autists - Haskell
then D, and Erlang. Of this list I'd probably pick Erlang.
Are they all in C# too?
So nu-male pajeets? Christ.
why are you so racist? I'm sure they're greatest programmers C# has
>avoid pajeets
>avoid nu-males
pick one
Fuck maybe I'll just become an ICE officer instead.
COBOL nigger. I got a comfy ass mainframe dev job recently. No Indians, nu-males or streamlined normies.
Common Lisp has more usable libraries than just about any other language you lazy nigger, it's compatible with shit written since the 60s
There's definitely a market for it, but your entire career would be maintaining legacy applications.
The best time in a programmer's career is when he gets to design and develop software - maintaining it just pays the bills.