>He doesn't have his own 3d printer in his home
What's your excuse? It's very tech-related machine.
>He doesn't have his own 3d printer in his home
What's your excuse? It's very tech-related machine.
>owns a flashforge
>not even a homemade d-bot or even tevo tarantula/cr-10
Try again normiefag
Because my city provides free access to 3d printers and materials.
What the fuck would i need a 3d printer for?
Fuck you.
My citity provides nothing for free and increases taxes every year.
>What's your excuse?
Listed in order of importance:
1: Cost
2: Space
3: What am I even going to use it for? More plastic trinkets and doodads that I don't have space for?
It may be tech, it doesn't mean I want or need one.
What use is it if I can make cubes and spheres?
At least Sanchez can feel safe.
I don't have any use for it.
Why should I get one?
I only ever desired one was to be able to print a foreskin stretcher in private.
This. Even the local library has had 3d printers for a while now.
Because I'm not a manchild who wants to print out ebin video game items in real life.
I can build things by hand.
I don't want weak plastic pieces with poor surface finishes.
My library charges $1 to print a single color page. God knows what they'd charge for 3d prints.
Because they're too expensive and I can't model things in 3D.
>poor surface finishes
Pretty much this. Finished products look and feel horrible...
Because they are shit and I cannot print my anime waifu models without a fuck ton of sanding and painting.
>it's a very tech related machine
sounds like an excuse to own one
>He doesn't sand and fill and paint
>He doesn't use his 3d printer to make molds for his home made injection molding machine
>Being this basic in creativity and life
>he doesn't fall for the yearly gimmick
Being able to fabricate nearly anything in a matter of hours is far from gimmicky.
Then why not buy a 5 axis cnc? At least you can do aluminum then
>poor surface finishes
>he buys a FDM printer in 2k17
SLA for models and SLS for mechanical parts is where it's at right now
>expensive filament
>health concerns
>nothing useful to print
>Then why not buy a 5 axis cnc? At least you can do aluminum then
I would if it weren't the size and price of a new car
>500 dollars for a top shelf home built FDM printer
>12 dollars for a spool of filament that will last months
>A 12x12x12 build area
>2,000 dollars for a basic bitch 5-axis CNC
>Expensive raw material and maintenance
>12x16x6 working area
You're also dealing with different applications, and materials.
Exactly, so you model it on a 3d plastic printer, and then send the print or file off to be milled by someone whos missing out on a new car.
>expensive filament
gtfo third worlder
>health concerns
drink your gluten free soy milk latte and gtfo healthcuck
>nothing useful to print
get creative consumerist brainlet
take more ritalin for your ADHD
and let the machine do it's job it's not like you need to supervise it
so who cares whether it takes one or ten hours
I refuse to buy a 3D printer until they design one that can print a complete, working version of itself.
>it's not like you need to supervise it
i forgot about this con
SLA and DLP are still out of the realm of most home users.
and pay a minimum of $100 for even the smallest part
because it takes an hour of skilled labor to assess your model, create the toolpath
set up the machine, check the finished part and mail it to you
>implying you need to supervise the machine
You don't
Where do you live? Sounds like a great place
You're in luck.
You still need to buy some things, but if you already have the printer, you can just swap the parts over.
you are wrong but im not even mad
because they are cucks who can't think for themselves
you can build a $500 DLP printer if you are willing to use an old projector
or a $1000 printer with a brand new full hd projector
>You still need to buy some things
Not interested.
once it's set up (10 minutes) you don't
what kind of retard would watch his machine for multiple days during large jobs?
Enjoy hand cranking for days, with zero accuracy, in front of a fire.
The resin is whats prohibitive. For a 6x3 inch figure it would cost you around 500 dollars in resin alone.
That isn't a large amount of money?
What are you, some fucking hobbyist
CNC mills are the fucking shit.
>The resin is whats prohibitive. For a 6x3 inch figure it would cost you around 500 dollars in resin alone.
don't use dental resin for your autism figurines
hobbyist resin is about 45-60€/kg
there will be 3d printer shill threads
Im The 3d printer general has been around a while, ive had a printer for almost 3 years now.
Only every once in a while do shills come around, the problem with shilling 3d printers is that the vast majority of people who are buying home printers at this stage are buying chinese forks and clones of open source printers. There are tons of them, shilling a production printer wont get you very far.
I should point out they are kits you put together and are essentially unbranded.
Or you are buying something on a whim, like the printers you find at Aldis from time to time
but you have to agree there is some agenda in other shill threads (chink shit, mech keyboards)
sorry for my bad english
I have a life outside of leveling a print bed you know.
Yeah im not saying it cant happen
But pretty much everyone uses the same parts and upgrades that come from the same factories.
Unless you are buying much higher priced commercial stuff. Its kind of a weird thing
Auto level probes cost like 5$, and you should be using an aluminum bed at this point anyways.
>there will be 3d printer shill threads
>tfw you're in one
>op has a flashforge
>flashforge makes a name for itself years ago by cloning a popular makerbot (before makerbots became shit)
>its a decent printer for a fraction of the price of a real makerbot
>flashforge uses its good name to put out a few more ok printers with their own "upgrades", but at higher prices while prices of every other printer gets lower
>now its just a joke as their printers are expensive, proprietary, and cheaply made all running on a name they built by stealing someone elses work
Flashforges are trash
Good luck using it for mechanical parts.
>he doesnt sandcast his mechanical parts, made from molds created with printed parts
>Good luck using it for mechanical parts.
read my first post faggot
>SLA for models and SLS for mechanical parts is where it's at right now
as a homecuck you're unfortunately stuck with fdm for mechanical parts
unless you can spend $5k on a sintratec SLS kit
or hundreds of hours and $1k in parts to design your own one
Just make a DLP projector SLA printer
that's what you do for models
but it's retarded for mechanical parts because strong resins are expensive as fuck and you are still limited in build size
>he doesnt sandcast his mechanical parts, made from molds created with printed parts
enjoy your shit tier tolerances and design limitations
Not having a glorious Illuminati Lulzbot rack set up to print autistic fidgets for single moms to pay 12bucks, and teaching my kids to STEM for money.
With a nice SLA printer you wouldn't need to do much sanding.
so what is the best printer
i built a chinese prusa i3 and it was a pain in the ass and doesnt work
>It's very tech-related machine.
>so what is the best printer
the original prusa i3 is your cheapest option
if you want a printer as a tool to create parts
if you see the printer as a project in itself go with a chink clone
or even better self source a reprap
>i built a chinese prusa i3 and it was a pain in the ass and doesnt work
what exactly doesn't work?
most likely you can fix it with a few dozens hours of calibration
and or $100 or so in parts
Wrong board, this is Apple and Consumerism.
>so what is the best printer
I find woodworking to be more rewarding, both in the sense that the things I make have real value, and also in that I'm developing a skill which I find relaxing and cathartic to employ.
I know that Sup Forums does not care about other boards (apart from Sup Forums). But could we push the debian/lesbian meme in coordination with other boards only to fuck with newbies that start with linux distros and shiet?
You don't have to forgo one at the exclusion of the other. They often can help each other.
i'd probably print controller holders, headphone holders, and a few fleshlights and never turn it on again.
I want to know who is retarded, me or this guy
>You don't have to forgo one at the exclusion of the other.
>You don't have to not woodwork if you aren't 3d printing
Did you mean
>You don't have to pursue one at the exclusion of the other
Laying it all down I am certified retarded so I'm not sure if what you said was something you heard that is a saying or in common vernacular I'm not aware of but holy shit dude.
as god intended
I'd rather get a PS4 2bh
Dude, if you actually manage to pull this off consider yourself invited to the secret oldfag board. So epic!
>come into this thread hoping to find out what people actually use 3d printers for in their own households
>just shitposting
get back to me when it can 3d print 3d printers