

imagine if the internet was like this

v spooky

Fuck you, Pajeet Pai.

>implying being denied access to an ocean of piss would be a bad thing

Do the same for Facebook and shit, and share with normies. Write posts explaining how this could happen, and hope it goes viral.

Do no post Fake News on Sup Forums

It will soon be if awareness isn't raised and normies actually start giving a fuck
>implying normies will ever give a fuck

This is what will happen if net neutrality is not repealed. Trump is /ourguy/ after all.

>mfw this shit comes to pass

>neckbeards set up wans/lans with open access, pirating web page access via ssh/vpn/proxy/dns

>PIrate Internet becomes a thing much in the likes of the old days of PIrate Radio

You wouldn't steal web site access!

giving control of the internet to the government will result in this happening anyway.

The companies will just spend more to lobby for it.

the REAL solution is to remove restrictions on companies laying new infrastructure to create new ISPs.

Real open competition would destroy any company that tried to do what OP did.

Same thing happened with phones.
They tried to lock down on data plans and now they're all fighting each other with increasingly low priced unlimited data plans.

Thanks Drumpf

Of courshe not.

But one of the other 200 users of this IP address might be. Whose to say?

You're literally stealing money from your ISP!

>using http that can be intercepted easily

screenshot would look fake if it said https

>winblows 10
fucking retard

thats not even the right font

Its my right to wallow in this ocean of piss.

You cant take that away from me.

Thank you for your great work, detective.

I kinda want this to happen. Using a virtual jewbunker to hide from the ISP Nazi regime.

>ISP tyranny finally gives us the motivation for a truly decentralized internet
I'll take 10

Meshnets and GNUNet will save us.

Literallly all OP had to do was use the tag.

the internet will be like this but not for the political reasonings of left vs right but for national reasonings. we will all be behind a country's firewall, there will be one internet per country and laws will apply to it and identity will no longer be anonymous. it will happen in the next twenty years.

Wait, this would keep kids and teens off... FUCKING HELL, IT'S PERFECT

kys. also the picture was photoshopped, no html involved.

>hurr durr I disliked this word
The photo should have used HTML + CSS, it would have been alot better.

Thank you for your valuable opinion. In the future I will put more effort into my shitposting to ensure your satisfaction.