/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboard General

/mkg/ - Custom edition

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First for fuck F keys.

>has to take his hand off his dick just to f5 a thread

You must have a jizz-stained keyboard.

where can i find a 104 key new buckling spring keyboard for a good price?

Unicomp is your only choice. They also have an amazon store if you find their website confusing

ebay, craigslist, or similar

or in dumpsters where anything with a numpad belongs anyway

No F keys and no normies edition

>general thread
>it's shit

pick two

fuck off f key poster

Are cherry MX speed and cherry MX silver switches the same thing?

Whoa, I use my f key all the time, so fuck you.

See, I'm using it right now.


You should also look at the Kailh Speed switches, they're actually pretty good.

When is this going to be back in stock?

Why don't they make a version with cherry clears?


I'm looking for a decent chink board with gaterons and as few gayman memes as possible. Can you recommend me some?

>F keys
>cherry blues


>/mkg/ recommended a board so much, it went out of stock

Hopefully that'll show Ducky to stop wasting time on gamer shit like the Shine 6, and focus on actual design, though I doubt it.

I say give it a month; you could always email them too.

fuck off

I've never wanted to punch a keyboard before, and I don't know why, but that keyboard has a really punchable face. The LEDs are so cheap, they're not even red, they're pink; it's like it's saying "fuck you" to me.

I've been in this general too long.

>dedicated f keys are less normie than on a layer

fuck off you clown

opinion discarded

Hi lads, I want to buy my first mech keyboard, went to a shop and the MX Cherry Reds are my prefered caps.

A guy is selling a Vortex KBC poker 3 for 70€ in my local area, should I go for it?

I'm not even the guy you're posting to, but this forced meme you post in every single thread is really starting to err on the side of actual autism.

>f keys

who uses fucking led on keyboards anyway, tacky as fuck.

Guessing you're UK, so if you can get a Pok3r for 70, that's a great price.

Just make sure it has PBT keycaps and you wash off the cum stains.

I have a DAS keyboard professional s that my girlfriend got me but I want something ALOT smaller. What 60% should I go for? MX blues style preferably


$100 to $200 maybe? Flexible.
>Location (continent at least)
>Preferred switch type
Cherry MX Blue or Brown for tactile feedback? Should I order a sample?
Preferably ANSI but would like tall enter key and dedicated macro keys.
>Form factor
100% for desktop
RGB, I don't want to be stuck with one shitty color.
>Previous/current keyboards
I've been stuck on hand-me-down MacBook Pros for the past 10 years, and I'm sick of them.

Dog I just want a completed board I don't want to assemble one.

Anne Pro or Pok3r if you want the aluminum case.

>get a new coworker
>brings his own keyboard
>it's a wireless 60% keyboard
>starts working
>he notices that the "pipe" key doesnt work on his layout
>is super frustrated
>ask him what all the fuzz is about
>he shows me that his current layout should work but it doesnt
>ask him what the fuck he meant with "current layout"
>he gets his phone out and shows me that he can configure his fucking keyboard layout with a smartphone app

What the fuck happened to mechanical keyboards? Wasn't it all about minimalism, especially for the 60% nerds?

Pok3r it is

i blame reddit

It's almost like there's not one single opinion, but rather a whole range of reasons why groups of people use things...

If you really want RGB, here it is (good luck finding one): coolermaster.com/peripheral/keyboards/masterkeys-pro-l/

This is cheaper, but just as quality: aliexpress.com/item/Plum87/32598358025.html?

You really, really should order a switch tester or walk into a computer store to try them out. I know Best Buy has them lying around.

I don't see the problem, being able to fully customise the layout is a good thing, you can ignore it if you don't like it.

Sounds like an Anne Pro. Using that software kinda sucks, but it's better than having to fuck around with QMK.

Your coworker sounds like a stand-up guy if he actually gets good boards. You could've had a guy come in with a Logitech board with Romer-Gs and RGB lighting.

This XD
Excellent choice my good sir
Its the best 60% ever made, and even our god emperor pewds use one.

Why is that a good thing? Because you regularly change your keyboard layout?

>you can ignore it if you don't like it
Nice kindergarden style of arguing.

Its all about efficiency tho. The HHKB became popular simply cause it got rid of all the unnecessary keys, and put the less commonly used ones on layers. Not to mention it supports a wide range of layouts

Different programs use different keys more then others. Instead of having a large 100% keyboard you can get a small 60% then configure it to have just the keys you need for that program

Well, fiddling around with your smartphone to get an essential key working isn't really efficient.

What reason do you have to hate something that gives you more options while having no downside whatsover if you choose to ignore it? Surely this is bait

I'm not hating it i'm just questioning the reasoning for overcomplicating things like that.

>while having no downside whatsover
Fiddling around with a smartphone app for over half an hour and finally just giving up and bringing another keyboard the next day doesn't sound like "no downside whatsoever"

Its chink shit tho. The manual is written in Chinese and the only place to get proper translations is from reddit. You're friend should've spent the extra money and got something that supports qmk

I just ordered the black one though ;)

I'm honestly surprised the function key autist hasn't shown up yet to give his educated opinion yet, UNLESS

>shitposter hating on 60% IS function key autist

You don't need to use a smartphone app though. You can just leave it alone on the default layout.

>This one shitty budget product speaks for all in its category
Sounds to me like you're a retard

>Girlfriend asks why aren't you using the keyboard she gave you
Game over.

>get a new coworker
>brings his own keyboard
>it's a fuckhuge 100%
>starts working
>he notices that someone sits at the desk to his right
>is super frustrated
>ask him what all the fuzz is about
>shows me that his numpad needs its own desk
>ask him what the fuck he meant with "numpad"
>he stands up to reach over to his f keys to refresh reddit

I was soldering switches and one fell off the desk

ever stepped on a lego? try stepping on a gatereon green

I created the 'fuck F keys' meme

I am so proud of myself!

>shitposter hating on 60% IS function key autist

No I'm using a 100% layout and I don't hate on 60% keyboards, I hate on keyboards that bring features that don't seem to work and requiring a fucking smartphone app to reconfigure it if it is broken.


why not get FC980m?

I've used it a sufficient amount of time that I think she will not got get offended.

t. user, his last words, 2017

into the trash

then get the top print one

What do people think of the Unicomp keyboards? I've been tempted to get one recently.

this review is pretty gud youtube.com/watch?v=-A-vRZth7SI
Though its a bit dated since unicomp now does custom keycaps with whatever style you want

Has anyone tried Outemu Purples?

well this is the one on amazon
the build quality looks pretty low, is it really worth the money?

So if the new meme is no f keys, how would you control audio, navigate programs and use shortcuts WITHOUT a stupid function layer or holding a modifier key while you stretch to the opposite side of the keyboard?

They're good. I have one that's ten years old and it's still trucking fine. Same as old M's but a thinner plastic case. Keycap and switch build qualit is identical. More color options with unicomp as well.

why would you care about having to use a function layer, are you braindead?

with your mouse of course

So is this keyboard good?


hey /mkg/, recommend me tkl with no bevel and flat plate. like picture related.
my ajazz wears out and isn't clicky anymore and it feels too light to touch, so maybe black or blue preferred.

I'll buy it then!

>want to press key
>have to press and hold other key first
>every 30 seconds ad nauseum
yeah its him thats retarded not function layers

No that one has good build quality. The old ultraclassics had this really thin case and that would creek, but they newer ones use 30% more plastic to make it rigid. If you want the best build quality then get the original one since the only modification is the window keys and USB cable instead of PS/2. Everything else is the same as the old lexmark model Ms

That's kind of nice though, it won't look like complete shit when you have the leds off.

After getting a g403 I can't go back to media keys on keyboards

My memeboard :]

Literally overpriced rubber dome.

does someone here know how many clicks a buckling spring switch can take before it stops working?

Either 100m, 50m, or 25m depending on which keyboard you get

Thirty million or something. Even then, you're probably just snapping the little peg on the flipper and that's easy to replace.

And this one?

Better brought this one.

i would get this one

people get butthurt over the non-standard key sizes but otherwise it's a fine keyboard

ohh yeeaaahhhh

Does Sup Forums have an opinion on Topre switches?

They feel good, but not worth the price new.

check the guide

Rubber dome that feel like rubber dome. Also overpriced.

what is the loudest switch there is?

so, any gateron, topre, mx clears.


Is this any good or is it cheap gaymer shit?

just get one from here
i recommend keycool.

>no one cares tier and outdated are actually the best switches

Seems about right.

posting my current favourite board, a topre clone with 55g dome sheet. Feels fucking awesome.