How do I escape technology? it is robbing me of my humanity

how do I escape technology? it is robbing me of my humanity

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i was just thinking about this, i dont even think God likes technology - it makes us less human every single day

What's this webm from?

Get a job where you don't have any interaction with technology, preferably outdoors

>No phone
>One hour of Internet per day MAX
>No watching T.V.

Pretty easy dude. Just get a watch and a gun. Maybe start exercising. Travel more.... It's easy if you try a little at a time.

I currently need to stop fucking around online and find a job or start traveling myself.

You would be amazed how much you change after not having a screen to look at instead of doing something on your to do list.

Live in the woods


seriously, i wish i could go back and start out as a gardener or botanist, i'm in too deep now though and office work is giving me illness

join a monastary

good luck

but I know this post is pure bullshit.

you just think thats your problem, or maybe you are subconsiously distracting yourself from the real problem by focusing on your tools instead of yourself

Embrace Islam.

Reminds me of this video

never too late.

You don't like progress. Go eat flesh and smell like caves somewhere else, God lover.

Bible said as time goes on humanity will stray away less from God more and more. Crazy to think "God lover" is some type of comeback or insult now.

>Crazy to think "God lover" is some type of comeback or insult now
It's nothing new, the world has always had a scorn for the righteous

Probably because you're so up your own ass that you call yourself the "righteous"

I don't think I'm righteous, but I think those who love God are righteous. I can see why you might have misunderstood me.

There is nothing progressive in this century.
Medicine, the media, and food are controlled by corporations.

Who needs internet when you have 3000 hours of anime downloaded on your computer

>a gun
Hes fed up, not depressed

look around the world - you think we've progressed? shieeet. I'd take back the 1950s if i could

go camping for 7+ days by yourself or with someone who shares your plan. don't bring any internet, music, game devices or anything with a screen. will give you a ton of time to think and reflect. bring a notebook and write down the big thoughts.

When you get back home, don't revert straight into your old habits. Commit to the big ideas that you had when it was just you and nature.

Firearms are exciting and empowering. Going shooting is always a thrill. Sometimes it calls for a trip into the woods. Besides, firearms owners are negatively impacted by the suicides involving firearms when liberals group the fatalities together considering half the fatalities per year are suicides. I wouldn't suggest suicide by gunshot unless you were REALLY confident you were going to hit your brain stem on the first try.

Fun fact, there are twice as many self defense shootings as there are assaults involving firearms.

If you want to kill yourself OP just jump off a very very tall bridge.

Psychopath americans, you want noise, go buy firecrackers.


Want a big black cock with that faggot?

yes, the thing more likely to cause humanity rather than by "natural" means whatever that means. Big Bang didn't cause this to exist.

Wouldn't be the best to come to us Sup Forumsuys since most of us are tech addicted fuckers.

Would you rather OP go outside alone without the most viable lawful way to protect himself? Cuck.

So does the Vedas.

People making shit up tend to feel like people will figure out the truth at some point. What better way to cover it than to tell the few that remain that it was expected to happen?

The Bible pretty much throws it in your face that your god has zero chill and doesn't know how to stay quiet. He'd have made himself known.

literally just turn off the screen and walk away nigga

Yes, Id rather he pick up a spray as he probably does not have enough training with guns.
Unless you mean outside in the city, where guns don't belong in good neighbourhoods.

>Thousands of free firearms handling and training videos

Whooptie doo, thousands of martial arts vids, too. And porn.
Whoever has time in the day to practice shootibg instead of exercising has wrong priorities.

Ok special super ninja hero. You just keep thinking you're a fucking badass until Jamaul and the dindoos break your ribs and take your cheeks.

You do not conceal/open carry to defend yourself - If someone comes up to you and pulls a knife/gun on you do you think they're going to let you do some cowboy anime naruto shit and pull your gun out and kill them? The point of carrying is to protect others, and so if everyone is carrying then nobody wants to try and commit a violent crime as they may be shot by someone else.

Oh no, that video intimidated me. Just kidding, I don't live in a shitty part of a town.

i don't live in a 3rd world country where this stuff happens lol

>no phone

At least get a shitty pay as you go phone.

the scientists working on that abomination should be burned alive
if i was walking the streets of houston and saw that thing around i would not hesitate to unload a clip into it

Is CCing clips the new meta?

wait till these mother fuckers start ricocheting
bullets like in the Terminator

>to protect others
jesus fucking christ no
wannabe highschool heros like you get non-uniformed cops killed you stupid fucking retard

Violence like in that video happens everyday in every city in every country around the world. Every single day.

I personally have had multiple attackers pull a home invasion at my home and try to kill me. I shot one of them and the others fled. A week in jail and guess what? They never came back.

I have ten bone fractures in my body and I have sustained at least four separate concussions.... you actually think I should do some fucking kung fu while I'm naked at ten PM with multiple home invaders? You're fucking RETARDS.

Criminals don't fight fair and you're probably not ready for a fair fight anyway considering we're on Sup Forums and you sound like ten year old chinks.

We're just responsible adults who know how to choose a place to live.
Home invasions, just get a baseball bat and scream like a retard. most people will run away.

I could but I kinda like not having anything I don't need.

>those who love God are righteous

God ordered and assisted the genocide of entire civilizations, complete with killing women, children and even house animals, burning down their cities and stealing iron and precious metals, simply because they lived in a spot God reserved for the Israelites.
Christians and Jews are taught this, and are told it was the right thing to do, and that God is great, righteous, just and loving. They don't see a disconnect anywhere. All modern religion does is gloss over these passages as "probably not an accurate representation of historical events, more of a parable or something" to rid themselves of the crippling cognitive dissonance.

I'd rather not be this kind of righteous, tbqhfam.

God has even killed Jews. We are all sinners and deserve death

better live it up, bitches!

>We're just responsible adults
>just get a baseball bat and scream like a retard

Psychology, nigga

>it is robbing me of my humanity
You're saying it as if the end goal of high technology isn't exactly that.

>cops have telepathic ability to inform each other of who's a non-uniformed cop
I'm listening.
A cop that's not in duty is just a civilian with concealed carry permit. Cops are even taught to not risk themselves when dealing with crooks. Civvies have morals to worry about. They don't get to play it off as 'doing their job'.

I can't even find murder statistics for my city and home invasions really are almost exclusively an American phenomenon, if a criminal is going to burgle you why the fuck would they do it while you're in? Burglars here just wait until some goof goes on vacation and leaves their home empty and unsecured. I support your right to bear arms if you live in the shithole you say you do, but it really doesn't apply to everybody.

>be american
>think getting attacked in the street and inside your own home is actually normal

OP if you have an office job, try going for long walks or hikes during the weekend. Adds balance.

T. Hiked 20km through Scottish mountains the other day

>hurr technology is affecting my life against my will
>the looks of this mechanical contraption offend me
>the scientists working on it should be burned alive and the machine shot up

Can't some televangelist clown already say the Internet was made by Devil so that we can get rid of the Bible belt fags?

>Be ten years old on Sup Forums after a night of mountain dew sipping and games
>Thinking anime and screaming retards with bats is viable

Define humanity.

Try assault, rape, stabbing, homicides, ect...

don't bring skydaddy into this

>thinking the Big Bang caused this

Negligible, although there has been an uptick in bicycle thefts I suppose. Sorry not everyone lives in the nigger infested shithole that is the United States.

I refuse any Creator that wouldn't want its children to surpass their physical limits through sheer wits, and so should you.
Technology will make us become more than men, not less.

just like feminism has made us more than men, right?

*Technology will make some of us superhuman and leave the rest as peons

I wish technology stopped around the 90's, It was the perfect combination of old and new and you still had a choice to opt out. Now we're all part of a botnet

If you grew up witch technology youre not gonna escape it.

I once did travel around the country in europe with a backpack and tent. I almost died necause of lack of information. Ive read everything that had labels on it and startet to create my own stories bit after a while you start to habe problems, human interactions dont help. I got a kindle paperwhite on the way and a solar charger. Went into a coty and downloaded 2gb of ebooks on it.
It was a huge relief and everything was fun again, just because i was able to read something every night.

Without the smallest entertainment you degrade to a dumb being with low intelectual and no immagination.

I think you're just a retard.

Wow nice argument

I seriously hope this is a shitpost and not a deranged former human being who has fallen for the corporate scheme of consumerist brainwashing.

holy fuck not even servo
fucking pneumatic actuators
good luck hauling that couple kW compressor

this is an abomination from an engineering point of view
only useful for a fucking movie prop

>hey i like reading books
>corporate brainwashed consumer xddddddddddddd


You CAN'T \escape

this, so much this
only that I went in Brazil and almost got myself robbed, cause I couldn't understand how the bus network works
I need an app to visualize it for me
technology is like a drug and it's killing us
I wish I could live happily like my father :(

Good, let accelerate.

howd you get almost robbed and why is it technologies fault? people are fucked. thats why you almost got robbed. Stay away from that shit hole

i lost myself without technology and I felt totally inadequte, despite speaking spanish and generally understanding portuguese ...

doesnt have anything to do with you getting robbed though

>to rid themselves of the crippling cognitive dissonance.

>I'd rather not be this kind of righteous, tbqhfam.
Not an argument.
You talk as if every other ideology does not do the same, you would screech the same thing if somebody came up with a ideology that supposedly does not do the same (they do).

God is in essence right and good. If God does something, it is right and good, because God is the standard of right and good. You are upset, because you think that God should abide by your understanding of right and wrong.

no it isnt

creepy af robot tho

Did you reply to the wrong person?

you've got it figured out, it's not too late

Maybe you are just autistic

>good thing we have religion, otherwise people would have no code of ethics and no morals, and the society would devolve into chaos and people satisfying their lowest urges however they wanted
>genocide is right and good when God orders you to do it, because God is the standard for rightness and goodness, if it seems wrong then it's just because your moral and ethic code don't necessarily match His

Christfags should make up their minds.
Then again, they're still murdering each other over different interpretations of a book that was cobbled together over the course of several centuries and manages to contradict not just known facts about the physical universe and ancient history, but even itself.

Who are you quoting? I didn't say any of those things.
I've said nothing about a code of ethics, or any book. I'm talking about a relationship with God. If you think God should submit to your will, and follow your understanding of right and wrong, you're cruising for a bruising.

we've all died a thousand times before
the only sins we commit are those we've invented

the idea that god is an ever present celestial being staring down at Earth is highly outdated, based on the human idea of a monarchy and makes assumptions about our universe that are not upheld by science.

It is more apt to say that humanity's will is God's will and vice-versa, He's not a singular being like a judge or a political leader, He's all of us at once. God is just another way to represent the great universal machine that every living being is part of.

Go live off the grid?
There's plenty of communities that'll take you in as long as you're willing to work


I agree, that much of human understanding of God is modeled off human society. We model our understanding of God off our understanding of our parents, teachers, authority figures, etc
>humanity's will is God's will
No you fucked up, humanity is at odds with God. Humanity is a principally evil group. There is nothing but wickedness and selfishness in the hearts of people. Any goodness that *appears* to come from humans is a poor imitation of the infinite goodness and love that comes from God. Humanity is currently living in a state of mostly separation from God. We can experience partial communion with God through his son, and the holy spirit, but we cannot experience full unity with God as we are now. We're not "ready".

I'm quoting the commonly employed Christian arguments, not yours.
If the moral and ethical standards of western society stem directly from scripture like they so often claim, and wouldn't exist without Christianity, then how can my understanding of right and wrong be so drastically different from God's?
Most Christians I asked have told me that God doesn't intend me to know (or that I'm unable to know because mere human mental capacity is no match for the Creator of the Universe), and that I should just believe in Him and obey Him unquestioningly. Not sure about you but that sounds like a pretty shitty "relationship" to me and the answers more like evading the question. How do I know the weak human link in between God and mankind has not mangled the message beyond recognition from its original meaning, when all I can rely on are translations of translations of translations, and flawed human beings interpreting His wishes?
This is why I think religion, and Abrahamic religions especially, are bullshit. Highly specific and annoyingly nebular at the same time, with elements cannibalized from dozens of other mythologies, always contradicting itself, with people so adamant about their fringe interpretations, but there's no new data and no revelations, so everyone remains convinced they're right. Just fucking pick a set of beliefs at random, or just make up your own. What a mess.

I truncated your posts because my post was too long. Fuck you hiroshimoot, text doesn't even take up that much space.
>I'm quoting the commonly employed Christian arguments, not yours.
Then go reply to them
>If the moral and ethical standards...
Western ethics are derived from Gods, but they're not the same as Gods. The rules God gives us are not necessarilly the same rules that God abides by. When the parent tells the child not to do something, that does not mean that it's wrong for the child to do that. I think you think that you are in some way equal to God, or even somewhat close to God, and that's a part of your misunderstning.
>Most Christians I asked have told me that...
I find myself thinking about this an awful lot. I think Descartes referred to it as the "Evil Demon", the idea that an evil demon might be messing with your perception, misleading you, and I don't really have an answer to it. All I can say is that God is the perfect parent, and he yearns for a relationship with you. Seek him, and he will draw near to you. Faith is difficult, no two ways about it. I tend to be a materialist person, so faith is definitely a struggle for me. I have faith in God because I've felt his presence on my life. I've asked God a lot of questions. Sometimes he's told me the answer, and sometimes he's said "wait". I can't speak for you.
>This is why I think religion, and Abrahamic religions especially, are bullshit...
I would agree, religions all seem a bit bullshit. This is because religions are necessarily created by people, and people tend to be wrong about a lot of things. It's no surprise to anyone that humans tend to copy other humans, and it's no surprise that the results of this process tend to have internal contradictions. I'm not talking about religion, and I'm talking about God, and until you separate the two, you'll be lost.

See, you act (for the most part) so self-assured and convinced other people's interpretations are wrong, but what do you have to go on except your own interpretations of what's God, that are frankly based on a combination of flawed, unreliable x-th hand data and your own reasoning?

>Sometimes he's told me the answer, and sometimes he's said "wait".

As much as I'd like to believe you, how do I differentiate between people God has spoken to, and people who are mentally ill or unable to differentiate between one of the voices their mental processes take the form of, and an actual extraneous voice... which is pretty much just a different way to say they have mental issues?

Honestly, it seems to me all you're saying is "find your own way to deal with the questions every person asks eventually," and that you've found a (delusion, let's be frank) that works for you. But I'm comfortable with the hypothesis that there's no ultimate meaning to life, no higher justice and no afterlife, just an end of consciousness. Sure, it's a shitty arrangement from my standpoint and my consciousness screams at me that it's too important and unique to be just a product of natural selection (albeit a beautifully complex one) that'll cease to exist in a time too short to learn, discover, experience and achieve anything meaningful in the grand scheme of things. I'd love to find out I was wrong eventually, but so far I'm convinced any illusions of purpose and design in nature and the universe are no more real than the child's conviction that they're the center of reality.

why is that robot pissing all over the table?

>See, you act...
I can tell you right now, I am not self-assured. My assurance comes only from God. I don't rely on my own reasoning, and I'm loathe to trust other people.
>As much as I'd like to believe you, how do I differentiate between...
Don't listen to people, listen to God. Read scripture (God has spoken to me through this), meditate (God has spoken to me this way), exercise (probably counts as a form of meditation), but don't look for people. When you reach out to God, I think he'll put the right people in your life, and you'll know they're the right people in your life. It's true that God can use anybody, but I think it's best not to trust in people, because they are often looking to mislead or mislead themselves, or as you cited, not well.
>Honestly, it seems to me all...
In some way you're right, I've found the answers that work for me and I'm sticking by them. It may seem like delusion, but it's a lot more like peace.
>But I'm comfortable with the hypothesis that there's no ultimate meaning to life, no higher justice and no afterlife, just an end...
Paul writes that if our faith is in vain, that we are to be pitied above all others. Personally, if I find out that my faith is in vain, I won't have much thought on the matter, so it won't really matter at that point. That subconscious screaming is, I think, your heart reaching out to God. You may not be fully aware of it, but you have an innate need for a relationship with God. Don't set out looking for justice and afterlife, those are (hopefully) not the focus of your spiritual relationship with God. God should be the focus of your relationship with God.
>I'd love to find out I was wrong eventually...
You might be correct. While I have hope for a world to come, I understand why, particularly in this age of darkness, so many feel cut off from Gods love. In many ways it is child-like, in that it requires a rejection of the wisdom of the world, and an embracing of your own limitations.

That's why he wrote TempleOS

i disagree, i think technology makes us human. it's our ability to adapt and invent that has made us the apex predator on this planet.