Was feeling spontaneous and bought a thinkpad 410s on ebay but it has no OS. wut fuckin do

Was feeling spontaneous and bought a thinkpad 410s on ebay but it has no OS. wut fuckin do

install gentoo

Install an OS you fuckin dummy

enjoy the most secure configuration and no bloatware

oh shit i didnt think of that. i was just gonna say a prayer and hope allah did the rest

Install OpenBSD.

so i didn't fuck my life up?

Debian Stretch is in. Go for it user.

what if i know absolute dick about linux. should i fuck myself into oblivion for being a retard??

If you know absolute dick about Linux then Debian would be your last choice for a first time experience

thanks user, anything to narrow down the haystack

My recommendations would be Linux Mint, Xubuntu, Lubuntu, or Elementary OS.

1. borrow someone elses computer
2. use rufus to make a bootable usb for the linux distro of your choosing
3. ?????

so go with linux anyway. fuck it, ill try anything once

kek. alright just freak me up family

debian is best noob distro. do not let ubuntards steer you wrongly

thank u based user. i also need to install osx on my deep freezer. tips or naaw?

>when the creator of linux says your distro is the hardest to install
>"D- don't listen to them guise our distro is the best for noobs!"

dumb frogposter

debian is the best entry level distro, even better than ubuntu since it's debian based and has its own needless shit added to it

>1. borrow someone elses computer

mfw there are users on an Ethiopian archeology subreddit who don't have at least 2 extra functional computers laying around at all times for this very reason.

Install Manjaro so you can get on the Arch train early and fit in with Sup Forums

yeah way back when the installer was exclusively commandline and there was no GUI installer. Debian is as easy as installing any other linux OS nowadays, get with the times grandpa.

RHEL actually has a pretty good installer, too.
Anaconda is probably the best out there.

But of course it's hard to get easy mode software on anything Redhat rpm based...

>need a computer to boot OS on your computer
this is retarded, I miss optical drives

ALWAYS carry a liveCD.

Nah that's not true. Knew even less than dick about Linux and I did totally fine starting with Debian. Just watch a video on bash then Google everything else as it comes up.


want a windows 10 key user?

You can even use drivedroid if you have an android phone, it is really not difficult.

How is this an issue. Boot up some sort of linux CD/USB. As long as you can access BIOS, this shouldn't be an issue.

Return it. 410 a shit. Get a 420 or better.