Firefox, now without extensions, lost its raison d'etre

>firefox, now without extensions, lost its raison d'etre
>drm on browsers, with google trying to get scrape more mainstream with headless chrome to push adoption towards the drm model and increase their control/relevance
>windows 10 taking away your control on the os level
>systemd backdooring linux as a whole, with redhat slowly trying to steal the os away from the community
>nvidia took over the scientific research with cuda and is trying to take over gaming with goyworks
literally the only good thing that has happened lately was ryzen/epyc allowing amd to make a comeback on the cpu market. i don't see how things can get any worse for technology

Other urls found in this thread:

anime is propietary

maybe, but with current drm, you can download it to your heart's content. once your browser cucks you with the new drm, you will be forced to pay for a shitty streaming service to watch 480p with 50% cpu usage

and we're not even talking about javs or chinese book porn yet


do not take this joy from me



>raison d'ĂȘtre

we need encode it to vp9/opus until av1

>literally years since the last amatarou translation
let's talk about the real issues, user

once the new drm standards are up and running, we might not even get raws


exhentai org /s/ 3df2d70736/871820-32

It can and will get worse user

It hasn't even begun yet


We'd better get our alternate physical layers laid in then.

RMS predicted all of this.

thanks user

Thanks, my nigga.

Do you happen to know the sauce of pic related?

Couldnt find this one only thing try posting in /r/

Ohkami Ryosuke

I don't know why, but I feel like I wasted my time watching that series. It was good, but I have no idea why I didn't like it as much as I should have.

Thank you. Too bad fakku translated this.


not a fan of the op track either

I hate /ss/

so real, this is sad

I liked it alot but it was clearly rushed/poorly planned. It's one of those series that either needed a few more episodes or some heavy streamlining to keep things clear.


What kind of link is that? None of my exhentai links look like that

Well we need to make competitive open sourced options.

Actually not entirely true the DRM thing is confirmed optional as a standard. But also it does not mean that property can not be scanned in physical form and uploaded online.

The other link was the page, heres the gallery

exhentai org Sup Forums 871820/1bbf79bd80/

>>nvidia took over the scientific research with cuda and is trying to take over gaming with goyworks

why is this bad?

This, it needed a few more episodes.

Is this the new systemd thread?

Poettering autism vs glibc autism - who will win?