Why aren't board manufactures pushing mATX as the defecto form factor?
Why aren't board manufactures pushing mATX as the defecto form factor?
They follow the market, not the other way around. Most people buy ATX cases.
They can cram more flashy gamer trash you don't need on an ATX board.
gaymer kids think bigger means better
most people don't need more than one extension card
Muh work space
Enthusiasts used to get more out of 2+ PCI-E slots, nowadays you can't even SLI more than two cards together.
I bet the temps are good in there though, it's got that going for it.
I love mATX, so comfy.
Because mATX isn't that much cheaper to manufacture over ATX, so to get the pricing down they have to give it budget level features. On the odd high-end mATX boards, you're paying the same for less capability.
theres a grand total of 2 mATX lga2011 boards.
motherboard just went out so now i have to get a full tower since they only sell matx for $500
probably not, because cases like that get hot pockets building up, makes temps high. some mitx is good because you can put a 200mm exhaust fan and vent every hot piece of air in the case
And I bought THE ONLY x99 mITX board. Stop being a pussy.
ohhh, how is it?
OC's well, has more connectivity than I need (case only fits 1 2.5 SATA and 1 nvme). Audio quality is real good. It's blue, which sucks.
I have a X99 mATX board. It's about the correct size for a X99 board if you ask me.
It's µATX, mATX implies Mini ATX
Who can be arsed to type a mu symbol though, really?
matx = micro atx
mitx = mini itx/atx (same shit)
mATX actually implies milli ATX