Is it ok to use Windows?
Is it ok to use Windows?
Other urls found in this thread:
yeah, sure.
Yes, in modern society it's okay to be retarded
If your braindead >:D
>A new cuck embraces the botnet
>My power grows
install gentoo
Of course it's the best OS.
if you're a fukin fagit
yes, (if u have a real job)
did she shave her forehead? wtf
I imagine your question with the voice of that girl. Funny, because a retarded teenager is exactly how I picture Windows users.
your choice
what kind of virgin leaves a comment like that LMAO
WRONG, is probably you who is Sup Forumsirgin, be the fuck out of my board.
she had a nice navel, shame she always wears a piercing now
I find it pretty counterintuitive to use Windows solely for everything, tbqh... especially if you consider yourself a technology/software enthusiast. If you're one to desire progressing & maintaining your working knowledge in general computing, I strongly suggest you learn to install, work with, and master some flavor of linux (e.g. dual-booting Windows with the likes of Ubuntu/Mint/etc on your main rig... or maybe even replacing Windows entirely with one of these distros on your laptop - if you have one).
I really think everyone should at least find the time to tinker & play around with some type of linux command line in a VM or something.
Personally, I dual-boot Debian Jessie and W10 on my desktop (using both with roughly the same frequency).... then have macOS X on my laptop (2017 MacBook Pro 13.3").
tl;dr don't limit yourself to one single platform. go and learn some shit, my nigga
Thanks Reddit guy.
No it's unethical.
Now go and install gentoo.
what makes me sound like a redditard?
double spacing
not user, but it probably was the tl;dr
When you're here long enough not to be a newfag, you can smell redditors from the way they post.
I've been here since around 2008... when I was like 15 and underage b&. I don't understood why fags complain about double-spacing as of late... they never used to. I find it easier to read and it also helps illustrate ones' point better.
>I've been here since around 2008
>when I was like 15
these are some of the things that out you as a redditor/newfag
also, there's the fact that you even replied to and that you're still replying
if the pinnacle of your ability to understand and use computers is playing video games, then yes, by all means use windows
Yes, I use it for my video games which agree more important than fake ideas like privacy and freedom. I have nothing to hide so nothing to fear.
new fag.
Ive been visiting Sup Forums since it was a HAM radio club founded by m00t's uncle
you are literally Jerry in this pic:
Opinion disregarded, tripfag.
you sound like a tripcode related
dont get to excited by my tripcode user, its only a tripcode
this tripcode sure does remind me of you user
5 Star Post My Good Man
You are watching the "dangers" of dyeing your hair. And no, it will never grow back even if you stop..
No. I don't think anyone should be using it. I feel guilty whenever I think about my friends and family that use Windows. I haven't been able to save them.
I agree with this, but the tl;dr bit is very reddit-y.
She shaves away window peak.
Only if you are dumb like her.
Why did I read this in Meridia's voice from ESV?
It's only okay with the debloat-windows-10 scripts that you can find on GitHub
If your employer requires it and they give it to you and maintain it and you're getting paid while it fritters and wastes your time.
Otherwise, why not. it's your life. Why should anyone care.
Friends don't let friends use microshit windaids.
but navel piercings are cute. here is mine
>An Richard
why dude..
Is it okay to have AIDs?
Disgusting. Outrageous.
Yes it's the best OS
I think it is valid because you aren't saying 'Richard', rather you are saying 'ARE-EM-ES'.
>the city of Sup Forums
>needs to be spelled out
literally kys
I'm not worst than Linux
>unironically spreading obvious M$ propaganda
Is it ok to be a Faggot?*
>Reason #11 is even true on Sup Forums
You know, when people ask the same stupid questions, over and over, without even consulting Google, people get annoyed. That's why communities like Sup Forums often shun newfags that can't even install Gentoo.
As far as i am concerned, Sup Forums for technology and not a linux board so i will the OS i want which is Windows.
>so I will the OS I want
And you're still a moron.
But guys at /lgbt/ said its cute :(
He already said he's using Windows, what are you getting at?
Just use it for muh games and work if you have to. I keep my partition exclusively for whenever I'm playing ffxiv