How Often Reinstall OS?

How often do you reinstall Gnu/Linux distros, Sup Forums?
For me it's every tuesday night and friday night - I reinstall arch linux to get rid of the bloat not taken care of by pacman -Rs :^)

Every 3 days.

My main system? Not very often.

I do however burn through VMs fairly quickly. Mostly because I forget they exist, then wipe them for space.

how can you use distro with nipple on logo?

Why tho!?!?!?


I -Syu every couple of hours

>using the smiley with a carat nose

Install Gentoo at least 3 times per day.

Only when you are a noob. After a while you learn how to not break things and to read man pages. Then you don't need to restart your computer anymore.

Being that dumb must hurt samefag.

Unless there's some fantastic feature being added, I stick to the latest LTS

I reinstall about once every 8 months. That's usually how long it takes before I get used to a disto and get tired of its flaws, then move onto a new distro.

I install gentoo in a VM on a gentoo host machine which is actually a VM inside another VM whose host is Gentoo

You're autistic as fuck

What the fuck? I specifically installed Ubuntu LTS so I won't have to worry about reinstalling it for 5 years.

Eh I learned my way around Debian GNOME so installed Fedora KDE today. The good ol' days of having to Google everything came back at last.

I know what the fuck i am doing so never

I use the system until it exhausts its useful purpose and maintain it till the deathbed.

Around once every few months for my parabola laptop and basically never for my trisquel desktop.


>using the backward smiley with the greater than nose
>using the backward smiley with the carat nose
>using the backward smiley with the less than nose
>using the backward smiley with the o nose
>using the backward smiley with the zero nose
>using the backward smiley with the exclamation nose
>using the backward smiley with the dash nose

You should get a system, get all the upgrades you would ever want at the same time, install an OS that supports all the features of your machine without error and keep it that way till the hardware kicks the bucket.

You should move on from your stupidity.

>reinstalling an OS for anything other than severe system corruption

What the fuck are you doing, brainlet? Are you just autistic?

>on Arch

Do you have an 1GB HDD or something?

>Then you don't need to restart your computer anymore.
Yeah, nobody needs kernel security updates anyway. Most of them aren't even remotely exploitable so who cares? Amirite

M8 I got an ibm with a 16G SSD only

since i chose void linux,
i have pretty much settled and don't need to reinstall often. i once switched from musl to the glibc and that was it.

i have not reinstalled my system for +3 years.

Why did you switch? I never used a musl based distro... But I don't like GNU that much and glibc seems bloated, so I wanted to.

musl was perfectly fine for my private computing and i still have it on a spare partition and use one home partition.
for work, it was a bit of a hassle since i have no java,anaconda and other shit on musl that i have to use docker for everything which was quite storage heavy. besides that musl is great and fast

I've been distro hopping for a while now but a lot recently. so far it's been like this:
>Peppermint OS 7: 5 months
>Ubuntu MATE: 2 weeks
>Arch : 1 week
>Lubuntu: 2 days

Honestly I really liked Arch but I did an update and I got an error and couldn't access anything. I had heard the meme about breaking it but I didn't think it was true. I just went back to Lubuntu, which I tried years ago, and I liked it because it was small, functional and stable. That's honestly all I need.

I've been using arch for about 8 months now - and I still am. Didn't manage to break arch beyond repair yet

same install since debian 7.3

Running Fedora, it's been about two years on the current install

I use windows10 as my main OS because I'm not autistic but I update my repo of LFS buildscripts quite often and do a new build now and then. I run Gentoo on my servers so I never have to re-install.

I'm running manjaro straight for 3 months now.
No major problems so far.

My friends already distro-hopped 3-4 times in that time

When it breaks. Maybe never as setting up pulseaudio is the most desperated part of linux installation and i won't do that often.


on this laptop I've been on arch since about two years, never had a problem

>only two years with arch

the only reason i distro hopped in the past 10 years is falling for the "systemd is a backdoor" meme.

used to have a win xp installation for 5 years or so.
but every 6 month, maybe a year

I do a fresh reinstall every new release of Debian stable. So every 2-3 years.

I have installed my current arch in 2012.
I rsync base os every time i change hardware to my new pc.