
no speccy thread? let's see your setups Sup Forums

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CPU's a bit warm there m8


I should start tripfagging. I'm in these threads enough.

Who /memeWindows/ here?

yep. it always ran hot. it'd drop to 40 and then the minute i did something it'd jum to 80 and then drop to 60.


>3 monitors
>Windows XP
>74 GB
This makes me remember when hard disk had 1-2 GB

Have you cleaned it up recently? Same thing happened to me and realised its cooler was dusty af

Beast. Pretty hot MoBo tho


Speccy doesn't read correct temperatures on APUs, retards

Just got the monitor today :-)


>tfw poor

nigger your cpu is about to blow up, clean the fucking heatsink


I don't even know what's right anymore. On speccy it'll be high on other things it'll be low. Though I'm upgrading and making sure the new one is cooled properly.

why not have a bunch of 10TB boneless hard drives

from what years is this. also first to call it. why a fur and not an anime

which cpu cooler do you use isac

What to upgrade?



I have the same monitor on my video game machine :)


No way this can't be true. Windows 7 on a PII?

Fuck you, bitch. Thanks to cocksucking bitcoin miners like you I can't buy a decent GPU.

Do i count as poverty yet?

Not sure what you mean by decent, but how are Bitcoin miners stopping you?

yes, if microsoft continued the tradition of windows being backwards compatible then more ppl would adopt windows 10 im switching back to 7 fuck microsoft

It does work. The lowest end configuration I know of that still runs is an underclocked AMD K5 at 90 MHz. You have to install with more RAM, but you can downgrade to 128 MB once it's installed and some services are disabled.
winhistory.de/more/386/winq.htm (German)

Win8 32bit and up are relatively boring because they have a hard dependency on NX bit support in both the CPU and chipset, so VIA C7 is the (s)lowest processor you can possibly run them on.

>90mhz cpu
>128mb of ram
Holy kek!

Btw why is ddr3 sp expensive? I just bought 4gigs of 1600mhz ddr3 for 30€ while I have 6gigq of ddr2 and it's worth like 15€, pls explain


>intel core i5 @ 3.2ghz
>8 gigs ram
>1to hdd and 250gigs ssd
>HD 7800

I've been using a pentium 4 desktop with a 64mb on-bpard gpu until 2010 then I switched to an asus x-54hr bought on craislist and used it daily until 2017. I mean shut I'm currently building my first "gayming" pc by buying every single part on craislist for the less money possible.

>57 celsius
The fuck is wrong with your...

Why do people keep falling for jewish tricks?


what should i upgrade?


You'll be executed some day kek

this makes me MOIST.. perfect last gen gaming machine... i played like a milion hours of call of duty 4 and mw2 on this( except i had 4850 instead of 8800GT )

literally still can do anything except 2-3 games i dont want to play anyway


Been a while since I've been on Sup Forums.

At least get a cheap hdd or something, I don't know how one can get around with just 80 gb of free space

Jesus, did you just paste a potato to your CPU?? My 6700K MIGHT hit 50C when I'm rendering.

>what should i upgrade?
>ddr4 64gb
>sli 1080ti
>triple 4k screens
>1 tb ssd
>and replace that gaymen headset with a hd800

i hate russia now

getting 1050ti soon

What Putin doesn't know can't hurt him ;)

Okay OP

considering he's using a version of speccy from dec 2016, and the following version is only 10 days old, i'd say it's likely to be a current screenshot

>bhop script
you dumb fuck learn to jump

You pieces of shit brought all the prices up 300%



Going to buy a external 4tb drive soon, at $77 I couldn't resist.

Its not bitcoin its the newer ethereum currency.



Shit posting / retro gaming pc. Dual booting XP and Xubuntu


You're not funny.



Home server

mining atm

/sandy/ still king


>DDR3 2133MHz at 8-9-8-28

Sell the 6900k for a r7 1800

>He fell for 2066


How is mining with a single gpu?

first time mining. i heard everyone was buying this card for mining, so i checked it out.
might sli it if it drops in price (which will never happen since people are buying it like crazy)

Why on a 1080? Isn't that ineffective?
Does anyone know how to activate 4K60 on my GT 530? It worked with color compression on my 670. I bought a 1050 but it turned out defective. I'm currently running 1080p upscaled on a native 4K TV.

>i heard everyone was buying this card for mining
>GTX1080 for mining


>Radeon 7000

sweet jesus
post boot times

I think I finally need to upgrade some shit. Got a £780 tax return today so I think I'll use some of it towards something. Should I just upgrade the CPU and RAM?

You need to upgrade only when the task your PC is performing is not fast enough for you.


Well I mostly play vidya and it's not up to scratch for that. I feel like a big problem is the CPU, but I don't know shit. I should probably do something with the RAM too.

I built the PC in 2012 and all I've upgraded since then is the GPU because the old one (literally) exploded.

your CPU is passable (also it's more hassle to upgrade CPU, since you will also need to buy new mobo)

Start off with buying new GPU (1070 or 1080 - whichever you'll find cheaper).
Also, keep in mind that Nvidia intentionally botches the performance in newest drivers for their older GPU to push customers to buy new hardware, so that might be your problem too.

I remember Dark Souls 3 running like dogshit on 560 on ANY settings - low or high.
I downgraded driver to an old ass 2013 release (version 314.22) and got 40-60fps in 720p on medium settings.

I would sell it and go for a Ryzen 1600 1080 build. And more SSD space.

Yes they are gimping old cards, I got 10 - 15 FPS more in Witcher 3 when I upgraded from a 780 Ti to a 1060 3G. They were performing very similar, but I got stable 30+ FPS on the 1060, only 15-25 on the 780 Ti. I also had strange crashes on the 780.

I'm planning to upgrade the GPU when I start my new job and the prices go down a bit. How would this look for an upgrade? Sorry for phoneposting, my PC is in bits.


Might as well wait till ram prices go down as well.

Ah fuck it. Maybe I should get a gpu too. Or just a new PC. I hate upgrading.

Once you start it gets kind of crazy, my 4600 budget pc became over $1,500 after i started to upgrade.

I just wanted a slight upgrade really. It's just when you start looking that you realise how much needs changing in that.

I wonder if 970 in SLI is a thing

fur is better than degenerate anime

yep, pic related. i use machine daily

what's the point on having that much space? geniunely curious.

>Got a £780 tax return today

Save it? No wonder you Sup Forumsirgins are so poor.

>have no money - poor
>have money and want to spend it - poor
you're just shitting over anything remotely positive to make yourself feel better. Consider jumping off a cliff

>3rd gen i5

mirroring drives I would imagine


If you're getting free fucking money from the government and not saving it than yah, you probably doomed to be poor.
If you didn't have the money before than you don't have the money to waste now. Put it into some kind of savings or investment and pretend to care about your future for a few seconds.



>Vector wallpapers