get yourself a real development environment kid
even jetbrains is better than that dumpster fire
what do you recommend?
inb4 vim/emacs
i'll try them later
it's for c/c++ dev btw
>using an ide written with java
you deserve it idiot
Emacs or Jetbrains. Sublime could be okay if it wasn't so fucking naggy. I'd rather use fucking VS code than eclipse though. Vim is perfectly acceptable for quick and dirty edits, and some people like using it for more. I hate vimscript though.
if doesn't cut it for you, try CLion, QtCreator or KDevelop. Even modern Visual Studio is better than fucking eclipse CDT.
i just used eclipse because i started programming with java, but now i'm moving over to c. noticed that eclipse supported c development, so i tried it but it's been working against me every step of the way. also saw some user stating eclipse was "underrated" for c dev, not sure wtf he meant
Eclipse for Java is not great. Eclipse for C is fucking awful. Any user that said that Eclipse CDT was good was out of their damn mind. If you're on Windows use VS Code or CLion or whatever you people use, if you're on Unix use a makefile and a text editor. You've got tons of good text editors to choose from.
is jestream paid software? i'm not ready to buy an IDE yet because of my limited knowledge, i'm trying out codeblocks right now
JetBrains have paid software, and you can get them for free if you're a student. They also have a lot of free options, that don't include their "enterprise" features. As a beginner, you will not need any of these enterprise features.
Do you actually want an IDE or do you just want an editor?
Are you learning or are you writing production code?
get sublime and install a compiler package for c
then google for a key and activate it
learning, i just want an ide for c/c++. was thinking i'd move on to vim or emacs when i've gotten better. with all the windows hate here it's hard not to wonder if i should just move over to GNOME or something
Learning with an IDE is a fucking awful idea. Programming C is definitely easier in Unix, but it's do-able with mingw or clang.
>Learning with an IDE is a fucking awful idea.
how so? because of auto-completion? i usually turn it off
Also to actually answer your question if you need an IDE... Code::Blocks is at the top of my list - its basic and its not pretty but that's part of the appeal, then VS if you're on Windows. I've never used JetBrains but I hear good things.
Really though, if you're learning I wouldn't use an IDE. You don't need any of the features the IDE gives you unless you're trying to write production code for a large project as quickly as possible - even then I don't personally use them. There's a lot of things an IDE does for you that you should be doing yourself - even things that people who already know the language don't immediately think about like managing your project files - if an IDE is doing that automatically, you don't ever have to think about the structure of your project, and then you never learn to structure your project and why you structure your project.
There are a lot of great editors. vim and Emacs are notorious. I wouldn't recommend them to a beginner though - be a faggot like me and use atom with the autocomplete package disabled and use a compiler package, its fantastic, easy to use, and it really really upsets everyone who doesn't use atom.
you think that's bad?
I just had an HDD with more than 3TB of shit on it start fucking up
I'm currently using Roadkil to get as many files off of it as I can before it dies completely, and it's currently copying at about 650KB/s
if this doesn't work I'll have to redownload my entire music, movie, TV show and weebshit libraries from scratch, as well as rebuilding the folder hierarchy so that all my playlists work and stuff
at this rate it'll be a month before it finishes though
fucking kill me
oh fuck, I forgot all my pictures are on there too
If you only use an IDE you'll never learn your toolchain. you should know how to use the compiler, how to use the linker, etc. That's why I advocate makefiles, they'll help you learn the tools you've got. Autocompletion is a part of it, but IDE's do so much more. They usually do code generation, and enforce some project structure. They sweep a lot of details under the carpet, and in the case of some IDE's, actually insert their own code into your program without telling you. They've got a lot of great features, and for people who understand their languages, standard libraries, and toolchains, they can do a lot of good, but for someone with basically no knowledge, you'll find your development workflow growing completely dependent on the IDE.
If you learn with an IDE, you don't learn how to program without an IDE. You have to wait for there to be an IDE for any language you want to learn if you're interested in learning new languages one day, and you might have to learn multiple different IDEs based on which language you're using. You also have to learn an IDE at the same time as you learn the language, and sometimes this line can blur and you'll not be aware of something that involves a feature of the IDE you're using.
Most IDEs are pretty shit, too, as you're finding. You're forced to deal with horrible shit being shoved in your face instead of just working with the language. VS wants you to like and subscribe and donate to a refugee program and tell an indian woman how good her javascript is via facebook every time you load it up, jetbrains and eclipse is maintained by that indian woman.
Editors are maintained by idiots too but there's less to fuck up and their management is often less monolithic.
Oh and atom runs on windows or linux. If you're on windows though, I'd run an Ubuntu Desktop LTS VM or something and use that for all your learning - its nice to have everything separate from what's probably your leisure environment and be able to install any packages or dependencies you may need easily without changing your home system.
that sounds good and all, and it's somewhat been in the back of my head. it seems tempting but i just don't know where to start, and how to proceed, if i were to do it that way.
should i basically just use VIM and compile with gcc?
bullshit advice
writing any code with just a text editor is a horrible chore. you have to focus on not making technical mistakes like typos instead of the algorithm and logic of the program. you instead start doing stupid practices like using "ii" for loop ints, "because ii is easier to find with text-search than i". IDEs like Eclipse give hints about best practices, like proper method/class names. text-editor only development instead teaches to use short non-ndescriptive tags for everything, because it's shorter to type, which also strengthens a coding with memory mapping habit.
It's better to focus on core program logic first and be aided with an IDE and move to specific compiling details much later, when it can actually make any difference.
we kept telling you to make backups. Did you listen? No. They never listen until they lose data.
it's not exactly sensitive data m8
at the worst it's just pain in the dick to recover from
all my important files are backed up properly
IDE features are language smells. Basic text editors can do things like correct misspellings or do "dumb" auto-completion. Unless you're only exposure to text editors is Notepad, I don't know why you would think this. If you find that you're frequently making typos, you should learn to type. If you find that you're spending too long typing long names, you should use a better naming convention.
Vim is fine, or you can use a less autismo text editor. You've got emacs (still autismo but in a different way), kate, gedit, sublime, and loads more. You don't need to compile GCC, if you're on Windows just use mingw-gcc or clang. If you're using Windows, I think you can even use WSL.
Do you know vim? Its not very nice, even vim users know its not very nice, that's probably why they use it.
Sublime, gedit, kate, atom are all far more accessible and some give you some features that are useful but don't babysit you - and if there's anything that you do feel is babysitting you, you can very easily turn it off. Atom has a gpp-compiler package if you really want that, too.
i don't know VIM but i find the aesthetic appealing.
Aesthetics are a stupid reason to choose software. Choose the tool that works best for you. Some people are very effective with Vim, but the majority are not.
>too dumb to use something like eclipse
Please, never touch Vim, it would melt your brain.
There is nothing wrong with eclipse.
it was merely a setback, through intelligence without equal i'll absorb vim (or use sublime)
I use vim for quick and dirty edits, and sublime for sitting down and writing some code. Emacs is best for Lisp programming, Slime and Geiser are max comfy.
you completely missed the point and went on about typing the code rather than focusing on the logic.
have you ever even used a IDE for more than just plain text editing code?
Yes, I have to use Visual Studio and Kinetis Design Studio (eclipse + some shit) for work, and both are a pain in the ass. You and I are describing completely different things, and for a new student, the logic is not the only thing they should be learning.
vim is best when it's been configured with a lot of extra neat shit that takes a lot of time to configure out of the box but was set up in bits and pieces over the 20 years that the mainframe you're on has been running and you have a cheat sheet given to you by your mainframe sysadmin that explains how to use all of the neat shit that they have set up
It is also good for mass search and replaces
>You and I are describing completely different things, and for a new student, the logic is not the only thing they should be learning
If I were to work with someone new, I would rather have him be proficient at writing correct program logic than dwelling on the compiling process. Knowing what compile flags to use won't land you a job if you can't get your basic program logic together.
At least in embedded development, a lot of the problems faced have more to do with the environment. Knowing compile flags won't get you a job, but understanding how a compiler works will impart more knowledge than knowing "I press the green button in eclipse". You're right, that IDE's can be used well, but for a student, their priority should be learning both the logic and the environment.
>he thinks programming is about writing correct syntax out of your head and doing things that are automated everywhere
sure thats so much more important than coming up with effective solutions for problems. maybe OP wants to actually be employed and not be a hobbyist autist.
No, that's not what I think. There are very good tools that I use to generate code, however, these tools are not coupled with my text editor
came here to say this, after using netbeans for uni I wanted to check out eclipse and it was a fucking disaster trying to set up and it looked so fucking disgusting
On several occasions i've tried dumping eclipse for jetbrains (mainly doing rest apis), but its simplicity just isn't working for me.
build before you run ctrl-b