Why are tech nerds always talking about getting extra frames on their shitty Cock on Duty - Modern Masturbation 3...

Why are tech nerds always talking about getting extra frames on their shitty Cock on Duty - Modern Masturbation 3 summer blockbuster gayme?

I'm sick and tired of these degenerates making all us look bad.

because gaming is keeping the home pc alive.

The more frames per second, the more input polls per second, thus the better the game plays.
But you don't need to be a super mustard ricer, just need to be willing to sacrifice visual quality for the better frame rate.



How can you live with all those ugly RGB lights tho?

99% of the PeeSee cases have a ricer window on the side.

I don't get it. I use a PS4 Pro, and I typically set the resolution to 720p so that I can just get a steady framerate. I don't really care whether its 60 or 30fps, but I DO like it to be consistent, instead of jumping all over the place.

I typically purchase a used PC and do upgrades myself. You wouldn't be able to tell the difference between my PC and my retired next door neighbor's without opening it up.

You think this is bad? just wait until we get cheap ink jet printed OLED screens everywhere.
I don't mean just in computers, i mean EVERYWHERE.
From your cereal box to the political pamplet from the newspaper from the shirts and shits pasted to the walls.

The future is bright, very bright.

>why make thing better?

The fuck? So you buy shitty Dells and upgrade? What about the custom PSUs and shit?

Fuck me. LGBT lights were enough now we gotta have screens on PeeSees?

This ain't right. I bet that idiot GayZTwoCents will love it.

I've been looking at x299 mobos for a 7820x in the next month or two and they all look retarded. No Gaymur is gonna buy a $400 mobo. I need it for actual work to make money, not gayme.

I don't typically buy "shitty" hardware, just hardware that was once top of the line, but is now considered a dated. The laptop I have right now I got for 80 bucks, but was going for about 2000 when it was new. That way, you usually just have to worry about upgrading the CPU and the RAM. Potentially the hard drive.

You're that other fag from that other fagOS thread aren't you?

Who the fuck buys used laptops? There's literally jizz in between the kys, guaranteed. And hair.

Also who the fuck upgrades a laptop? Besides maybe the RAM?

Mfw i have an ATX case from the early 2000s
Its beige and has no front I/O, but there isnt a meme window.

Do you not know how to replace a laptop keyboard if its fucked? It's a pretty cheap fix if you can't just clean it out. I'd say it averages about 50 bucks.

Do you not know how to replace shit when it breaks? You're either an idiot or an apple user, but I repeat myself.

Those early Lian Li cases looked good, until Corsair and Razer fucked the whole industry up with LGBT lights. Le RGB Lights™ is cancer.

I have a MacBook Pro for a laptop, I'm not that poor to dabble with replacing keyboards. Sorry m8.

I don't need to replace it, I just buy a new one.

>I don't need to replace it, I just buy a new one.
>I have a MacBook Pro for a laptop
Well, you know what they say about a fool and his money....

People like that get punched by captain planet after they die.

You aim too high. 50 bucks if you want to replace the entire keyboard, mouse, touchpad and buttons, and speakers. If it's just the keyboard, it'll cost you about 20 bucks.

>Haha I'm so rich/smart that I'll throw away a perfectly functioning high-dollar computer rather than taking 15 minutes to remove a dozen screws and swap out a $20 keyboard that literally involves nothing more than setting it into the frame and literally plugging it into a motherboard (an action so simple, that a literal 8 year old could do it)!
You may be rich, but you're an idiot. This shit is on par with junking your car and buying a new one every time you need to change your oil.

Can you do the hand thing?

>t. Poorfags


Enjoy your QWERTYJIZZSTAIN™ keyboard, m8.


There's a difference between being poor, and literally throwing money away just because you can.

For every mac you toss away, i buy 10 new racks.

Who the fuck says I throw away money even if I make a lot of money?

I buy used cars, user. Calm your tits.

what arm thing homie cx

You throw away a laptop the second a key stops working, rather than paying a couple of bucks to buy a new keyboard. That is the literal definition of throwing away money?

I'm not even mad. Seriously. Would you be mad if you met a chick who said that she just junked her car and buys a new one every time every time the gas tank ran empty, without ever going to a gas station? Of course not. You'd be laughing at what an idiot she is.

You're entertaining as hell. Rich or no, you shoot yourself in the foot regarding computers, and you're damned right I'm going to laugh at you while you limp around, acting superior.

you writing like a complete tool makes us look even worse

No , The hand thing.

I select for memeless products, which is easier with a Micro Center or Fry's within a respectable driving distance. It's also possible to buy components like fans from Mouser or Digi-Key to replace the god why must everything be blue LED components. If all else fails, I own SMT rework tools.

framerate > latency is for plebs

They think that high framerate is what matters more in competitive

But it keeps the peecee industry alive amirite

Apple laptops don't have low QC like WinLEL ones do. They're actually pretty based, besides some early issues with nVidia GPUs. But that's nVidia's fault.

I've never had my keyboards break in an Apple laptop and I've been using them since 2004.

Neat. Not what we were talking about, though. We were talking about throwing away a laptop over a keyboard.

That was 2004. This is now.

Oh, I thought we were talking about OP writing like a tool.

>Oh, I thought we were talking about OP writing like a tool.
I wasn't. Ever.

Who said throw it away over a keyboard? I have local Mac shops that can do it for like $80-100 parts included.

They sell Mac keyboards and individual keys on eBay if you're interested.

My overall point was how the fuck can you buy a used laptop, a very personal item, from a stranger?

You have no idea what that person has done with that laptop. I bet you're one of those who wears a mask and gloves and uses a blower to clean every orifice of a jizz filled laptop with rubbing alcohol then takes a shower with butane and loses sleep over what he just witnessed.

Is this all worth it to save a few bucks instead of getting a better job and affording a brand new laptop?

>Who said throw it away over a keyboard?
>I don't need to replace it, I just buy a new one.

What don't you understand from:
>I don't need to replace it, I just buy a new one.

Buy a new keyboard, idiot, and have a local Mac shop do it for me because I have no time.

Since I haven't had the issue in over 10 years of using real Macs, I didn't have to think about it.

Oh, horse shit. You went on to defend yourself against other people who stated that you would throw away your mac.

Then people started laughing at you for it, and you decided to shift your position from "I'm not poor, lol," to "That's not what I meant."

For evidence see: For the last link, you literally said, "I'm not that poor to dabble with replacing keyboards."

It literally takes less time to switch out a keyboard than it does to drive to a Macstore, even if the Mac Store is a 5 minute drive away (5 minutes there, 5 minutes back, and another 10 minutes there and back when they tell you its ready to pick up). Alternatively, if you choose to wait and there's no backlog, so they work on yours immediately:
5 minutes there and back, and 15 minutes waiting for them to swap out the keyboard.

>I'm not that poor to dabble with replacing keyboards
Jesus, is he "not that poor" to dabble with plugging in a coffee maker? Does he need the "professional installation" for the low price of 60 dollars?

Your reading comprehension is terrible.

The overall point was to make fun of you as to why you would buy a used Cumdows laptop?

You're here defending a JizzBook when in fact you can get a better job and maybe afford a new laptop next time. A Mac, but you're too poor.

You're poor.

>You're here defending a JizzBook when in fact you can get a better job and maybe afford a new laptop next time. A Mac, but you're too poor.

>You're poor.
I'm not, and that's not a valid defense. It is literally quicker to do it yourself than it is to drive it 5 minutes away.

>The overall point was to make fun of you as to why you would buy a used Cumdows laptop?
Well, you did a shit job of conveying that point. I think the REAL point you were trying to convey was that you were superior for using Apple. If you wanted to ask why I use a Windows laptop, the answer is simple, it does what I want it to do. I can upgrade it myself for cheap, and I don't stick with Windows as an OS, and I wouldn't stick with MacOS as an OS, either.

YOU, on the other hand, pay thousands of dollars more for something that winds up being roughly on par with what I use, and then seek to shit on the easiest replacement tasks - tasks so easy I have literally seen an 8 year old do it without guidance.

I understand the hate for tacky ricer shit and RGB nonsense, but there is literally nothing wrong with a window. You can rice without being tacky, you know?

I really like pic related, minus the stupid RGB ram.

>You're poor.
Being rich does not automatically make you intelligent or wise, you know.

I don't understand the cum on the keyboard thing, why would there be cum on the keyboard

>I use a PS4 Pro

>ITT: Manchildren screaming "stop liking what I hate!"

I got it from a friend for 200 bucks once he finished Bloodborne. I would have spent more on a Slim at the time.

In his mind, apparently everyone who uses a laptop jerks off, and ejaculates directly onto the keyboard.

What's that hole in the front? Is like an RGB flesh light?

>Being rich does not automatically make you intelligent or wise, you know.

Lmao yes it does.

Especially monetarily.

There are different types of intelligence.

Lack of success can typically be boiled down to 3 things: Laziness, stupidity, or bad luck. Thus, we can assume that success can be boiled down to 1 or more of the following: hard work, intelligence, and/or good luck. You can be rich, while being stupid as fuck and lazy as fuck. You just need to win the lottery.

>You just need to win the lottery.
The fuck you talking about?

Man, just go to sleep it's probably late where you are. Summerfag.

How was that not clear? If you win the lottery, your rich without every having to be intelligent or hard working. It's not just the actual lottery, too. Chelsea Clinton won the birth lottery. She was making hundreds of thousands of dollars while interning at NBC.

>He got BTFO a second time, so is just waiting for another 40 minutes, hoping the people that blew him out are gone, so he can have the last word unchallenged.

>99% of the PeeSee cases have a ricer window on the side
Then statistically you are one of them, retard

>Why are tech nerds always talking about getting extra frames on their shitty Cock on Duty - Modern Masturbation 3 summer blockbuster gayme?

They did the same thing 10-13 years ago during cs 1.5 and 1.6

>There are different types of intelligence
And you sound like the Trump kind

You're a degenerate who can't make an argumentative stance on anything.

Your mom got BTFO'd by your dad and accidentally had you.

Yes that's why I complained. I looked hard to find a case with no side window, and I failed to find one that looked decent, had no gay LGBT lights. But it had a window. I'm currently trying to see if I can mod this and close the window.

It wasn't as bad as it is now.

As much as I hate that degenerate, he has the intellect to make money by any means necessary.

We can compare it to people like Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg (not saying this cuck is that special) but these people dropped out of school or never went. They made it on their own.

So there is different kinds of intelligence. That's my point. We can even argue that Kim Kardashian may be a degenerate, but she has her own intelligence, and her success can be quantified (usually by monetary means, which adds status). Although her "success" doesn't mean trash to me or maybe you, it is still success.

fucking underage b8

>You're a degenerate who can't make an argumentative stance on anything.
But that's what you were claiming about yourself when you went from, "if something breaks I just throw the thing away," to, "I didn't mean that. I meant I take it to the Apple Store!"

>So there is different kinds of intelligence.
Not really. There's different kind of success, and different kind of wisdom, but not different kinds of intelligence.