Self driving cars, anti aging research, smart cities, smart home

>self driving cars, anti aging research, smart cities, smart home
>b-but they can read my emails they are evil

get a fucking grip

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I don't need all that I never asked for it desu

none of those things you listed will work.
but they are evil for tracking and reading everything you do and are exploiting your psychological weaknesses so they can sell you shit you don't need.

evil google is also releasing genetically modified mosquitoes in Fresno. Insane.

I'd rather have privacy than any of those things.

I'm fine with smart cars so long as they're not allowed above 45mph. City shit only basically, which is counter intuitive given statistically speaking long haul automated driving has to be safer I'm sure

You forgot to mention them illegally colluding with other companies to suppress wages. Real philanthropists.

did you even read your link? they made it so the offspring wont be able to reproduce they only "infected" males which dont bite and the "disease" only effects mosquitos that mate.

>archive link

oh wait you have schizophrenia my bad

if you tell them the hot gossip that john's wife has been fucking Tom from marketing, you get a few days of aging removed.

But don't you know it's the current century?

>he doesnt know about elsag8
>he doesnt know that google allows mature content on kids youtube app
>he doesnt remeber google trying to sway the election season for almost 2 years
>he doesnt remeber all the sjw holidays
>he doesnt notice all the youtube spotlight sjw topics

I actually had to wipe the cheeto dust off my fingers to respond to this.

privacy is the most important aspect of the nation today. without it we are just another dictatorship, please don't let corporations spy on you, put tape over your webcam and if there is an iphone or any cell phone in the room please move it to a different room so it won't record your conversations

>wants to stop mosquitos from breeding

yeah really insanse man

>effects mosquitos that mate
unintended consequences.
look what Zika did in Brazil. it started from genetically modified mosquitoes.

and who gave evil Google the right to experiment on people like this? you think it's OK for these fucking companies to do whatever they please even when it affect health of the population???? who gave those jew fuckers the right to do that?

its not for you anyway

>Self driving cars
Yay google can know where I'm going and where my car is at all times
>Anti aging research
What? I havent heard of this
>Smart cities
>Smart home
They see you when you're sleeping
Know when you're awake
Know when you've bewn bad or good
So be good for goodness sake!

>look what Zika did in Brazil. it started from genetically modified mosquitoes.
Do you actually believe this?

I think Google does bad and good things. I don't think they are evil or good, they are both. There is all kind of scary shit going on with Google but they do a lot of good too

>self driving cars, anti aging research, smart cities, smart home
>any of these things leading in a positive direction

haha if your government actually cared about people being slayed by zika you would have a traveler warning and temporary ban from/to brazil

>who gave those jew fuckers the right to do that?

If you clicked the links on your shitty tertiary news article, you could answer that question.

Sup Forums is getting all the crazies more and more and I've been here since forever...

>self driving cars, anti aging research, smart cities, smart home
are you unironically listing those as *positive* things?
jesus christ user

>self driving cars, anti aging research, smart cities, smart home
I don't really want any of this, except may be the anti aging research (though it'd probably lead to chaos).

Self driving cars --> whistleblowers dying in car accidents due to """"bugs""""

smart home -> all the "smart" devices are not meant to help me, they're meant to help those selling stuff to me

smart cities -> same above, except not only help those selling stuff to me, but also the ones wanting to govern me

fuck google desu

No you haven't

>falling for the "smart XYZ" meme

>Your car, now remotely controlled by the government!
>Your city, now constantly wiretapped by the government!
>Your home, now constantly wiretapped by the government!
I don't give a shit about them reading my emails. I care about all the shit you listed as positives.

Unfortunately I have...

they released a whole bunch of bacteria infected mosquitos for no good reason.

supposedly to study genetic defects, but how will gmo mosquitos do that?

>self driving cars
So they can track your every move
>anti aging research
As if people don't live too long already
>smart cities, smart home
More tracking, and more potential security risks then anyone could ever imagine

>for no good reason.
>supposedly to study genetic defects
did you read the story or just the headline?

>Changes name from Google to Alphabet Inc.
>Ironically becoming an alphabet agency.

The truly woke like you don't care about privacy, right?

>people can't acknowledge anti aging research as a positive because they're so butthurt about Gmail

Grow up

Source on that? Have they actually started researching?

Here you go family
Oh, great.

it's preventing zika from spreading

Google and Microshart are hardly evil compared to the Hollywood overlords.

It's """ them """, right?
>PRISM project
>Hardly evil

>it's preventing zika from spreading
Retard, Zika was caused by GMO mosquitoes since GMO mosquitoes killed off a more benign specie of mosquito and allowed a more dangerous zika carrier to spread.

it's called unintended consequences. fucking with an ecosystem like this is dangerous.

All 'murican companies have a legal obligation. The gubmint is evil -- the companies, not so much.

You're a loony

>the companies, not so much.
What? You do realize there are other social networking websites and chat services which didn't participate in the PRISM project? That's not to say they don't have ways of data mining their users. How are companies obligated to participate?

>powerless dying media industry held up by Chinese when the CCP allows it

What's wrong with anti aging research? I agree that the other stuff is shit

>What's wrong with anti aging research? I agree that the other stuff is shit

>So they can track your every move
100% agreed
>As if people don't live too long already
I disagree. If they could fix part where people fall apart when they get old, that'd be the shit.
>More tracking, and more potential security risks then anyone could ever imagine
Agreed 100%

Can't wait until meat drivers get banned from the road network, the carfag butthurt will be glorious.

>other social networking websites and chat services
I can only imagine all the shitposts and trap porn on twitter/reddit/tumblr being so useful for catching haxxors and terrorists. Surprised linkedin and Sup Forums were missing though.

I found this:
>In practice, that still means Twitter complies with a majority — 69 percent — of government requests for information. That’s much lower than Google, which complies with 88 percent of orders. Both companies have a policy of notifying users whenever their information is requested, but Twitter makes the government fight for every inch, often going to court even when victory is uncertain. When a judge attached a gag order to a request for user accounts connected to WikiLeaks, Twitter fought the order in a secret court and won. More recently, Twitter tussled with the New York City Police Department over a request for information on an Occupy Wall Street protester, and lost.
but about the only private data twitter has is the IP address. if they'd retained more sensitive data like Google I doubt they would've been able to resist.

I agree that the secrecy is not okay, but if they do manage to stop aging and share the cure with the world, it would be good
I hope you get run over by a Tesla

>smart home
nuclear holocaust when
I don't want to live in a world where my thermometer gets malware

>I can only imagine all the shitposts and trap porn on twitter/reddit/tumblr being so useful for catching haxxors and terrorists. Surprised linkedin and Sup Forums were missing though.
You don't know?

>not evil

Just in case you aren't convinced yet.

>4 off from 666
you had one job

>he still hasn't realized that google is god

Firefox users and people who don't sign in to chrome are not going to heaven

>Fucking with an ecosystem is bad

Except mosquitos don't do anything g beneficial to any ecosystem.

>Self driving cars --> whistleblowers dying in car accidents due to """"bugs""""
You forgot

>one or two fearmongerers fearmongering like always
>massive decrease in traffic
>massive decrease in car related deaths
>massive decrease in car related damage
>massive decrease in required parking space
>massive decrease in pollution

Friendly reminder that Lucifer means bringer of light. If it wasn't for him (or so the Christian fairytale goes), humanity would still be one naked man and one naked woman playing doll house at the mercy of God.

Lucifer is basically the Christian Prometheus.

>Referencing Prometheus like anybody saw it

Back to rodhat faggot.

Veterancy really doesn't matter here (or anywhere really). You could have been here since day 0, it doesn't mean you catch everything when the site operates 24/7. Sup Forums was founded by crazies and has always had crazies, maybe you just didn't notice or fail to remember them.

The other important thing is that over time the crazy can get crazier.

There was probably a bitch ass caveman around back in the day with your same mentality

"Fire, soap, clothes....I never asked for any of these things so they must be evil"

You sound gay AF dick

While you're correct up to a point, meaning that technology shouldn't be rejected just in spite of it, we know that Google is involved in the NSA's PRISM project and they're an advertising company too. Innovation they provide with their technological advancements includes data mining in some way.

If you want privacy then quit the internet

You want to take advantage of technologies that your monkey ass could never have even dreamed of, yet you feel like you have the right to complain about how they work

Friggin intitled peasant,

Not to automatically give them the benefit of the doubt, but who knows what kind of coercion the CIA might've leveraged on any of the company's involved in that project.

>implying the stupid cunts that literally kill tens of thousands yearly are superior drivers

I understand they're involved with the NSA.
I also understand they engage in advertising.
I mean at the end of the day are they not a US based tech company, specializing in advertising?

Since when has it been expected for a company not to comply with the law?
And when did we decide that it's bad for an advertising company to advertise?

If Google is so bad then get off Gmail, maps, YouTube, Android, search, etc...

Beggers can't be choosers,
Use the tech as it's provided to you (for free) and shut up, pay for a better alternative (if one exists), or just remove yourself from the ecosystem

No one holds a gun to your head and forces you to use Google products

>google is also releasing genetically modified mosquitoes in Fresno

PLEASE COME TO MY TOWN!!! Fuck. We can't even get their fiber plans not to fall through here.

Laughing my ass off. Never seen that "seal" anywhere else before.

Advertising in itself isn't bad, but modern online advertising which includes data mining and surveillance is.

So what's the alternative?

Google goes all kumba-ya and stops what are basically it's only profitable practices?

How long before they go broke and shut down everything and turn Gmail into a paid service?

What do we do as users if that's the case?
Move to Hotmail/Yahoo
Print out Mapquest maps
Look shit up using ask Jeeves or Bing
Go back to getting harrased by totally irrelevant pop-up ads

Without Google, the internet (as is) sucks

There are alternatives, especially now. An alternative to Google would be Startpage. Alternatives to Gmail are ProtonMail, Tutanota and OpenMailBox for example.

>exploiting your psychological weaknesses so they can sell you shit you don't need.
I seriously don't know why people see this as "evil", it's not like we need anything other than food and housing, everyone selling or marketing anything is trying to sell you shit you don't need, for their profit and your recreational enjoyment. Google(and others) tailoring it towards you never seemed like a bad thing to me. I'd rather see adverts for things I do want than something like baby food. If I'm going to buy something useless and Google knows the exact kind of useless I like them what's the problem, you can accidentally get exposed to something you really enjoy this way as well, their YouTube reccomendations are on point ofr me usually which certainly doesn't bother me when I'm trying to waste time/relax.

I don't think it's fair to blame them for other people's lack of self control and responsibility, we're just supposed to give up on trying to understand the desires of people just because some can't control themselves? That sounds like throwing the baby out with the bathwater.

Why do you feel that way?

>How long before they go broke and shut down everything and turn Gmail into a paid service?
What? That's literally how things are for their business customers, and how things used to be. People either paid for a mail service, or paid for it as part of their internet provision.

>he's never read Orwell

>self driving cars


>anti aging


>smart cities


>smart home


>privacy infractions

Literally what their company is built on.

Not that user but I can tell you personally I would never invest my time in a product that has unclear financial support, I've been burned one too many times getting accustomed to a free service only to have it shut down later or turn paid, nobody likes having to migrate, especially something like email.

Google products are not likely to go away, they're very transparent on where they make their money and what data they collect to use, I can at least trust that they stick around for my lifetime. Google Drive is a good example, look at al lthose dead file lockers like megaupload, rapidshare, etc., those had adverts and paid services and they still died, I can't trust a good free service to last forever when they're not clear on how they maintain their costs, it's unfortunate because a good free service being good, negativley impacts it, it brings in more users and raises the maintenance costs which eventually kills it or forces their hand to do something people complain about.

I didn't like having to pay for it then, I really don't want to pay for it now. I'd rather host my own mail server if it wasen't for the spam whitelist you need to be on.

I named a few alternatives too, if you noticed

My point was they all suck.
It's not like these privacy issues are secrets that have just come out.

We've known Google gets down like this for a while, I haven't seen the masses move away from Gmail for thier alternatives

Why? Because they suck

>HURRRRRR Google is doing shit everyone else is doing
>HURRRRRR Google is bad
Meanwhile half of you faggots are sucking off Elon Musk for his nth failed rocket launch.

As far as cloud storage is concerned, any service is viable if you're not storing personal data (photos and videos, etc.) on it. And that's exactly what it should be used for - a backup solution for books, music, movies, etc.

you clearly never drive outside of the city. the fact that they can go from interstate bros out in the country helping each other out from getting speeding tickets to piloting such a large mass in cities full of entitled little greedy pieces of shit like you is amazing

Google so desperately wants to be Bell Labs

>We've known Google gets down like this for a while, I haven't seen the masses move away from Gmail for thier alternatives
>Why? Because they suck
It's because most people would rather not think about anything on any substantial level, would rather appeal to futility and fear change out of spite. And I'm sure supporting unethical practices of tech companies no matter what is going to serve us very well.

this whole self driving bullshit come to think of it, youd think police ubions would lobby against it because who would there be to give tickets to?

>self driving cars
Are a terrible safety hazard, log everywhere you go, can allow control of where you go, and generally so far use technology similar to radar. Which is a pulsed microwave field, and therefore potentiates cancer, brain damage, infertility, immune dysfunction, and digestive problems.

>anti aging research
Is useless when we're not even willing to make basic economic and lifestyle changes that would slow aging already. Lifespan is not what people's value system is about, no matter what they say. All the underlying discoveries will possibly be kept to themselves and misused to some extent.

>smart cities
>smart home
For a dumb species that can't stop being dumb. Where have I seen this play out before...

Also, smart generally implies digital wireless transmission, which right now, is primarily pulsed microwave fields. Which are harmful and probably the last big mistake our species will be allowed to make.

No, what Google is really about is creating God. A god for our godless world. And maybe that's not so bad, maybe it is. Probably it is. With enough information and systems you control, you can control every aspect of human behavior with negligible error.

We should all strive for improvement.

Yeah, I manage my companies G apps for business.
I'm well aware of their paid services
It's not like they'll want to let some company make money using Google apps and not want a cut.
Would you let someone host a profitable yard sale in your garage and not expect some compensation?

On a personal side I've never paid for mail service, ever
What does "part of their internet provision" mean?
If you mean what I think you do, then couldn't you consider every website "paid" as part of the provision?

which would require letting go of the stranglehold technology has on our lives now

If Alphabet has so much money they can safely fuck around with projects that will likely fail/have no future

What makes you think they can't afford hiring a team of 100 scientists to do research on surveillance neural network? Open your fucking eyes

>Why do you feel that way?
Because with enough information you can engineer people and bias, if not eventually outright control, outcomes. That sort of control structure has a long and incredibly consistent history of negative outcomes. Applied crowd psychology built the world, and the world is trash.

Except those people had visionaries and programmers concerned with changing computing for the better, without necessarily being about making a quick buck and exploiting and data mining their users.
If this isn't inspiring, I don't know what is.

Male mosquitos are essential to pollination. It's the females that suck the life out of you, just like female humans.

google as i see it is more an intrusion into our lives rather than beneficial. using a paper map should be the standard stipl because itd be rare for someone driving to open a map up and use it while driving whereas people distract theirselves using google maps for example while driving then google tells us we need self driving cars because were crashing into other people when were using google maps while driving

OK, listen up. Google doesn't give a shit about self-driving cars, anti-aging research, smart cities, or smart homes. The ONLY reason they "invest" into these areas is so they can prove to the FTC that they are not a monopoly in one area (search engine). That's it. They don't give a shit about all of it. They do it out of necessity, not kindness. Corporations are there for one purpose and one purpose only—to make money for their shareholders.

>>Why do you feel that way?
I'm the one you originally replied to and I'd recommend watching these videos for a start:

they should dump money into building solar farms to ubdercut power monopolies rates before some chinese company gets the idea and does it


While I haven't researched all of your claims and would certainly like a source for them, what you just described isn't an unknown concept. It's been perpetuated by Milton Friedman in the 80's and it's wasn't unreasonable, although unethical, not then and especially not now for a company as big as Google.
>There is one and only one social responsibility of business–to use it resources and engage in activities designed to increase its profits so long as it stays within the rules of the game, which is to say, engages in open and free competition without deception or fraud.

Great. Why did you bother responding if you were not interested in my answer?

Because I can't, and I forced you to know that I can't. Which makes me feel amused, full, and powerful.

Unless you know how to iteratively strip associative links between memories, fragment and scrub certain clusters, and fully purge the working and short term memory subsystems, you're stuck knowing. Now you know. And until you forget, which will take even longer now, you will continue to know.