What's the OS equivalent of white trash smoking weed?
What's the OS equivalent of white trash smoking weed?
Windows Vista
white trash would equate to smoking meth you stupid fuck weed isnt degenerate every subculture when theyre young is degenerate and stoners are the friendlier bunch
Arch Linux
shut up degenerate
Everyone who runs it never shuts the fuck up about it and trash talks people who don't
>not a subculture way more degenerate than meth
muh cancer kill herb and sheit
ReactOS - all the high horse riding of linux while embracing the low brow everything of Windows.
Windows 10 with all the telemetry options enabled, and spend all the time talking with cortana
Arch is elite/patrician why would it be equal to potheads?
>tobacco causes cancer
>marijuana doesn't
I mean there's illogic and then there's just making fun of people for making rational decision.
Arch is the cheapest weed. Gentoo is using it to make muffins.
from a social standpoint...OSX.
absolute bullshit that people mostly only use because they think its kew and their friends are experimenting with il...but in reality it only kills perfectly good braincells and leads to work not getting done and an unwarranted sense of accomplishment and false enlightenment.
it cant be linux as learning and using it is actually work and stoners are not the most productive people (save for the ability to make a bong from anything). and it cant be windows as that is where most shit actually gets done.
So mt vote goes to OSX or iOS. it fits potheads the best.
>tobacco causes cancer
According to (((United Nations))) and (((Doctors for Global Health)))
what did she mean by this?
>fiends and schemers are the friendlier bunch
>t. someone who never blazed nor been around that scene
Elementary OS
Or literally any windows version except for 95 and xp.
>So mt vote goes to OSX
macOS has a system wide spellchecker and autocorrect that would have fixed that typo.
Unironically Arch Linux.
they are like a cult
that's right but people runing are assholes not os.
This. EVERY fucking OSX user also has this false sense of superiority, somehow mistaking wasting money on a bad computer for "Being hip and so cool"
>MacOS/OSX [...] leads to work not getting done and an unwarranted sense of accomplishment
I get this from Linux by spending shitloads of time figuring out how to use the OS. Yes, it's satisfying but I haven't done any actual work yet. Meanwile, my gf makes a decent living out of her MacBook. Your point?
Sounds like you're just not bright enough. Spent a day setting up mine to be how I like then nothing else beyond the occasional "I want to try something" maybe once a month.
t. degenerate
>Spell nazi
redit af
Windows vista but only because he desires a mac but can't save up the neet bucks.
>unironically caring about spelling mistakes on a german rassenkunde forum
sounds like you haven't tried putting Fedora on a Raspberry Pi and making a local server out of it that lets you SSH files directly onto the server's document root from another local machine, as well as setting up git for collaboration. sure, there was nothing stopping me from just using localhost, and even though I haven't made any serious use of the server yet, I feel like I've learnt something.
Hey smokers MacOS 9 here!
How about the even more rational decision not to do either of those things