Project ideas for advanced oop

Do you have any ideas for OOP project that could let me use inheritnace, interfaces and other stuff?

Usually those "Sup Forums project ideas" have such problems that require only structural programming.

There's no reason to use OOP for day-to-day work.

I will not learn how to use oop properly without writing oop code.

Dildo catalog with gui n shit

Why do you think you need to learn to use OOP properly?

No worries. Most OO programmers don't know either. They can't even define OOP in a way that doesn't include basically everything and they just follow whatever the most recent cult leader says.

no because multiple inheritance and polymorphism are antipatterns; solutions in search of a problem...which this thread unironically literally actually is...

nice bait, you got me

Just make a vidya if you enjoy that sort of thing.

Because being certified fizz buzzer in C is not enough to find a job

Make a rails app.

lisp interpreter in java

Or .NET MVC web app.

Just use interfaces, bruh. Tree hierarchies are harmful.

Thats just operating on strings and parsing senpai, is it not? I could write it in any language without OOP

you can write everything in any language without OOP, but that's not what OP was asking

>and polymorphism are antipatterns

The other day I was working on an export that gave you the contact data in excel for a list of clients, but they wanted to extend that to prospects as well, because they're very similar right?

Well obviously that used to return a collection of Client models should now return a collection of ClientDataInterface things, so make the interface of the shared fields, make both prospects and client implement that, but when you write the method (C#) you have to muck up your code with tons of explicit casts from (IEnumerable) and (IEnumerable) and it's just a big clusterfucky mess. Couldn't even use generics.

Take me back to a sane duck typed language now.

Duck typing is fairly patrician, I actually like the way Golang handles it with interfaces and shit. It's a shame the language is otherwise bass ackwards

>Well obviously that used to return a collection of Client models
that was a mistake. shouldn't have been so tightly coupled in the first place

Write a graphical draughts game with multi-player over the network and single-player vs. computer AI. There's a lot of room to try out all OOP concepts as well as various design patterns such as observer, decorator, model, view, state, and possibly even others.

Ahh yes, it should have been an IPrintable from the off containing every bit of data I may ever want to print

no, just ClientDTO or whatever

As graphical do you mean, whole board generated with some game engine or from png?

You shouldn't bother learning how oop works as everyone and their mother have a different definition of what oop really is.
Turn off your brain and stick to whatever your team leader wants you to do.
Write on your cv that you're competent in java ee and you know what templates are in c++ and you'll find a job anywhere.

Either? Or do it entirely in console for shits+giggles

GUI interfaces, a lot object communicate using another objects like message.

Write a GUI interface in visual basic to track the killer's IP.