Ding Dang Drones

Anyone a drone flyerer?

Just got my spark and I haven't flown one of these before.. These are fucking fun!! Just a general..

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I've been drooling over the Mavic. I'd love to get a DJI, or any real big boy drone, but it's just so cost prohibitive. I make do with the shitty toy "drone" I got at walmart on a black friday sale.

Yeah I agree, I reckon I'll get a Mavic in the end but it was too much for a first drone.. it's a lot of money to just crash due to lack of experience.

If you have been flying a shit one then when you come to fly one of these you will be amazed. I'm still getting to grips with my Spark but it just gets better.

What drone got you

I'm sure. There's a green space across the street from my home that I fly at every once in a while because the only way to keep this thing in the air is to have nothing in a 200m radius. Directional control is completely intuitive and altitude control is a fucking joke. I've seen a lot of first impression videos of the Mavic and it looks amazing.

I have this cheapshit overmax drone that im crashing all over the place.
Its way more resilient than i expected it to be.

Yeah man even regardless of the price it's scary to let it go that far out, even 100m out seems far.

My friend has the Mavic and I can confirm they are next level shit.

Even my Spark is a great laugh. I'm fortunate enough to live near a lot of open empty fields so have a lot of variety when it comes to sky space.

The only thing that differs in real life to YouTube impressions is that I find myself extremely careful when flying and very nervous at first. Although I am a consumer not a reviewer..

Nice man, I'd argue the best way to start is with that so when you move a more advanced unit you will have an idea what to expect and plus like you said, you can crash that one and not have to worry too much. Reckon you will get a gnarly one at some point?

Oh no, I don't let it get that far out. It stops responding to commands from the shitty remote long before then. I just (slightly) exaggerate on the space it needs to not fuck itself into the nearest tree or something.

so what buy?

What do you want? Just to fly or some good camera shots?

The Phantom series are reasonably priced now with regards to performance


My dad has a dji phantom. Set it up and flew it long ago. Flying it was fucking awesome. Got it about 1km in the air and got some nice shots. Been thinking of getting one myself now. Are there any that are geared more towards just flying them, i.e. more fast and agile, rather than filming, yet still more on the prosumer side of things?

Could anyone give an experience between the Spark and the Mavic?

How different are they when flying?
Is the Mavic worth it over the Spark?

never have flown anything so have no strong preference. i live in a pretty place though. want something cheap mostly.

and what is 'performance'

do people do tricks with these things like rc airplanes

what is a good drone for spying and voyeurism

Depends on what you are looking for in a drone. The mavic is on a whole nother level from the spark and could almost be considered a professional drone because of its impressive specs.

When will fags start using a proper name for that thing?
Hint: Its not drone

When will fags stop being anal retentive about what drones are called?
Hint: No one loves you

Go fuck yourself, you're ruining the hobby for everyone.

A friend has one and I've flown it a couple times.
Any questions?

I am not too sure about your hint nigga. Stop with ad hominems. And take your shitty thread and argument to reddit. Kys

You can't tell me what to do! You're not my real dad!

Build your own like a real man's man. DJI is insanely overpriced.

What kind of skillset do you need to build your own?
Did you build one?
I can solder some basic shit..

How well it can fly and how easy it is to use I'd say. It sounds weird but if you fly and shit one and a good one then you'd see. The good ones hover extremely still and cope well in windy conditions etc

I did build my own. You need CommonSense Toolkit(tm), screwdrivers, soldering iron, flux, zipties and maybe a sillicone gun. If you don't fuck up picking the parts, build itself is fairly easy.

Dji Phantom Menace

UAV's? ... Sounds like CoD

I have flown both.
Mavic flies considerably further, faster and higher. Camera is better quality.

I bought the Spark and it is awesome. Like I said, doesn't fly as far etc but far enough to have a load of fun.

I've considered it. I haven't soldered since high school, but I do work with my hands a lot so I have decent hand-eye coordination. I just don't want it to be another project I start but never finish.

If you drop like 200$ into it like I did,, you'll have no option but to finish it :^)

Tell that to the GTX 1070 sitting next to my desk waiting for me to drain my loop.

Got a cheap £40 one to learn to fly until I was decent enough to fly a big boy copter. A lot harder than I thought it'd be. I figured it'd be like driving an RC car, but shit I get the controls backwards all the time, end up flying forward when I want to reel it in, and reeling it in when I want to adventure out.

Still great fun, I just wish I had an area open enough to fly more.



Helis fly better.

So is the Mavic worth it over the Spark?
For lets say, filming an event of people in a park?

own a phantom 3 professional, it's a loto of fun

refurbished phantom 3 pro goes on sale for a little over $500

i have a tianqu 40$ not really a 'drone' but a good one (video not mine)

I just started getting into the RC/Multirotor hobby. I have a couple of micros that I have put together, setup and flown. I'm planning to build a 5" pretty soon when I become more adept.

DJI stuff can't be beat for the price/features if you want an aerial photography platform.

But if you just want to enjoy flying around FPV, racing or doing tricks, it is best to build your own, or buy a non-DJI prebuilt.

DJI stuff can be beat easily by building your own. They put a fuckhuge markup on everything because they're the apple of quadcopters - They Just Werk (tm). My friend's friend crashed his DJI into a tree during a windy day and got it's gimbal fucked. Guess what? Since the camera is a part of the gimbal, he had to replace the whole thing and it set him back good. Just like apple, they make good products that aren't worth the price. I built my own F450 based quad and it works great, not to mention all the parts can be replaced on a whim.

do you know any good low weight/HQ camera that i can strap on my Tianqu?

You mean rc copter right? None of these are drones

The good (read expensive) drones are pretty much automated. None of this shit where it goes flying off where it pleases as soon as you lift it off the ground. They also have a return home ability if the battery runs low or goes out of range. It will fly back to your last know position using GPS. They pretty much fly themselves. The only type that are hard to fly are stunt flyers and that less than $300 shit.

I think for some of them you don't even need to solder.

Building them is definitely cheaper than buying a complete one, and with the money you save you can make a sweet FPV setup.

>. You need CommonSense Toolkit

Is there a Youtube channel or a [spoiler]subreddit[/spoiler] that goes into detail? I don't have any Common Sense re drones.

CommonSense Toolkit is compatible with anything. You either have the full package or you don't. Seriously now, just googling it will give you loads of info. I know there was a youtube channel with like, a pill as a profile picture that had a fuckload of information on anything related to multirotors. It helped me with a bit more technical details.

If you're building for videography, get a big frame and low KV motors (slow). If you're building a racing/stunt quad, get a small frame with high KV motors. Check the spec sheet of the motors and get ESC's that have ~20% bigger current rating than the motors' spec sheet says. For your first multirotor, you can get a CC3D flight controller or if you got a wee bit more cash to spare, get a SPRF3 Deluxe, that shit is amazing for videography, esp if you buy an ublox OP GPS module which, coupled with SPRF3 deluxe gives you RTH and pos/alt hold.

Batteries and power were my biggest concern. Look at the photos of your frame and plan everything ahead of buying. If your frame doesn't have a PDB, get one. My frame had a PDB but without a 5V BEC so check that too. FC's and other low power crap use 5v (or 2s batteries) so if you're using anything above 2s, you need to step down the voltage with something. RX/TX is also a bit of a fuckery, just check the reviews and make sure the protocols are compatible. Also, not all protocols have telemetry so be wary of that.

Props can also fuck you over so check the holes, especially with the "self tightening" ones.

So let's say you're building the simplest racing quad possible. Here's your checklist in no particular order:
- Frame (+ PDB if needed)
- TX & RX
- Battery (+ 5V BEC if needed)
- 4x ESC
- 4x Brushless motor
- 4x Props (+ more if you got cash)
- Flight controller

You also need a soldering iron, flux, zipties, tape, screwdrivers (hexagonal maybe too) and just general tools. Having some extra wires with the standard pin male and female connectors wouldn't hurt too.

Looking a getting a tiny whoop, what all do I need?

Just the tiny whoop? I presume it won't come with a TX and a 1S lipo so get that.

>Just a general..
You mean just a thread, retard


goggles or receiver to plug into tv
a frame
a flight controller

connector that matches the batteries
soldering iron/misc tools

you can get an RTF (ready to fly) that will come with everything except a way to watch video. BNF (bind and fly) doesn't come with a transmitter(controller) and you have to have one that supports the type you have.

If you want to go further into the RC hobby, get a good pair of goggles, a Taranis QX7 (frsky radio) and a good lipo charger. you can get all the parts to build a whoop that can bind to the Taranis off amazon (BetaFPV EVO F3 FC). BetaFPV and Crazepony have all the parts needed to build your own whoop- stay away from aluminum frames, stick with cheapo plastic for the whoop.

The biggest costs here are the transmitter, goggles and charger, but those can be used for anything else you want to fly in the future.

This is pretty good youtube.com/playlist?list=PLzidsatoEzejIpdla6_ggPcDCPJ9u4WHj