Linux bankrupt & finished

linux bankrupt & finished

It's like Linux, without Linux or any of the benefits.

>implying the windows do pay to cannonical to put ubuntu in them store

FUD is bad, go to bed MS drone.

Daily reminder : Windows 10 is superior to all linux distro.

Would be. If it worked properly and didn't spy on the user. Under Windows 10 there is a marvelous operating system just waiting to be set free. But I'm not gonna rely on Microsoft to realise this, put the real techs in charge and start delivering again. Enough is enough.

Why use Linux anymore if you can have this?

So you admit windows sucks and having something from linux is an improvement?

Because not everything works properly in it.

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you’re referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.
Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called “Linux”, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project. There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use.
Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine’s resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called “Linux” distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.

>>help poor children in uganda
do they have to push their SJW bullshit everwhere?

is this bait?

Nice meme

>Program from the last century wanting to help poor children
>Get called SJW even when you existed before the movement even started

Oh yeah, Summertime

how is that bait?

Or Sup Forumstime.

I guess SJW = people I don't like now

It's easy to install shit...everyone writes .deb files/guide specifically for ubuntu so it's easy.

Good for testing when running platforms in virtual manager/qemu.

Look at all these seething SJW cucks

8 more years! Praise KEK!

>Spy on the user
You faggots still don't know how to configure fucking windows properly

Now this is the Sup Forums I signed up for

so if you want to learn linux do you use this or just install it

>Hey look, a smug applefag

>this delusion is actually real

It's still in beta and has it's improved tremendously since release

Well played, Microsoft.

>what is WINE?
So you admit linux sucks and having something from windows is an improvement?

>thinks that just because an option is turned off = muh privacy

If you want to learn how to use Linux, install Linux, and go balls deep. If you want access to ssh and git, this is probably completely sufficient.

Yes you can

it works fine. they fixed piping and mouse in the new update i think.

how did piping not work?

>how did piping not work
Piping between the windows and linux worlds did not work.

It great to have Linux as a Windows app now. It'll even update automatically via the store, which is nice.

Oh, okay. I was gonna say, it'd be totally fucked if they didn't even have piping between WSL processes

>people trying to do good in the world

yes because helping poor people is equivalent to degeneracy.

Once again it's the users fault. Fuck you Microsoft I'm joining this board now. I'm not going to shave either until you fix Windows 10. We Linux users now.

I honestly don't give a shit what you 1 digit IQ brainlet will do

alright sweetheart

just install neovim

>claims not to care
>shills for M*cros**t in every thread
Enjoy your botnet :P

How does Canonical make money? What's their plan for the future now that their investment into Ubuntu failed?

Follow Red Hat, aka forget about the Loonix desktop meme and focus on the enterprise, servers, IoT and such.

Support licensing


>4 ears
wot in tarnation

I'm not paid to read this

>Feeding a population that cant sustain itself so it grows even bigger while there is no increase in domestic supplies which increases the problem just even more
Nothing does more damage to africa and the whole world than food donations.
Worst of all, food donation also destroy any incentive to produce their own food, because nobody even if he wants to work, can compete with literally food for free.

>Incomplete customization.
>Adware on start menu
>Automatically downloads shitty apps and games from microsoft.
>If you disable Cortana it will activate it again in every update and also puts the Store and Edge icons in the taskbar back if you remove them.

No thanks, I'm the owner of my computer.

Good, then let us work on educating these people on how to grow their own food so that we don't have to donate anymore.

>cacneling litearlly every in-house project
>firing half of their staff
>moving towards IPO
If that's not a sign of a dying company, I don't know what is
Shuttleworth will probably completely sell it to Amazon in a year or two

He just realized Desktop Linux is worthless, the community is a joke and (((FSF))) are plain old communists.

>you can flawlessly emulate windows in a KVM with less than 10% performance difference. Gain the full OS and all of it's functionality and software support. All while also being able to block even more botnet AND running Linux along with it.
>you can install Ubuntu as an app with 1% of it's functionality.

Hmm... looks like (((Microsoft))) windows is still lagging behind.


You know linux is a kernel right?
And plus, the important shit doesn't even work there.

How do I do this

>in windows 10

how big of a faggot are you

>you seriously did that just to shitpost

you mean ubuntu is finished, not linux


>kemonoposting on a technology board

You retards are basically barneyfags and deserve containment more than /mlp/ at this point.

>tfw cortana service doesn't exist in your country yet

No Linux is the OS. Ubuntu is the kernel. That's why so many distros are forks of Ubuntu, duh.

That's why it'll never be the year of the Linux Desktop. Everyone will just run Ubuntu.

>Uptime limited to 12 hours because Windoes can choose to cuck you with random reboots

Does ssh work in it? Because ive been using a virtual machine with lubuntu on it for needing to ssh

(And i know of putty, just dont like it)


It's pretty fucking useless, you can't even edit Linux files.


that's pretty much all I use it for except for using cowsay once in a while to amuse myself

Do you realize where you are?

I mean, it does not run on Linux kernel and it doesn't have the privacy or security (because you're still on Windows) of Linux.

Sure it's extremely nice for Windows users but VMs have been around forever and with SSDs dual booting takes no time at all.

I don't really get these threads anyways, why would I go back to Windows just so I can use Linux? I don't play video games.

Just like the real thing.

Wine is just a program and it's portable to other Unix systems as well.
WSL has to be partly implemented in the kernel.

>VMs have been around forever
>let me just boot an entire separate operating system and waste hundreds of megabytes of ram to run a single program

>SSDs dual booting takes no time at all
>let me just close all of the programs I currently have open and interrupt my workflow before I can boot linux to run a program

You're missing his point. He's saying there's no reason to leave Linux to run Linux programs on top of Windows.

You're also missing the point.

Sometimes you don't want to run a VM, which can use more resources than WSL, or you don't want to waste storage space (don't pull the "but my 3TB hard drive will never fill" or ">poorfag, can't afford a 3TB hard dive" crap, that's deflecting). On top of that, maybe you don't want to go to the trouble of installing a distro to a separate partition, which brings with it risks. Maybe you're on a machine with secure boot and you don't know how to disable it. Maybe you want to develop for Linux but for some reason want to also be running Windows (and not in its own VM). There are plenty of valid reasons to want to do this.

Also, even installing Ubuntu can be scary to some people. Many who may be curious end up shying away because the task seems daunting. This can alleviate their fears a bit, and may encourage them to go further.

>He's saying there's no reason to leave Linux to run Linux programs on top of Windows
That the first sentence and a valid point if you don't need to run Windows programs.
The second sentence says it's "nice...but" as if VMs and dual booting are somehow a comparable alternative.

It's still proprietary software...

I don't use wine.
Also they did not take any part of windows to make wine. They built it from scratch.

Linux shills btfo


It's actually really nice. I wanted git and cmake but not to fuck around with windows installers and shit. Glad that Microsoft finally understands that a fix to windows is installing linux

>they did not take any part of windows to make wine
Except the part where you need to use winetricks to install various redistributables, fonts and original windows dlls to get most bigger applications to run.
And even then it barely works.

can we have a Windows 10 repository next?

sudo apt-get install windows10

without the spyware.

fuckin lmao

Windows 10 is superior
>runs exes
>swiss cheese security wise
>retarded comunity
>retarded interface
>lacks features
>in-window commercials
yea.. it's le top

neovim also displays that message.

where? i don't see it

Didn't check the screenshot before uploading. Maybe it's not displayed every time?

Mario was having trouble passing between words via the pipes. it was sad to watch really

i use emacs almost every time so i've never seen it in nvim

>then let us work on educating these people

No amount of education can change racial inferiority. Whites have built schools and infrastructure in Africa ever since the first colonies and after apartheid ended and control was given to blacks, everything started crashing. Why do you think all the famines, wars and genocides skyrocketed AFTER the end of apartheid? Why do you think the Chinese are taking over Africa. Blacks are intellectually incapable of ruling and providing for themselves.

>unironically believing that microsoft being rich and windows being unfinished is better

It's actually just Bash, the only benefit of Linux before power shell. Now there is now benefit whatsover.

I wish they would finish Windows 10

>can't work linux
>loves the botnet to the point of shilling
>calls everyone who doesn't a brainlet
you cant make this up

>Free as in free beer

Goal, the post

I never understood this phrase. Is it like a sarcastic version of "There's no such thing as a free lunch" or does it unironically mean 100% free of charge? Or does it mean free of charge but not free otherwise, like preinstalled windows?


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