How do you disable the fucking head parking in the BIOS or at startup automatically? This shit is killing hard drives...

How do you disable the fucking head parking in the BIOS or at startup automatically? This shit is killing hard drives, why the fuck is it even a thing

Install yosemite

Head parking is fine.

kill yourself

Hey brainlet, the HDD firmware controls head parking behavior.

why is this a bad thing??

Yeah I want to know.

God I wish our planet was like this.

Aggressive head parking wears out the drives, which decreases its lifespan to a couple of days depending on how aggressive it is.

Google it next time fucking brainlet

This is actually bullshit. No wear on the drive is caused by head parking.

The main problem is that if the head parking is too aggressive then it can harm performance, because the drive parks the heads and spins down to save power, then it has to wait for the platters to spin up before the heads can be floated back out onto the platter.
The second problem is that this is when head crashes are most likely to occur, if the platter isn't rotating fast enough when the heads leave the park they will collide with the platter.

>says it's bullshit
>refutes himself

wew lad, you are special.

2easy4u solution: install SSD.

I mean, fuck, a little 32GB SSD costs nothing. Put your OS on it and use your HDD as a mount-after-boot storage drive.

What is the point of your post exactly?

I didn't refute myself because there is still no wear on the drive by the parking.

The increased chance of head crashes depends entirely on the drive firmware. Not in how aggressively it parks, but when it brings the heads back onto the platters. If the firmware is fine it will be fine, if not then you're about as likely to have the drive die when you turn your computer on.

Install SSD, no worries about heads initializing and ruining disks or whatever you HDDtards are talking about

You did, you explained why head parking is aids and should not exist

So you think head parking is related to the OS being on the hard drive, shut the fuck up and go back to Linustechtips you worthless subhuman.

It clearly only affects HDDs. I never implied it had anything to do with where the OS was stored you lowiq nigger

Yes you did, and Since you're clearly autistic, I'll quote you
>HDD as a mount-after-boot storage drive

Google head parking or bother your master Linus to teach your wortlhess two digit IQ on what it means

Okay, look, you're sperging out. Just disconnect your pathetic HDD when shutting down and then reconnect it on boot to avoid the HDD problems

Or you could just move on to the superior SSD. 1995fag.

>Be you, severely autistic
>Say stupid comment
>Get called out for stupid comment
>Scream "S-stop sperging"

Get the fuck out you autistic little shit

What's with retards like you appearing on Sup Forums as of late?

if you're smart enough, then you can disable it
if you're not smart enough to disable it, its not your business to be trying

>decreases its lifespan to a couple of days
Literally what?
It's gotta be something else you're doing my man
Maybe try not dropping your drive several feet onto a wooden floor before plugging it in

The most underused tech tip of all. They should be teaching this in schools, like the one OP goes to.
>summer over when

To replace your spinning rust with a type of drive that has no moving parts.