MS Office vs Libreoffice

Which one is better for everyday usage and why?

I prefer LibreOffice. I never used Office.

Why is that even a question? MS Office all the way.
Bring this on SQT next time.

>Everyday usage


>Professional / Job usage

MS Office

Gonna need you to define "everyday usage" before i can answer that.

Microsoft Office 2017-2018
It's not even a competition...

Libreoffice because its UI is similar to MSoffice 97, which is what I learned with.

>2007 + 10
>Still complaining about the ribbon
This is fucking hilarious

Well they haven't changed it or give to option to disable it, so why should I stop complaining?

LaTeX > MS Office > Libreoffice
However, the benefits of MS Office over Libreoffice isn't worth the cost

Fuck the ribbon and fuck you too.

MS office because LO has no compatibility with docx files or the ones for PowerPoint or excel.

MS Office just werks

M$ Office even though I hate M$, especially their .docx bullshit. it's polished and you can tell it's polished. LibreOffice might be libre, but it's a mess and you can tell it's a mess. you CAN get things done with LibreOffice, but it's messy.

>have never encountered MS Office
Can I live on your planet?

i got MS Office for free than to the phone call trick :^) I don't know if it still works right now.

it's less about ribbon and more about unresponsive UI with forced vsync to prevent tearing at the expense of user experience

LaTeX > Markdown > AsciiDoc > WPS Writer > LibreOffice > MS Word

MS officie because it does everything better?

>need to use ms word at work because idiots stuff email body text into a word doc instead of just writing a fucking email
>word crashes within 5 seconds of opening every time
>fsc /scannow comes back with no problems
>don't want office tech to touch this pc and risk my eclipse workspaces
>install libre office instead
>no problems for 2 years
>word processing

MS Office if you do real work and need to be productive with other people who use Office to do real work.

There's only one thing Libre/Open/whatever is better at, which is editing a CSV without asking you if you're sure you want to throw away your non-existent formatting every single fucking time you press save.


I use it at home (rarely) and it runs on all computers at work (hospital)

If you're using windows: As a general package MS Office is still better, although writer>word. Libreoffice calc is terrible though and can't seem to handle large spreadsheets without crashing every hour or so.

If you need to interact with other people, MS Office.

Otherwise, LibreOffice.

not Try using libreoffice when everyone in your department uses ms office.

Last time libreoffice fucked comments and revisions on a .docx making the file unusable for colleagues.

softmaker office for compatibility and speed

>softmaker office
they ship thunderbird as an outlook replacement, kek.

I needed to edit a PDF file to add some lines. First tried to use MS Office and realized that there was NO WAY of editing a foreign PDF file. Apparently MS has a deal with Adobe so in their support page they encourage you to install their Adobe Acrobat PDF garbage.

After that, I went to LibreOffice and used their LO Draw. It worked well, didn't had to use a tutorial or anything (there were some annoying bugs but nothing that was a deal breaker).

So yeah LibreOffice worked and Microsoft Office didn't

Open Office. Fuck communism.

i unironically think writer is better software if you never use .docx or ms office with files you write. Worst thing i experienced is people opening an .odt file in word:
>odt made on LO is absolute fuckery in Word
>odt made in Word is absolute fuckery in Word after you save it or export it to pdf

Im trying to point out that libreoffice-word compatibility is absolutely one way thing,
and just use LO with odt, and use word with docx and tell people to fuck themselves every time.

>word is the only software in the office suite

MS Office, because Libre office, like every other open source program, can't make a good UI

Microsoft purposefully alternates their supposed """""open""""" OOXML standard to choke competition.
ODF standard is 300 pages long. Microsoft's OOXML standard is something like 1300+ pages long.

It's ridiculous since the old "closed" office xml standard (.doc) has pretty good compatibility and I don't recall ever having problems with transferring between LO and Word.

they probably added random 1000+ lines of "%DEVELOPERS!" into it, dont worry about it

doc/docx compatibility using LO is pretty good, but complex formulas can get fucked up, also they randomly dissapeared after getting edited a few times (i encountered this in LO 4.X though, nowdays it works nice)

anything other than word or excel is either hipster tier or targeted towards kids

ah yes I keep forgetting about all these highly-skilled word professionals and the fact that the world would crumble if it wasn't for Microsoft™ Word®

>For regular users
WPS > Libre > MS
>For businesses than need more than docs, spreadsheets and presentations
Libre = MS, depending if you want to work with open standards and/or save money, or if you want M$ for whatever reason.

>On phones
Google Office > WPS > anything else

i ment anthing other in the ms office suite desu.
90% of people using word would probably be fine with abiword or anything that allows them to write formatted text and tables, maybe with images.

since Office 2016 I've been using ODF files and never had issues with them. The only issues I've had were LibreOffice not being able to handle OOXML properly. I use Word mainly because university provides it, but still make all my documents ODF as I don't want to cuck myself out of them on Linux or when I eventually have to give up MS Office.

thanks for clearing this up

I would use libre office but it's been cucked so that nobody will be able to properly read libre office files on microsoft office. So screw it I use office online (for now).

When are we going to get a real competitor to Microsoft Excel? That's the only thing holding me back from switching to LibreOffice. Calc ain't cuttin' it fām

What's the trick? I Googled but found nothing

>doing anything in ms access

Libre-office is okay for basic projects, but horrible if you want to make anything above average. Also, when I used it in Debian 8, it bring the system to a crawl with an AMD card.

Microsoft Office is WPS Office but inferior.

How can you prefer something when you've never used the alternative?

>LaTeX to make a spreadsheet
Good luck I guess

>not using freedom respecting software
is this even a question OP?

you arent from around here are you?
