what are your three biggest pc building memes? mine are
>$25 fan meme
>aio/watercooling meme
>spending over $100 for a case meme
what are your three biggest pc building memes? mine are
>$25 fan meme
>aio/watercooling meme
>spending over $100 for a case meme
Didn't fall for any.
Open source os
water/liquid cooling
Intel being worth the money
I haven't fallen for any of these shits, but know plenty of faggots who have.
>new computer parts that aren't storage
Fuck it, I'm going to add three more...
>asking Sup Forums for advice on how to build pcs
>pcpartpicker being useful
Nvme ssd's are the meme.
SATA ssd's are like a god church
HDD for OS
Chink brands
>HDD for OS
You know anyone who HASN'T fallen for this meme?
that's a puffy vulva
i want to have sex with her(if you know what i mean
SSDs are a meme and the only people that push them are people with buyers remorse.
>jake paul meme
...I'll go back to my containment board now.
>not upgrading
>using a 700 watt rated psu for a ~300 watt pc
>can still use actual cd's
SSD's are legitimately the best innovation in the desktop space in the past decade. If you're still using an HDD for your OS in 2017 you should consider suicide.
>putting personal data on the same drive as OS
>worrying too much about upgrade path/"futureproofing"
>aio/watercooling meme
are you fucking serious?
It's only a meme if you have shit hardware to cool, otherwise no, not really.
I've seen plenty of retards getting best mobo & CPU combos and they couldn't reach a specific freq because their (air) cooling solution were shit.
With very few exceptions(like the most expensive noctuas/other air-coolers) it's not worth getting air-cooling for relatively "high-end" systems(6+ cores)
shitty psus on $1000+ builds
My h100i V2 cools my system nicely, it's only a 6700k but the quiet is appreciated
1000+ watt PSUs on modern builds that sip power.
go back
>installs windows
>disables UAC
>primary account is elevated
Silent pc
That's a penis.
i7 processors
I put a dual tower noctua CPU cooler on a 65W Ryzen CPU and I'm not even overclocking it.
I know what you mean, but want to elaborate? Did something happen to you because of this?
>R4, it served me well enough.
>[email protected] still amaze for 1080@60
>770 2GB is so good for the price it should be a meme
>16Gagglebogs of DDR3 for xXx-treme gaymen speed
>Logitech G502
>Had a mechanical keyboard but i had a bad day and destroyed it completely, now i have a 10 bux ms keyb
I'm about to fall for the BSD meme. I want to be secure and stable, and just dick around with something that is foreign to me. I tried babby linux distros but they gave me unhappy feelings.
pic unrelated
>Had a mechanical keyboard but i had a bad day and destroyed it completely
What a fucking fag.
to be fair it was a really bad day and it felt super fucking great to destroy it
>Replacing cables for aesthetics
>SSD for media storage
>Multi GPU
>Liquid cooling
what's wrong with water cooling?
im not ocing my 6700k, there's literally no reason to watercool.
>risk to leak
>loud annoying pumps
>more expensive than aircooling
my scythe kotetsu keeps my 6700k below 60 degrees under load and is dead silent. enjoy your dying pump in 5 years.
and nothing else unfortunately
well yeah noctuas are good like I said, and if you don't plan to OC your CPU air-cooling is fine, not to mention water-cooling it's mostly worth it when you have a top-of-the-line CPU
>risk to leak
literally the biggest meme of all time, there's none if you don't fiddle around with it(i don't even know how would you do that)
>loud annoying pumps.
Not really, but it depends on the AIO and your personal "preference".My pump is quiet and i barely hear anything less than 1300 RPM.I'd say it depends more on the case
>more expensive than aircooling
yes, but if you compare the most expensive noctua and a decent AIO it's a no-brainer.Like i said,water-cooling it's worth it when your hardware is more expensive, i wouldn't recommend water-cooling on CPU for anything with less than 6 physical cores, not only it's not worth it but it's a waste of money.Compared to my 1800x, even if i get the most expensive air-cooling i'd probably have to keep the fans ramped up above 80% to get the same temps as i do on water-cooling
>Spend under $40 in a case
>AMD oven
>This $15 keyboard is going to work just fine
watercooling is only good if you do a lot of ocing.
there's a lot of instances of people's aios leaking when they did nothing. sometimes it just happens. i'll agree that it's very rare, but the idea of buying a non-corsair aio and having it leak and not having them cover costs is pretty bad.
there's literally no risk with aircooling if you use a modern motherboard with a modern case and backplate.
I didn't, but that's probably because I built my first computer in 2015
every part of my system is calculated and correct. i regret nothing. the only possible improvement doesn't exist as far as i know. a silent case with great airflow AND total coverage of intakes with dust protection.
while i agree, most of the brands of AIOs (with the exception of either thermaltake or cooler master) have the same pump & rad producers as corsair, the only difference are the leds,the programmable memory & other irrelevant esthetic shit
The risk i'm concerned about is that air-coolers with the same performance(noctua,coolermaster for ex) are heavy as fuck, and i won't take the risk of moving my PC by car and have the cooler snap out from vibrations since it's so heavy, that's probably way more likely to happen than a sudden leak or pump failure
The only (situational) benefit i see in air-cooling is that when i'm not under heavy workloads it's very silent, but then again 500-700RPM on the AIO fans are aswell quiet
that can happen with any cooler to be honest. the screws on your aio could become loose if you transport it a ton.
just lay your pc on it's side and it'll be fine. I think if you google "aio leak" vs "cooler damaged motherboard", you'll get more results for leak.
I just see aios as an investment. if you have $150 to spend on the aio itself and two fans, sure, it can be much better than a $70 air cooler.
like i said mine was $40 and is one of the quietest coolers I've used. even quieter than my nh-u12s
I have a whole garage full of anti-static handkerchiefs left over from back when I collected them
>had extremely severe OCD and was suffering from chaotic manic episodes
I found it soothing to collect them
Looking back on it, I can't fully wrap my head around the whole thing. I think it was all the confidence it gave me. I'd walk around with them hanging out of all my pockets. I was making frequent trips down the street so I could jump on my neighbor's trampoline. I cringe so hard thinking about how much I bragged to the kids about my handkerchiefs, that how I couldn't be shocked.
I felt so powerful.
almost got let go from my job, but somehow I grew out of it thank god
>there are people on Sup Forums right now who think ssd
The chingchang products are fine if they are priced right (dirt cheap) but when some cuck starts paying a premium to have the Xong Di edition is when we fail.
Playing video games on your computer is a pretty big meme.
just buy a big enough sdd for os and programs and put all your games and media on a separate hdd