Open GIMP, draw a PERFECT circle (i.e. not an ellipse, has a uniform line thickness, has anti-aliased edges).

You have 5 minutes to do it.
You are not allowed to look at GIMP help.
You are not allowed to search for help on the web.
You are not allowed to watch tutorials on YT or anything like that.
Just try to figure it out without any help from anything or anyone!

Other urls found in this thread:

sir thats a loaded question

where's the question?


EVERYONE will fail this challenge. GIMP's a giant piece of shit. Every time I try to use it, I go WTF?!?!!?

Elipsis selection > hold shift for circle > paint it black > shrink selection some pixels > paint it white

>size 100 black
>press once
>change size to 95 and colour to white
>press in center of first circle
haters will say this doesn't work

Literally grab a circle brush, set 100% hardness, click once, note coordinates of your mouse, reduce brush size by a few pixels, go back to the same coordinates, click again.

Reduce hardness for antialiasing

I don't understand the point of this thread.
1. Make ellipse selection with constrained aspect ratio
2. Fill it with black
3. Select -> Shrink
4. Fill the shrunk selection with white or delete its content if you want transparency

>note coordinates of your mouse

It's literally going to be displayed at the bottom of your screen for retards like you

I think the point was to illustrate how un-intuitive that would be to most people.

OP, you should have asked them to draw a perfect circle around an object in a picture without using multiple layers.

File name explains it all.

AA edges my bad.

not antialiased well. FAIL.
shrinking the selection is the cause for this... it doesn't antialias.

4 steps to draw a fucking circle. kek


>not antialiased well. FAIL.
you FAIL you fucking moron. it's antialiased

>no subpixel at all
it is fucking blurred

But not well! FAIL!

subpixel what? are you fucking retarded?

>gets BTFO
>moves goalpost
did you come here from /po/ by any chance?

*Sup Forums
/po/ is okay


>Not enough aa reeee


literally the second thing anyone learns how to do in gimp, op has a poor memory from too much jenkem


I see no difference

This actually looks great on my retina display.


>ellipse select, hold ctrl
>selection to path
>select none
>stroke path...
>select line width

christ you fucked that dude



This is the only correct answer

Whoa ...

You win.

that was easy what do i win

holy shit does that look bad! I zoomed in only few times and saw this.

no wonder GIMP is such fucking garbage when it can't even stroke the line properly.

>This is the only correct answer
found the GIMPtard.

use the circle selection tool.

Fill selection

Shrink selection


dang that was hard

You dumb shit, that called zoomed blurring. Not GIMP's fault that you're retarded.

.. and you get a jagged result, retard.

The cirlce selection tool has aliasing by default.

thats just because the resolution was really poor, sorry for that. heres a bigger version, made with the same tools.
and i think the other guy is right, ive used gimp a lot, even as a ""professional"" (kek) graphical design tool, and this is the easiest and smartest way ive found.

Wtf so many steps

Fuck this free GD shit. I'm so glad I chose Photoshop over gimp all those years ago and that I came to my senses and decided that I will learn illustrator instead of inkscape a couple of days ago.

That's called a JAGGED LINE you dumb fuck.

left: your GIMP "circle". right: proper non-GIMPed circle zoomed in.

Some moar evidence:

Left: GIMPed line.
Right: OP's circle zoomed in.

If you can't tell the difference, stay the fuck away from anything that involves graphics and color.

GIMPed stroked line looks like an absolute dogshit.

GIMP can't even draw a fucking proper circle.

hey dude did you see my other post?
this one right here

no subpixel rendering friendo. compare that monstrosity you created to PS or some other competent program.

I bet they chose an odd width.
Submitted for your approval.

what youre referring to as 'PS' is in fact proprietary software and theres no way in hell i'd ever run shit like that on my computers

circles are hard man
could i interest you however in some nice straight lines?


ew no :3

39 seconds

Do you know what feather even does?

subpixel anti aliasing on a fucking raster image?
are you daft?

Filters > Render > Gfig

The proper way to do it.

Find a flaw in this circle?

blurry af

My understanding is that it softens edges, giving the same effect as anti-aliasing. I don't know what it's meant to do, since I don't use Gimp, but it got the job of removing jagged edges done.

Damn. That looks so fucking bad. Probably the worst so far in this thread.
>position/size in tool options
>paintbrush > smooth stroke
>edit > stroke selection > stroke with a paint tool
there you go faggot

Sorry for respecting OP's criteria

foking easy didn't even have to use the eclipse tool

absolute FAIL. same problem with the stroke as discussed above. you actually FAILED twice... because you didn't even read this thread.

The software you use to open the images provided applies a filter when you zoom the picture past 100%.

How fucking retarded/blind are you on a 0-10 scale?

I don't get why this is so hard for people to do.

Here is another circle made with
Filters > Render > Gfig

Find a flaw, OP. I'm waiting.


it's nearest neighbor, retard. it just doubles pixels.

see: problem is your technique. stroking a line in GIMP does not work well.

while Logo is cool, this method of drawing pixels leaves gaps. and it's also not anti-aliased.

I don't give a heck, OP.

>not antialiased well

you've failed to meet the challenge.


r8 pls

>it's nearest neighbor, retard. it just doubles pixels.
Your method of judgement is flawed. Go back to /r/eddit

i did:
>ellipse selection
>watch at height width ratio in the status bar to be 1
>context menu > selection > border > 5px
>fill bucket on border


now zoom in OP's pic.
you failed again freindo.
GIMPed circle looks like shit.

-- and a faster but more limited method

looks bretty good
how do you change the width tho

Fuck, I thought I could change it, since it uses the current selected brush, but it only seems to respect the color and brush you choose, not the scale.

I guess you can resize the circle afterwards, but then we're back in "stupid circle making methods" territory.


GIMPed is so shit dude!!
were so lucky we have our own BLACKed circles, theyre soooo much better XP
thank god for adobe and steve jobs

PS not really XD impeach god!!

seek mental help

>not just looking up a circle svg and pasting it in gimp

>having to copy paste shit out of webpages to make your image editor make a fucking circle
you're like the ultimate cuck

>having to move your mouse in order to draw a rudimentary shape
I bet you don't even ASCII, faggot.

someone post a circle made in photoshop one if its so great

OP is a fucking moron


where's your circle, gimptard? oh, that's right.,.. you're too stupid to make one.

I am not a gimptard, I don't use a Linux, I don't fucking care. If I want to draw ellipses I use paint.



>What is difference between image manipulation sw and vector based sw (i.e. inkscape vs GIMP)


>I don't fucking care so much I became buttmad!!!!!!!!

It's a very simple process.