/w4v/ - Daily Wait for Vega Thread - On Tour!

This is where we wait for the latest AMD graphics card which AMD will surely release in a timely manner and will definitely blow all of our minds, no questions asked, 100% guaranteed, no chance it'll fail, just you wait.

Last time: BREAKING NEWS: VEGA'S GOING ON TOUR. If you're in Budapest or Portland, go take some videos and leak them here, then leak them to VideoCardz so they can then be leaked here too:

The latest:

3dcenter.org/news/erste-informationen-zu-den-einzelnen-modellen-von-amds-radeon-rx-vega (Deutsch)
3dcenter.org/news/der-release-fahrplan-der-herstellerdesigns-zur-radeon-rx-vega (also Deutsch)

Other urls found in this thread:




>august release date
raja really needs fired, the hbm meme is a joke

That's for partner GPUs, not reference.

Reference is FE only

>Vega won't be available until next year
Feels bad.

what will the resale of my msi 390x be like after vega hits? I want to sell it for 2 vegas and a better monitor

Getting that XT baby!



huh, leaks incoming? this is weird move
either they are ready to fill that sandbag with lead
or this is current intel marketing retardation levels

AiO seriously screams "avoid avoid" at me

Enjoy your inferior cooling performance.

Partners get final bios August 2, no way will a nonhousefire card release any less than a week or two after that

>2 vegas

such a shame it's high wattage. I was designing my next system to be a power sipper because my room is a finicky bitch temperature wise. guess I will forego freesync and get whatever 1080 revision nvidia comes out with.

Enjoy your leaking AiO and pump noise.

1080 goes up to 80C normal operation fyi
power draw is not always equals temperature

how else will i run my games if vega turns out to be shit\

>tfw fell for the full amd rig meme

Oh are you referring to the foundry edition?
Cause literally all aftermarket cards stay under 70

I'm sorry, but did Vega already fail? Oh, that's right. The RX Vega hasn't been released yet In fact, we're still weeks away. Does a workstation GPU performing poorly at something it wasn't designed to do count as failing? Is that what you're saying? Because if you're saying that I can assure you that you're wrong. Why would you make this topic when RX Vega isn't even out? RX Vega is still being tweaked and AMD have been the best GPU manufacturer for how many years now? And how many years have AMD been up against developers and reviewers paid off by Nvidia? But you know what? They're still fucking here. Maybe you should shut the fuck up before you make retarded topics like this. You know why? Because you're going to be embarrassed when the RX Vega outperforms the 1080 TI and someone bumps this topic. Oh look at that, the AMD just announced an official release date for Vega. Are you a fucking drunk? Are you retarded? Are you autistic? You are a fucking idiot and you should never make a topic on this board again and I'm fucking serious. I almost have a feeling you're the only guy making all these anti-AMD topics because you're a faggot hater who doesn't like AMD because they have morals. It's so easy to spot out your threads now, you're a retard. Always doing stupid shit like this. Why don't you try to be a good poster? Just for once? For once in your fucking life try not to make a topic like this. That's just you, you're always right at getting it wrong. Fuck you. You are nothing.

hmm, pasta

Custom > AIO

Sound of an AMDrone

Fuck off

Friendly reminder:
There's no need in another MAD Accordion because 1050 Ti exists.

so do all AMD cards, point is mute

AiO is on par with air. You a faggot.

Not if they are drawing 400 watts
480s were pretty caliente unless you ran your fans over 2000 rpm

AiBs? no, look at 580 that draws much more than 480 and stays ~70

No they don't

user, can you read your own graph? it goes above 70C only at 1600mhz+
stock clock for Nitro LE is 1450.

>The most we were able to get out of Sapphire's golden sample was 1475 MHz. That's not much of an increase, and the subsequent pull-backs brought the average down to 1450 MHz. In short, manual overclocking is almost completely pointless. And we don't have anything nicer to say about our efforts with the memory.
Still, we observed temperatures between 74 to 76°C on our open bench table and closed case, and those are solid figures.

are you retarded?


I know a guy who had 3way SLI with GTX480s.

Since when was a Fury X that good?

No, it's not. They're launching at SIGGRAPH and it's not a paper launch. videocardz.com/70663/amd-confirms-radeon-rx-vega-is-launching-at-siggraph

Prove it, it's not.

here is a Vega tour for some weird reason
is it first time company ever done that? this is so weird

>Launch delayed by almost 9 months
>Absolute radio silence regarding its performance until FE launch
>FE turns out to be shit
>AMD still can't be arsed to release any info

Vega is a turd. If it weren't, AMD wouldn't be acting like this.


Maybe some people chasing around the RX Vega Van will get some more info.

Vega looks like an abomination. I would have considered it if it had SR-IOV. Guess I'll be keeping the 970 and dualbooting for a while.

You sure it doesn't have that? From what I can see, it was added to Linux driver patches.

if i walk on microcenter at august 1st, would i be able to walk out with an rx vega xt?

Assuming miners didn't beat you to it.

Can't mine

And they say Sup Forums isn't sponsored by AMD


nice digits

That was public housing. Capitalism had nothing to do with it.


Guess I'm keeping my 390x for 2 more years

AMD staf control r/amd so they control Sup Forums.

Post your face when AMD literally pays Sup Forums's mods for damage control.

>He thinks the OP is serious and not sarcastic
Never go full autism.

>mfw they're actually not doing it for free

Post your face when serial dumb frogposter has been shitting up the board with drivel for months on end with the same stupid fucking image


>From what I can see, it was added to Linux driver patches.
Don't make me search for it. I would even buy the FE.

i'm a little bit impatient honestly i just got a 1080 for 500 bucks but vega might be a better deal after all

you know who you sound like?
>communism had nothing to do with million starving!!!
now please lecture me about how a capitalist country with a mixed-market-economy like the united kingdom isn't really capitalist.

>Linux driver patches.
So, does it have it or not? Isn't this just for the Pro cards?


Because when the government pays for something then capitalism isn't the problem? The state was negligent. Why is an economic system at fault?

What is Lyra2RE?

are you implying capitalism can exist without a state? capitalism needs a state to function, corporate power will always tell the state how to behave, and grenfell tower fires will keep happening.

So a corporation told the state to neglect grenfell towers? And communism/socialism are the solution to this? So the solution for the state's fuck-up is to expand the state's power?

Better than most algorithms for HBM but still absolutely terrible
HBM has too much latency

>100 extra watts
>5% more performance
>vega gonna be around 450
Yeah no it's not a better deal at all
A 1080 for 500 is a great deal

This meme is dumb, people are using Fury's and Fury X's to mine and will use Vega as well.

It's not a meme
HBM has incredibly high latency, it is terrible at mining compared to cheaper options

>And communism/socialism are the solution to this?
how did you come to even think i imply this? remember who i compared you to in my first comment?
my god you are so dense. i won't bother explaining your other question since it appears to pointless.

The fact that you can sell a Fury X for $500 means that you can scream" HBM is bad for mining" all you want and it doesn't matter. Vega is going to be sold primarily to miners, that's a fact. The people who constantly say "miners won't buy Vega" are deluding themselves. Unless you can pick one up day one, no one ITT is using Vega until next year at least.

HBM is terrible at mining
There is no changing that
Nothing you say will ever change that statement

You're completely wrong, get over it

>still not /w4n/

And again, it doesn't matter. If Fury and Fury X are good enough ofr miners, then Vega will be good enough as well. No one in this thread is getting a Vega until the mining boom is over unless you get lucky and preorder in time, you're deluding yourself if you think otherwise. People here kept saying Nvidia was shit for mining yet 1070's were selling for $700 USD.

Still waiting for Ryzen laptops.

the 1070 is better at mining than the fury x
first the best cards sold out, 580s 480s 470s etc
then 1070s and 1060s
The reason why they flew off the shelves so quickly were because they were good at mining and cheap
Vega is neither of these things, it has high latency HBM2 and is more expensive as well as power hungry
The only reason why miners would buy vega is because everything else is sold out

>The only reason why miners would buy vega is because everything else is sold out
Guess what? Everything is still sold out.

Restocking july 17th

Sold out again by the time Vega RX launches.

4D sandbagging, or actual shit? Can't wait.

Bitcoin and etherium crashed bud
Ebay is getting flooded with cards

Here in Aus there are a few rx 580 and 570 models that are in stock and have been for a few days now. It has been more than a month since that happened.

I think the demand from miners is dying and the gamers don't look to be buying at the inflated prices so they are just sitting there now.

I just checked and even used RX 480's are still going for $300 at the cheapest.

Because they're scarce? They were $700 a few weeks ago. The prices have plumeted.

They were two times as much a week ago
Buttcoin crashed, so did nearly everything else

>Depending on when AMD announces general availability of the GPU on SIGGRAPH later this month, it could be as soon as early September.


Should I buy whatever you're all waiting for or the FE

I want to buy the more expensive card but blue looks good in my case...

nigga it's less than a month away

> thermal dynamic is not always true



That's September (possibly) for partner boards, not reference.

>buying reference AMD

Why the fuck can't AMD have AIB partner cards out at the same time like Nvidia do? Maybe call the AMD variant the FE....no wait...

No they have to call it RX xXvegaXx XLX XTX XL XX

>Founder's goy was even more expensive when it came out
>AIB cards came after
Is there even a 1060 FE? I think those came out with AIB cards straight up.

>founders goy
>frontier edition is 500 dollars more