Linux still has no thumbview

>still no thumbnail view in file picker
>can't even see the webm thumbnail
I keep on using this shit OS but it feels like it's straight from 2007 when it comes to usability features.
is there a technical reason GTK apps lack a thumbnail view?

anyway, pic related.

Other urls found in this thread:

Don't thell me you are unironically using Linux on a desktop?

>Don't thell me you are unironically using Linux on a desktop?
I'm a poorfag. and Windows is even worse since it's a literal botnet.


I tried it. I could never get used to mouse acceleration. It's so completely weird and unlike any other OS. may other issues too... like 'show all windows' view etc. I tried it for like a day and went back.

I doubt you are using a FSF approved distro and not running any proprietary software, you don't escape the botnet just by removing one piece of proprietary software from your computer.

Open file manager
Turn on thumbnails
Drag image to "Choose File" button
You're done

Or, use KDE. But on OpenSUSE, because OpenSUSE uses Plazmazilla, which makes Firefox have good KDE integration.

works on my machine™

go to bed dumb pollak.

No wonder

>he thinks that GTK is the only toolkit available
Qt has been able to do this for years.

0/10 bait harder next time

Wow... so this... is the power of linux?

[–]bruce3434 1 point 3 minutes ago

So, about the file picker meme, I have some thoughts.

It appears gtk's philosophy is not aligned with the idea of "having bloats" in the toolkit. What if someone makes a standalone file chooser API/Application? For example, if the user clicks on "Choose file" button, the file_picker.exe would be called by the program. The picker can browse the file and when a user finishes selecting files, it will send the list of file paths back to the program.

All the application developers need to do is 1. Look if the file_picker.exe is defined in xdg-open 2. If not, set the program to just use the legacy gtk file picker.

My idea is to make the file picker a standalone program, like a file explorer. I know it feels "hacky" but it might just work.

It seems I have to contact the freedesktop folks to add a "file chooser" category which is going to get rejected.


Oh boy I just posted my reddit name xD

You're using kde though, you can just enable the preview pane

I have thumbnail view....

thats not a file picker, dummy


You mean the file upload thing? That has thumbnail view, too.

Meant for:

thats not a thumbnail view, retard. you should go to bed.

That's just a preview and not a thumbnail view. The GTK file picker only offers a list view

That precisely is thumbnail view.
The term you're looking for is "icon view"

retard, it depends on the nomenclature. pretty much all GUIs call it thumbnail view.
it's irrelevant what GTK calls it since it DOESN'T HAVE IT.

>retard, it depends on the nomenclature. pretty much all GUIs call it thumbnail view.
Then why the fuck are you picking on someone for it?
rich coming from you

I have been running mint cinnamon for years and have absolutely no idea what these threads are about too

Sounds like some retard is applying a mate thing to whole of linux

Stop complaining and either ask the devs to implement it by asking them or code it yourself

thats a list view you low IQ troglodyte. go open Nemo and hover over list view button. see? it's list view. that's whats inside of file picker.

List view doesn't have a picture of the thumbnail on the side.

They mean "at a glance" thumbnails (i.e. grid view). That is, you have no idea what each of those bottom images are unless you scroll through each of them, whereas and have it.

For anyone who still doesn't understand:

Pretty much every graphical file manager has grid view/icon view/thumbnail view, along with options to switch between those views and list view. File pickers, on the other hand, are usually pretty barebones, and GTKFilePicker is the clearest example of that. You can pretty much escape the annoyance of GTK by doing 's method. But it's still a pain.

and? neither does thumbnail view.
go back to learning your baby Mint.
only retarded use that distro anyway.

I don't have a problem admitting that there isn't a grid view on my file selector, but their is a way to view thumbnails. Perhaps they should use the proper terminology in order to avoid confusion, because I CAN view thumbnails on the file selector.

from ad hominems to shitty projections.
Do you have a problem friend?

Just because I CAN use Arch doesn't mean I want to be bothered with using Arch. When you have an i7 and 16 GB of ram, the increase in system resources isn't really notable.

You probably do, since not every Proprietary Program is sending all of it's data back Home. And even if they would, they could only send their own programs data since the Program doesn't really have the rights to touch anything else.


KDE doesn't have this problem.

That's how KDE does it, if you don't want to link your program to the KDE libraries you can search for the KDialog binary and use it for displaying a proper file picker. Chromium uses that so it will use the glorious KDE file picker instead of GTK shit if it's installed, no need to build your own patched browser.

>ask the devs
There is a +10 years old issue about this, the devs refuse to add this feature.

>code it yourself
Someone already did, but gtk devs refuse to accept the patches.

90% of all windows users pirated it, and MS knows it and condones it because they are happy about keeping absolute market dominance, why do you think they are never coming up with antipiracy updates which could they easily do and basically break pirated installs every week?

you are just a dumb fag with no excuse

Impressive virtualization.
How many Go of RAM do you have ?

is that windows in virtual box?
I have so far not been able to emulate any OS on VMs without fucking lags. It's fine for like using word and shit but watching movies or playing games on it is completely impossible due to massive lags and like 5fps
and my CPU even has that vm support on

GPU passthrough you summer faggots

a what now? stop making shit up son

If thumbnail view was a useful feature it would have been added to gnome long ago. Shutup and accept that you are abnormal.

>not using KDE, the best DE

Then disable mouse acceleration. It's not rocket science.

Passthrough is a way for extremely autistic individuals to run a Windows VM under Linux with only slightly crippled performance. It's mainly used to avoid actually rebooting to a native instance of Windows, which would be substantially easier and faster.

Can you do it the other way around? Run linux natively on windows like that? I want to use linux for stuff but it's too laggy in normal VM like i said

>Run linux natively on windows
Doing it wrong. Linux comes first.

Not for me. I enjoy linux but for any serious work and pretty much 90% of stuff i do windows is ideal.

You don't need linux then. At least not until Microsoft craps out again.
For a faggot like you, you should stick with dual booting or Windows forever.

wow, linuxfags really are toxic, no wonder it has near zero marketshare even though it's a nice OS

Jokes on you faggot, I use FreeBSD.

>i do 90% on windows
>you dont need linux then
>wow toxic
why are you even here?

he's a summerfag, you get these faggots every year in part thanks to Sup Forums

God like level of patience. Bless your / yalls soul user

The default file picker in Xfce does. Also stop pretending that Linux determines what file picker you have and not the DE. You tech illiterate fucks. God I miss the pre 2012 Sup Forums. You would have been called out on your bullshit by the first reply.

Time to post this stale webm again.

>using GNOME
Use KDE, Cinnamon, MATE, or xfce.

That shit is way too complicated, this is exactly what i'm talking about. On windows this entire thing would be solved by basically double clicking one .exe file, in loonix you have to spend 6 hours by following several partial tutorials for different distros with only 50% chance of success
Well, i'm just gonna stick with windows, using linux was just a fun sidehobby anyway

>Way too complicated
Did you even read it?

If you still think it's too complicated I suggest you buy a Mac and go shitpost on faggot

>That shit is way too complicated
you're worse than a nigga
you dumb faggot

>On windows this entire thing would be solved by basically double clicking one .exe file
but you can't do it on windows :^)

Linuuuux is garbage when it comes to usability.

it's a server OS it was never meant to be a user OS.

why is this file picker so fucking slow and buggy? try page downing in it

>not using ranger in $CURRENTYEAR

is there any guide for how to go through and organize/rename/catalog a ton of unorganized files (mostly images) in linux using ranger or something?

i have tons of shit to go through, actual family photos and backups of dead relative hard drives, not just meme folders. Doing this in windows was a real chore.

Just write a basic bash script
# for all (*) files in the current directory
for i in *;
# -f checks if it is a file (skip directories)
[ -f "$i" ] || continue
# store the file name in filename
filename=$(basename $i)
# ext = the extension of the file (here we don't care, jfi)
# dir = the file name without its extension
# create the directory
mkdir -p $dir
# move the file in that directory
mv $i $dir

>Linux software does not have this feature, it is linux fault! t. Retard

>massive buthurt
the post

If I complain about some missing feature in windows specific software and blame Windows for this, how this makes you feel???
Anyways, educate yourself, KDE has thumbview.
You can make linux distribution to your liking/personalise it.
Linux is just a kernel, everything else is software. And software plus Linux kernel is a Linux distribution.
And Linux distributions are plenty, so, if you will attack with so retarded argument, please, specify exact Linux distribution, rather blaming kernel for things it's not supposed to do.

>blames whole entire linux
>he means gnu/linux
>doesn't take the distro and desktop environment into account
>neither goes so far as to try a different file manger / viewer


>still no thumbnail view in file picker

And yet, it does

How can I do this? Tell me your secrets!

It amazes me how many people in this thread can't tell the difference between image preview and thumbnails.

>still no thumbnail view in file picker
So you are claiming these thumbnails aren't thumbnails?

I'm not actually going to patch browser. What I am doing (it it works out) is something more "universal"

I am making an independent file/directory selector, much like a file manager. In fact I might as well fork a lightweight file manager and hack it into a file/directory chooser.

The one think I am worrying about is xdg standards. They have to open a new category called "file/directory chooser" or something like that. I am very doubtful that they are going to do it actually.

Use any DE other than gnome.



that's not a file picker you low IQ retard.

another illiterate low IQ homeless retard. that's not a file picker.

Some people drag and drop, you now

This is funny: KDE was the first DE to include a thumbnail view, years after that Apple added the same functionality into their OS, and then Microsoft finally did the same thing. And now, Micro$oft shills are coming to this board to claim that GNU/Linux doesn't have this feature, only because of Gnome... fuck this shit


People this stupid should not be allowed to post.


>Some people drag and drop, you now
that's STILL NOT A FILE PICKER, retard.
go ask your special ed teacher to explain you the difference.


Delete this thread please.

Define "File picker"

Here retard
Linux Mint KDE

>Here retard
you should stop calling people that when you're retarded. That's STILL NOT A THUMBNAIL VIEW!

Why is Sup Forums so full of retards?? Summertards?

>thumbnail view
What kind of thumbnail view definition do you go by user?


>install 3gb of kde
>vs 300mb with gtk/i3wm

Ohh you mean a webm thumbnail.
Here ya go kiddo.
Ranger always got my arse covered

Do you not know what a thumbnail is?

user, I think he's looking for something more like
When you choose a image to reply with / upload onto Sup Forums.