How will lincucks recover from this?

How will lincucks recover from this?

Other urls found in this thread:

Stallman doesn't into Linux.

>1 IP

He hits the nail on the head every time.

I could be a Wankster

a one armed man and a man with no thumbs gets into a fight and who would win?

See also some technology-related terms

He's not wrong though.

>pic related
imagine being a ""girl""

imagine wanting to fuck a cockroach

Good damn I love Stallman.


imagine having convictions rofl and even sticking to them hahahhaha

>imagine being this autistic lol
That's standard for lunixfags and freetards.



damn i just switched to windows after seeing this #maga #praisekek

Stallman is one of the greatest minds of our age and anyone who disagrees belongs on Sup Forums or Sup Forums.

Here's your (you)

>Copyright (c) 2016, 2017 Richard Stallman Verbatim copying and redistribution of this entire page are permitted provided this notice is preserved.
Even Stallman likes to have his ""intellectual property""

It's time to face the facts. Richard Stallman is nothing more than a whining, overly obese autistic manbaby who has not done anything beneficial for the computing OR technology world in the past 20 years. Seriously. Name something that RMS has done after 1995 besides bitching, crying, and moaning about bullshit that does not matter, or making some retarded, incomprehensible speech.

He demands that Linux be called GNU/Linux. That is fucking insane. The only reason GNU, GPL, and FSF are still a THING is because of Linus and the invention of Linux. If anything, Stallman should rename GNU to Linux/GNU, because without Linus, the GNU, GPL, and FSF would not be a thing anymore.

Stallman still has the fucking gonads to act like he's superior to everyone else. Saying shit such as "I'm not glad he's dead, but I'm glad he's gone" right after Steve Jobs' death. What an asshole. Stallman has not even programmed a single line of code since 2008, that was AFTER he essentially stopped in 1992.

He should be fucking grateful Linus stepped in to save his ass, and even allowing him to take partial credit for his achievements. If it wasn't for Linus, he would be nothing, he would probably be dead in a Burger King dumpster right now.

Besides, what has he ever even done? He claims to have written eMacs, but in reality he actually cloned gosmacs (the first eMacs that was made for UNIX). He didn't even write 50% of the code in eMacs.

You might say he wrote GCC and GDB, but the truth is that he initally wrote the C compiler, but now the vast majority for the same compiler is done by contributors.

He's a washed up, morbidly obese man who tries to stay relevant by having these retarded arguments that are similar to those found in the Soviet Union. Face it GNU/Freetards, Richard Stallman is a fat dickhead, and the only reason his name is still in the books is because of Linus's achievements.



he also supports pedophilia and necrophilia, that says enough about the sick fuck

>this pic

no bullying in thsi thread

Fuck this kike (((Stallman)))

you're insane in the membrane

everyone stop

Imagine being a roach

Oh, color me surprised, he's a lefty

>dooH niboR: Robin Hood in reverse — the practice of taking from the non-rich in order to give to the rich.

imo posting "kek" should be an autoban




>the license text is longer than the code


>Saying shit such as "I'm not glad he's dead, but I'm glad he's gone" right after Steve Jobs' death. What an asshole.

He might not have much empathy, but he isn't an asshole. He didn't like Steve's ideals so he's glad he's gone in that regard is what I believe he meant.

He strongly believes in his idea of Freedom and if you watch his speeches (face it, they're not interviews) and weed out his repetitiveness he has good points. He even says in his interviews that he alone hasn't written most of the code. He takes code and adds to it.

He wants GNU/Linux as the name because he wants BOTH the efforts of GNU and Linux to be recognized. They both need each other so saying shit like If it wasn't for Linus, he would be nothing is retarded. If it wasn't for GNU, Linux would be nothing as well. It takes two to tango and free software allows others to build on top of what others have already created to make something better. Both parties should be recognized in that effort.

most jej

She literally lives in the New ottoman Empire now. If she was a >girl, she'd be dead by now

>Nandakumar Edamana


Not really. Feynman takes the title by a long shot. Stallman is just an old washed-out Jewish hippie

no one has ever installed gnu/linux
I know plenty of people who have installed linux though

> Antisocialists: people who believe that the state should not do anything positive for non-rich people, such as providing medical care or education, or protect them by regulate businesses. They oppose these activities and call them "socialism".

>Those people call themselves "Libertarians", but that term is propaganda for their peculiar views. It embodies a claim that respecting "human rights" includes letting businesses trample their workers, their customers, the environment, and the public; that it requires leaving poor people on their own if they can't afford food, water, or medical care.

>The state's mission includes enabling everyone to have a decent life, which includes both social programs and respect for human rights.

>As for those who define human rights to include laissez faire for businesses and reducing taxes for the rich, I won't endorse that position by calling them "Libertarians". I call them "Antisocialists".

So this nigger sets up strawmen like sort of like this and attacks them? What a fucking sophist.

means the code is bullshit. 20 lines don't need a license.

I want to be like Feynman. Imagine being thought of as one of the smartest men on earth and fucking your female students.

>The So-Called Ruler Of The United States
That's it, I'm going back to Windows.

>10 different names for Donald Trump
how much of a passive aggressive little bitch can one man be?

>Antisocialists: people who believe that the state should not do anything positive for non-rich people, such as providing medical care or education, or protect them by regulate businesses. They oppose these activities and call them "socialism".

That's an interesting §7 additional permission. I didn't realize you normally had to include the entire license (much longer than the comment here) when conveying copies. But I guess it makes sense to not require it for minified JS, since that would be an even higher license-to-code ratio.

I meant to reply to

Stallman is a perfect example of what happens to anybody who spends too long at a university. He's Chris Chan with a talent.

>implying Chris Chan isn't talented

I bet you think code in a public github repository without a license is open source.

Just went through his "fcbook" page, what am I supposed to use instead of wsapp?