/ost/ - openSUSE thread

Daily remainder openSUSE is superior operation system for your computer.
>zypper is love zypper is life
>rollback with snapper
>best kde distro
>great for gnome 3

>tested snapshots
>as stable as rolling distro can be

Leap 42
>source from SUSE enterprise
>answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything

>it just werks®
>real engineering
>no fagotry

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rpm is the only reason i dont use it

Dear you can use something else

how can I fix the font rendering without break my system (gldickens repo break my tumbleweed)

Fedora is the best distro, some kernel devs use it and so do gnome devs. ffs it's the best

>windows is best os some devs use it

>thats probatly why gnome is so shit

Nigger fuck off. Fedora is the best because the people who make its software use it. OpenSUSE is always 2nd place, Redhat is always 1st

does anyone know why my mouse cursor keeps switching back to the default X11 mouse theme every time i mouse over a title bar or my favorites in the application menu

>beta testers for red hat
No thanks

Arch nigga

not a bad distro. Maybe I would evem consider using it if perfomance wasn't so shitty.
I mean, come on, it's always CentOS slow.

Im planning now installing leap but i have a question, lets say i have 42.3 leap and i want to update to "42.4" but how i can update if i have my repos with other software? is going to break? how i could update in this "possible" scenario?

Debian nigga

we stretch now


Yes, im loving it thus far. Very stable system.

thank you openPEPE

I have updated from 42.1 to 42.2. and to 42.3 without any problems. If you use Packman repo then you are clear.

SUSE > RedHat

Not him but how do I into updating OpenSUSE? Do I disable all repos but the official (and Packman)? Last time I used it I fucked the whole system up because I updated with all repos enabled

Is there a convenient way to install the latest proprietary nvidia drivers on tumbleweed?
Updating from the official binaries after every 'zypper dup' is too much of a hassle.

Trying to remove the green ugly from everything is too time consuming.

Fuck off ryan


>no real-time kernel in packages


>Daily remainder openSUSE is superior operation system for your computer.

opensuse is a meme

I have given up on it last time I installed it with Mate and it was pre-riced for some reason. Went back to debian.

Fedora is better, I used OpenSUSE for year before switching to Fedora 26.

I am currently on fedora after being unsuccessful to install Nvidia drivers on tumbleweed like 1 year ago, but I miss zypper

It's a meme distro.
I've installed it once, it was Tumbleweed version.

>asking for password before every fucking action, even connecting your computer to known/unknown wifi
>nasty bug with X11 (or Wayland, I don't remember what's the default), it literally crashed Xs after some time since starting computer and it happened EVERYTIME
>shit package manager, if you try to remove some big package you may end with unusable system just because zypper can't into depedencies

Yeah, I know Tumbleweed might be unstable but man, they say Arch is a meme, but it works flawlessly, so how do you call OpenSUSE? I'd go with Trash GNU/Linux.

Gnome is fucking garbage...

So much salt and incompetence in one post.

>asking for password before every fucking action, even connecting your computer to known/unknown wifi
That's polkit and it's configurable. I wonder how usable your Arch is when you can't configure basic shit.

>nasty bug with X11 (or Wayland, I don't remember what's the default), it literally crashed Xs after some time since starting computer and it happened EVERYTIME
Never heard about it, also WorksOnMyMachine™.

>shit package manager, if you try to remove some big package you may end with unusable system just because zypper can't into depedencies
Zypper explicitly asks you to select from several options when it encounters a corner case. If you answer everything with "break the depending package" then yes, you're probably going to end up with a broken system, but that's your call.

They sold Linux users out to Microsoft, so no, they're not.

and no actual release notes

because you're not using a de or it has failed to set it
if you don't use a de it is set in some obscure default file in .config or .local
you can use lxappearance for that



Distroupdate or update?
For just update, zypper up. If it then fuck up, check repo priorites.

For distroupdate, disable packman remove suse repos and add new ones. Then zypper dup.

You know there is upstream themes at repos, just use them.

>sold Linux users out to Microsoft
And how exactly did they "sell out Linux users" you retard?
Novell bought SuSE and then made some patent and interoperability deal with Microsoft.
It got hugely blown out of proportion by knee-jerk reactions from organizations like FSF, but ultimately it was not the Armageddon they predicted.
It's also not like RedHat and Canonical didn't do this too at a later date. Turns out making deals to simplify your legal situation is a standard industry practice.

Suse =/= openSUSE

I like it, it's pretty stable on tumbleweed, but fairly slow. At least KDE is on it. I don't know what to do either because I can't enable DRI3 on it.

If by slow you mean slow boot it's fixable by disabling ipv6 if I remember correctly.

Nah, that issue I had too and I fixed exactly that way.

I mean graphically slow with some applications like Chromium or Retroarch.

>I don't understand how to use desktops that aren't blatant copies of the traditional Windows desktop.


Why is it that everytime I hear someone pronounce openSUSE they say "openSUSA"

In chromium you might gain better performance by overriding gpu blacklist in chrome:flags if you havent done that already.
There shouldnt be much gpu performance difference between distros. Actually tumbleweed should be better because of the newest drivers.

Cuz that's how Germans pronounce it and it's a German company.

Then use FVWM or some tiling meme.
GNOME is garbage not because it's not "traditional", but because it's heavy, slow, and artificially limited in order to not confuse the target group: retards.

heres all the issues ive found in a week of using KDE on arch

do these happen on opensuse?

> every time you change wallpaper the entire session crashes and restarts

have to hit "Log out" / "Reboot" multiple times to actually take effect from start menu

Various steam games will randomly break Kwin and have no boarders.

Various steam games open on wrong monitor with graphical glitches

Various steam games black screen and crash the whole system.

When using the QT filepicker fix for Firefox on KDE, i sometimes have to hit Browse > upload multiple times for it to actually select the picture....

cant resize steam window (random?)

alt+tab behavior is laggy and not immediate. need to hold button?

multi-monitor behavior is shitty. the display settings dialogue is glitchy and Cloning/Unify is generally buggy and broken.

certain applications open in fullscreen/maximized?

Well, I can guarantee one thing at least: I compared KDE Neon user edition and openSUSE with KDE and I got completely different results. On Neon it was doing weird shit as you describe, left right and center. I couldn't suspend or lock the session unless I wanted to reboot the machine afterwards because even restarting the session wouldn't work. Multimonitor behavior wasn't too bad, except that half the time I booted the system it wouldn't turn on one of the monitors.

I tried openSUSE and I had none of these issues at all. Not the best performance, but at least I haven't had actual "problems" with it and believe me, I'm always bitching about little things. I wouldn't expect KDE to be great on Arch to be fully honest.

>as stable as rolling distro can be
Lies. I've had far less issues with Gentoo over the past 5 years than I had with TW in 2 months that it was installed on my second machine.

Does Leap have any updates regarding drivers and such or should I go tumbleweed

They played to patents that didn't make sense. Doing this deal implied there was merit to the patents, making it harder for other distros.

>in handcuffs
>still able to pull a hand out to think

this picture really fires off my neurons

Fuckkkkk I fucking hate it when pajeets call everyone 'dear'.
Fuck off cunt I'm not dear to you.

kill yourself you dumb fag

Sir i give my humble sorry

opensuse+xfce is comfy

>kill yourself you dumb fag
summerfag, go back to Sup Forums where you belong.

How the fffffffffuck do I set up network so wicked doesn't take so long to boot

I disabled IPv6, I set my IP to static and the fucker still takes its time.

>because you're not using a de or it has failed to set it
that's really odd considering i use the plasma 5 environment when logging in

oh well it's not a big deal but it bothers me a little


>tfw opensuse

I wish the font rendering had RGB subsampling like every other distro.