Internet Speed

Don't complain if it's too slow if you get over 1 mb/s.
Fuck off!

I learned to appreciate my 6mbit connection.
Most people i know have 16mbit, 50mbit, or 100mbit.

But i appreciated my 6k connection for a long time, because i knew the kids in africa only have a 2mbit connection, like you fellow friend.

God blessed me for my patience with a 40mbit fiber glas connection (see pic in next post).

be patient, god will bless you too

>able to get up to 300 mbit/s
>willingly pick the 40 mbit/s subscription instead
I don't need any faster, and neither do you.


>go to college
>get instant 10MB not Mb MB of speed
>play multiplayers with low ass ping

It was like I was living in the future. Fuck American internet companies.

Look how OP is the only one who uses Mb and MB wrong.

I had to live 2 years with a quarter of that.

Fix the font spacing in your terminal. Absolutely disgusting

is this better ?

I wish I could get more upload

I only pay 10€/month for this.

This speed is temporary sadly ;(

29€ / month and that also include Satellite TV, and unlimited Europe phone calls


I fucking hate you all so much

>t. an angry cunt paying $100 Dollarydoos a month

I'm using 5GHz WiFi with the router on the other side of the house :^)

I fucking wish I had that speed. I will never know what it feels like.

>pay 35 usd for 5Mbps dsl in 2017


He's on RFC 2549.

mm men fiber finns inte i indien :^)

I am blessed by ISP gods. I have my choice between 1gbps fiber for $70 a month from Verizon ($95 with phone and TV too), or $149.99 for 2gbps fiber from Comcast (SFP+ fiber drop with 2.2gbps down/up provisioned with no data cap and a static IP)

Only reason I'm not with Comcast is I would have to upgrade my switches to 10gbps and upgrade from CAT5e to CAT6a in all my drops. Plus id need a better pfsense box to handle 2gbps throughout.

I'm paying $90 for this.
I'm just fine with the speeds I get and the price I pay, so fuck off with complaining about it.
If you want better internet because your video gayms need it, how about you pay for it instead of your parents?


>I'm paying $90 for this.
But wouldn't you rather pay $20 less for this?

Pay $20 per month for over $1000 ticket, maybe a couple hundred thousand dollars in housing, or at the very least a few hundred per week, as well as an unforeseeable amount for furnishing, relocating/freight, and more?
Yeah nah, get fucked mate. I'd rather wait for (((fiber))) in my area and pay similar/less for that because these cunts are cutting all copper off in 2020.

>somebody else using Dodo
fuck off we're full

I do pay for it cunt that's why I'm so salty!


Lol you only get this speed with FTTH which costs a lot of money for decent infrastructure. Good luck

i pay 50 usd for this in chibchombia

>an aussie who doesn't complain about his ridiculously expensive internet
well I guess there is a first for everything

Some Aussies got lucky enough to get FTTH before the NBN switched to FTTN.

Eastern Europe mobile data