This is the best time to do so.

I'd highly recommend installing 'Everything-netinst' version as it is the most configurable edition out there.

Other urls found in this thread:

26 was released today, senpai.

sorry, wrong link m8


Hello Red Hat (*cough* NSA) shills

What is this "Everything" iso and what it differs from netinst?

I am on Fedora right now, but I want to reinstall everything. I need some help.

I dual boot macOS and Fedora, so there are several partitions set up on my hard drive. Which of the partitions should I choose to write over in the installer?

Format /, mount everything else.

Where is this Red Hat == NSA meme coming from?

I installed it and the default install with GNOME uses 3.2 GiB RAM

The us department of defense is literally their number one client
RedHat is a known pusher of and contributor to SELinux, a literal NSA project

I set it up so that I had a separate partition for the home folder, as well as one for the swap partition. So should I still only choose /, and leave the mac, efi, swap and everything else be?

I really actually want to just start over, make sure the swap partition is big enough for the hibernate function to work, and also just fix everything I've broken.

Is this a reason not to use it? I would think RH products to be more secure because of this.

Yes, just format /, set previous Fedora partitions to where they were before.

>RH products are more secure because NSA makes it more secure
Of course they are secure, why would NSA want to put a backdoor to linux..?
It's not like they tried to do that or something...

I mean, just set "Format" checkbox on / and mount points on other partitions.

just upgraded, everything works so far.

feels nice.

>This is the best time to do so.
why though

FFS, source code is open. If there were any backdoors they would have been found already.

Well well well... Do you really think that someone spent their time looking for backdoors..?
It's easier to just not use something developed by NSA

netinst doesn't have wireless firmware, Everything has

Poorfag gtfo.

26 is out, fresh packages

Is the scientific spin up to date as well?

how did you make your Gnome looks like this? I mean how to move dock like that? and what is this theme?

Finally. I tried Ubuntu GNOME for GNOME 3.24 and it was fucking horrible. I can only imagine what 18.04 will be like.

yes, it is

Ubuntu is dying slowly, 17.10 will be unusable piece of crap.

dash to panel extension to put favourites in the bar, it also includes a super+number quick launcher for your favourites

dynamic top bar extension to make it transparent until a window is attached to it

top icons plus extension to put items like dropbox etc on the top bar

theme is flat-plat

But wait, how do I make sure the swap partition is big enough then?

Check out NSA operation orchestra FOSDEM 2014, there is mentioned a case where openSSL due to a "bug" had only 64k different random states for 2 years
Because something is open source doesn't mean it's secure, you can't trust people on the internet.

It does however mean that insecurities are discoverable, and a discovered bug will get so much attention and cause so much noise that you can trust them to be fixed.

How does that compare to closed source? For one thing, we know for a fact that insecurities in Windows are known of yet ignored by M$.

Any way to fix the font rendering?

Looks like shit.,

I did not said that closed source is better, obviously it's not.
But the fact, that something like this was unoticed for 2 YEARS, means that some more "bugs" created by NSA can exist.
I think this is enough reason to avoid using anything related to Red Hat.

there's a package in the RPM repos that apparently helps but I've not tried it.

What's wrong with the font rendering? It looks fine.

now back to shitposting

How big is your screen? 14", 15"?

>uses furrdora


>betatesting redhat
>for free

So what exactly is the deal with Fedora? Sorry, new to this sort of thing.

I'm getting paid for using "final version" at work so at least I can be ahead with shit they are putting in in a year or two.

>being cuck of arch developers
>for free

its just upstream redhat

It's NSA honey pot, and NSA likes to shill things here to trick people.

meant for

>implying Arch is not botnet/honey pot

No scaling right? Is 1080p comfy at 15" or too small?

gnome cucks

Most likely not.
You can have arch without systemd
Arch is not behind company like canonical or Red Hat
Just few neckbeards doing gods work

>y-yes user just stop using this plethora of hardware and software
>w-what? you are not afraid of the g-government? haha you're just so dumb
you statists make me sick

Comfy for working with two tabs open (browser + terminal). Only thing I did was putting No Squint Plus on FF for 120% text and set terminal font to 12 (can't remember for shit that wasn't default size). Browser was the biggest bitch to look at but I somehow managed. Wouldn't downgrade to 1366x768 again.

To each it's own.
But people shouldn't be naive.

Your desktop is what I hate about most default DM setups: SO. MUCH. SHIT. At the top
>Gnome bar
>Window bar
>browser tabs
>browser tools
>4chanX panel
and then FINALLY

It's like a joke.

To be frank I didn't even notice how shit it looks untill you pointed this out ;^) I'm too lazy to work on this

you could move half of it to the bottom of the screen for your inconvenience.

Didn't mean to talk shit, it's just since you said yourself you hadn't changed much beyond defaults.
I have a hard time decluttering the top edge of the screen myself. I'm using a tree-tabs extension for firefox to get tabs on the left side, and I have the KDE bar on the bottom. I don't know if it's worse or better, you might see it as spreading the shit around, but it feels better for me.

Who else here XFCE Spin?

Comfiest ever, been running it since 2012 without needing to do a fresh install or anything. Never had an issue. Just fedup and then DNF

thanks for betatesting wayland

Agreed. Top bars are cancer.
Always miss my close button when use desktops with bars at the top.
just install Pixel Saver extension. It adds close button to shell and removes these huge titlebars in maximized ot snapped (as on your screenshot) windows.

Interesting, but sounds like a Gnome extension? Gnome in my experience usually fails to behave sanely with respect to font size, which makes things pretty bad on an mbp retina. But those top bars are my main gripe, and fixing that would maybe make me migrate from KDE.

Holy shit, that's abhorrent

You can customize most of your problems away with extensions and dconf editor

>just install Pixel Saver extension
Thanks, looks great

it's also bullshit

>"bleeding edge" (or as it should be called: unstable) software
>9 month release cycle
>being a Red Hat betatester for free
>doesn't use Linux-Libre by default
>all the Poettering shitware is included
>Wayland shenanigans
Yeah, no thanks. There is no reason to use Fedora whatsoever unless you want to have Red Hat's dick up your ass. I'll stay with my Devuan machines.

It's not I'll show you when I get home

>>doesn't use Linux-Libre by default
What did he mean by this?

>Debian or Devuan
>hurr it's so stable (or as it should be called: stuck in the last decade)
>inb4 durr just switch to testing or unstable

Fedora comes with proprietary blobs in the kernel.
Do you fap to version numbers? Because that's literally all there is to upgrading packages every day. Most updates are from libraries and you won't notice a thing. Programs that do receive important features can be upgraded using backports or snaps/flatpaks (if developers get their shit together.)
Once a system is up and running perfectly there is no need for updates unless they're security updates.

no problem, user

I use Fedora on my laptop but I use Debian on my desktop. I've considered switching but I really enjoy Debian.

This makes about as much sense as calling Ubuntu posters Canonical shills. It's all free (as in freedom) software. The CIA niggers want you to use Windows 10.

In Mac OS X, you can open a terminal and type "diskutil list" to see all of your partitions. In the Fedora live media, open a terminal and type "su" for a root prompt. Then just type "gparted" and it'll open the GParted GUI application and you can see all of your partitions there.

The security labs version comes with XFCE and uses about 400MB idle.

Install uBlock Origin and HTTPS Everywhere.


Why should i use fedora instead of Manjaro i3 on my laptop?

Mine's under 2, what's going on there? Does firefox really use so much?

>using poojaro

The security labs version comes with XFCE and uses about 400MB idle.

Even fucking opensuse takes less ram in Xfce

is the installer still written in python?
If true then no thanks!

fuck! it's not letting me upgrade to fedora 26. fuck this. i'll just do a fresh install fedora 26.

sudo dnf upgrade --refresh
sudo dnf system-upgrade download --releasever=26 --allowerasing
sudo dnf system-upgrade reboot

Enjoy your free alpha tester of NSA


How do I fix fonts?

Reddit: the distro

why fedora ? I am rather new to linux and only experienced in running Ubuntu variations. why do I need fedora what does it do better or differently ?

u know u want me boi

good god
todd really let himself go

Name one american company that doesn't follow this DAIVERSITEH bullshit.

That's Ubuntu, even has a fidget spinner as a logo.

Nice meme