What is this?

Hi. I logged onto my computer a few minutes ago and decided to change my ugly login picture. That couldn't have been easier. I checked that the picture had actually changed properly and had opened up the home menu (the flag icon) and clicked my new picture but noticed something strange. Under the usual options that it had provided two new... Well, I'm not exactly sure what they are, but I had assumed that they were different profiles; one named boinc_master, the other called boinc_project. Either I had never noticed them before, which is highly unlikely, or they were not there before. I tried something pretty stupid and decided to click on one of the links. When I did, the screen immediately turned black for about 30 seconds. It then brought me back to my login page. I thought that this was very strange, but didn't overlook it and opened up Google Chrome. I was about to type something in the search bar when the screen had turned to static for about a split second and had played a loud sound from my speakers. I'm not sure if these two events were linked or not, but I'm slightly paranoid about that being a possibility, seeing as how unusual they were and the time frame in which they occurred. Can someone please tell me what these are, and how to remove them?

use macOS m8.

google "boinc".

maybe somebody hijacked your computer.
>defcon 6

user, just go to users and delete that shit. Probably some malware since you are pretty retarded

That was something that I had originally thought, Sure hope that's not a possibility.

do you use BOINC or any other grid computing software? that could explain it.

>trip fag

Why not just ask Reddit?

thats a name not a trip code you double nigger go rot in a whole fucking smooth brain

Namefags and tripfags are the same in my eyes.
>defending namefags

Just googled it. Apparently it's some sort of weird-ass company. When I went into settings to try to find it, it showed up as a program called "BOINC". I did not know about this, but I'll have to look further into this. I do know a bit about tech, though.

git rebase

No. I have never used it or heard of it, but I plan on deleting it lol. Any last words before it goes down the trash hole?

>space sciences laboratory

sounds like a bunch of bs to me unless you work in that field

dban and reinstall, retard, dban and reinstall

You got malware on your PC that is using it to mine bitcoins or ETH. BOINC is software that lets them treat your PC as a cluster in their mining operation. Grats.

Well, just found out that the file is on my hard drive. Having seconds thoughts.

>Not know what BOINC@Home is
How old are you, exactly?

I'm deleting this shit anyway; don't really give a fuck. If it messes up my computer, kudos to me.

24 and a month away from getting my masters in CS. should I know ?

I'm thirteen. Of course, I'm going to get roasted just for being a little fuck complaining to Sup Forums about this.


Not really sure what this means, but the program won't uninstall. Anyone know what to do about this?

I'm not bullshitting you. What makes you think so?

Enjoy your ban kid

UPDATE: Was able to remove the other users from the computer.

go fuck yourself

BOINC is cloud computing for some extra terrestrial life search bullshit. I'd know because I had it. All it really does is use your computer for data processing, but I'd still just uninstall it.

>installs a literal botnot OS
>complains about another botnet he is a part of

I dont see the difference here OP, you seem to like botnets so why not keep it ?

This isn't a noteworthy accomplishment

>photos of screen
>win10 problems
>is 13yo
>tries to use Sup Forums as his personal tech support
kindly go back to jewddit, summer, before your parents see you using this 18+ website

Where else did you think it would be? Inside your ethernet cable?

ok now leave

Nobody knows what that is.

fuck off newfag

>I do know a bit about tech, though.
I don't know anything about tech, though
Fixed it for ya

That is so spooky pls delete