You have 0.000001 seconds to tell me why you are not using bootstrap.
Why are you not using bootstrap?
stop fishing for validation
I'll tell you the answer, but I don't have enough time.
Feed me (yous)
I prefer shoelace.
>django not flask
spotted the brainlet
because I'm able to write CSS myself
Fuck bloat!
Learn to write your own CSS and JS, monkeys.
>not perl and mariadb
I use Bulma, which is better, because it isn't in official alpha state, it is CSS only, it uses flexboxes, it seems faster by a long shot, it could be modularized (in theory, but I just use the whole min package) and I like the documentation better.
>not postgres
It's good for basic projects but for advanced projects that require granular UX design don't need it.
Also you end up with a stylesheet filled with overrides just to fix the bullshit it introduces sometimes.
I'm using angular-bootstrap actually, but it's just an intermediate solution until everything makes the jump to angular4.
Which itself is kind of an intermediate solution until Javascript gets ES7 or ES8 or whatever is mature enough to let us drop the frameworks because the base language finally grew up enough to not need them.
You do know that there's a fuckton more to bootstrap than just CSS, right?
>not mongoDB
Well, OP is using mysql and that is basically the mongodb of relational dbms.
Both are the PHP and VBA of dbms.
I do. I was able to make a CRM in less than a week because I basically put a jquery plugin along with some bootstrap animations in a huge for loop in MVC. I love javascript so much because you think it's not going to work, when you attach a + at the end of the ID to link it to the for loop iteration, then it totally fucking does. They loved this project way more than a shitty CRM they paid over $200K for
if you use anything other than php mysqli css and html you are a pajeet or numale
At least it's not OracleSQL.
>sorry we won't release an npm module enjoy compiling the entire fucking toolkit from scratch and you still need to download our binary blob instant client anyways, which you need to sign up an account to download
Fucking Oracle faggots. And you just know that anywhere Oracle is, Java and Pajeet are not far behind.
Bootstrap templates are so incredibly cringey to look at as they're all over the damn place now, they're not unique and promote laziness. I don't touch Bootstrap because I can build the actual sites myself without using a generic prebuilt template. Might as well just use Squarespace if you're gonna use Bootstrap.
Using some kind of cohesive CSS styleguide is infinitely better than going totally unstyled or trying to duct-tape styles into your site from scratch. Not everybody has the time, or the particular artistic skill, to just generate that much CSS.
>Mfw it defines styles for super generic class names that you likely want to use like .label when all I want is the layout classes and the occasional modal or fancy ui control
Fuck you twitter
php-cgi is fast
Yeah, I really don't understand how people/companies still manage to get shilled into using stuff from criminals like Oracle or SAP these days.
That's what you get for using a big company's framework.
PostgreSQL is objectively the greatest free RDBMS known to man.
Yes but I've mainly dealt with frontend design & dev with bootstrap so I've interacted with it a lot especially from the css side.
Our overrides stylesheet was bloated af especially when working with SCSS components, I'm saying using a framework like this whilst retaining brand guidelines or following a styleguide becomes pretty tiresome, we've mostly phased out bootstrap for our own components and are looking for an excuse to axe it as a dependency entirely.
Hows that css spaghetti code working out for you?
>current year
Because I build modern websites using modern web standards and have the pleasure of not having to support IE
>I am unemployed but maybe I can get Sup Forums to respect me
The post
>be like 13
>CSS is new
>learn it
>current year
>numale front end webplebs talking about how can is hard because no real reason
>needs third party library because so plebly
I became an actual programmer, not a webpleb, as you could assume by my teenage ability to learn how to define basic variables and settings.