I'm fucking gaming here for fucks sake

Other urls found in this thread:


>Not using Windows 10 LTSB

You deserve it.

Windows can do whatever it wants. You may be using its services but you don't own it.

>Windows 10

well thats just fucking gay, even my mac doesn't pull shit like this.

ironic af

GNU/Arch GNU/Linux doesn't have this problem.

shut up loser

you fucking manchild

You're about 6 months late with this meme. Windows lets you postpone it for a week now.

yea, that was a week ago

>Windows 10 LTSB
how do you even get this without that annoying as fuck muh activation after the 90 day trial

Sorry I have a life

how can i get this if I'm on Pro?

Don't have that problem on windows 7.

>Windows lets you postpone it for a week now

It should fuck off permanently. I don't want most of their shitty updates. I should be able to disable everything except updates for remote vulnerabilities (which are incredibly rare).

anyone who uses win10 is a fucking retard


>plays muh gaymez
>has a life
sure thing buddy, bet you're the coolest kid on your highschool's minecraft server

You're not allowed to install it. Pay up, goyim.

Set a restart time then you fucking autismo

Your fault for scheduling it during a gaming session. Maybe you should've picked a better time or rebooted it yourself.
Anyway, what update is this? The last required reboot was a month ago and there's nothing new now.

nice grandpa computer

Remove the "10" and I'll agree with you.

Imagine being this out of touch with reality kek


>Botnet 10
You are a fucking idiot. No clue why would you use this garbage over 7 if your hardware is supported.

Fuck off moron, this isn't a board for tech illiterate niggers like you. Kill yourself

I'm a little surprised MS haven't sent out a forced update that disables this shit. It's such a common complaint and surely even MS cares about preventing potential data loss.

The only thing they care about is the goyim's data.

I'm not tech illiterate at all. You're still a loser though, hope your life gets better.

Check the filename timestamp.

The data is not lost since it's all automatically backed up to Microsoft's servers. You can't access it anymore, though.

>not being a tech illiterate
>using Microshaft Spydows 10
pick one

those don't contradict eachother brainlet

t. Rajesh


Because you were repeatedly told not to use it and you did it anyway

Even if I was a poo I still wouldn't be as pathetic as you are

Holy shit you're an idiot, off yourself

>Not using GNU/Linux

Well, unlike you, I'm not a slave to my OS. I have full control over the software I'm running because I don't use non-free software. Guess who's pathetic now, low IQ currynigger?

Some people need more than a Facebook machine.

trips of the devil have spoken

Get the full version (instead of the evaluation edition) and get an activation hack.

Meme magic prefers GNU/Linux confirmed

Wow, really inspiring work here. This UI looks so modern and navigable. Those CGI renders are pixar level! This... Is the power... of freetard software....

>what are GTK themes
You really need to kill yourself immediately.

dumb cunt install windows 7

> wanting to have a choice
> using Windows
Erm pick one
Get the proper ISO from the hash and then proceed to autokms (MTK)
The hash is on reddit

India street shitters caring about bad service

>search linux in youtube
>find ANY random linux youtuber
>prepare the most godawful CGI rendered animations you've yet to witness
Has ANYONE running freetard software actually made anything substantial or do they just constantly live in this perpetual state of freetardum, learning the OS rather than being productive.

The choice of font used in image tells me this graphic designer is going places. Really happy he's representing GNU/Linux!

muh CGI strawman

>search linux in youtube
If you'd rather look at youtube videos instead of quickly trying it out yourself in a VM then that's pretty telling that you are a brainlet. It's no surprise that superior technology transcends your narrow mind, simpleton. Stick to your botnet 10 and your spyware ridden bloatware.

For anyone wanting Windows 10 LTSB


i use linux you nigger. But for practical uses my Desktop uses W10. And now that W10 can natively run Ubuntu I can delete my dual partition.

if you have GNU/Linux, you will not have these issues. Stay mad proprietary software faggots.

>And now that W10 can natively run Ubuntu I can delete my dual partition.
You're a brainlet and you're just keep on proving it. Enjoy your amazon spyware, shitbuntu pajeet.

>he fell for windooz meme

>anyone that ever used anything besides a freetard OS is a brainlet
You need to tell me what freetards have actually built, programmed, or created that was or is useful. The programs that freetards make seem to hinder the user rather than free them to create.

Don't forget to hash check.

Using windows 10 pro, i have literally never had my computer randomly restart ever since i install it a year ago

just because you can't properly use a system doesn't mean it's not useful. I'm a linux noob and I don't hate it when I come up against a wall because I haven't learned the requisite knowledge yet. That's what's wrong with people nowadays, they'd rather be chained to software whose source is off limits because they can't be fucked to think during their computer experience.

Software is supposed to do work, not be work.

The fact that you don't know the answer to this shows me how much of an ignorant newfag you are. In the GNU project alone, there are many great milestones of software development such as GCC, GSL, GMP, Octave and Emac. And the GNU project isn't even the only pillar of free software. Furthermore, the influx and emergence of free software has lead to many other projects go open source. My point still stands, you're a brainlet.

just proves my point, can't ever have any hiccups, just want to coast through, Heaven forbid you engage anything beyond your fingers when you're computing.

>Why don't people use linux?

Also Lusers
>Software should be bad, you should need to fix it, fuck you for wanting things to work

Software is supposed to do work, not be work. A developer who can't make it easy is an incompetent developer.

In other words, you're blaming your own incompetence and inability on the supposed 'deliberate intricacy' of free software. You're an instant gratification faggot who can't be bothered to learn even the basics of how a computer works and is yet quick to jump to broad generalizations, i.e. calling free software advocates freetards or that free software 'is work'. You're an idiot and you know nothing about software design and operating systems.


Learning how to use it is not 'fixing it' you fucking retard. Am I talking to a literal child here?

No user you're supposed to play on the joke that linux is some sort of useful system that works like it should, spinning it's public presence, and completely ruining him in the eyes of the freetard tryhards, memeing the world into thinking he wants it's good, however I guess you're just fucking incapable of any sort of fucking critical thinking, so you just decide to make some dumb fucking post that about how linux is shit (which it is), because you haven't been posting on Sup Forums likely for more than a few weeks and you came here from rebbit xD and all you can think about is how it is not BSD, which just goes to show you know absolutely nothing about Sup Forums board culture, and care nothing about the community and the culture that has grown here over the years, pissing off the long time posters and oldfags, and basically ruining Sup Forums for fucking everyone, including yourself, because newfags like you don't fucking lurk, hell it used to be considered to be idiotic to not lurk for a few months, even a year wouldn't be considered crazy, but nope you get some link from plebbit and just waltz the fuck on over to Sup Forums, hoping you can get in on those dank memes and get a bunch of (you)s and get on the front page of r/linux because golly fucking gee look at all those (you)s! Those are like upvotes right? Remember to fucking include me in the screenshot guiz!!1!!1!!!1! And worst of all this makes shills even worse, since you are too fucking inept to recognize a blatantly obvious shill or slide thread and jsut keep on fucking posting instead of saging or ignoring like any resonable person who enjoys the board can fucking understand, but nope you decide to just be a dumb fucking newfag shit, not realizing that your presense is making it impossible to people genuinely interested to learn anything, since lurking will just show them the toxic shit you spew that has nothing to do with anything that is Sup Forums, and it's absolutely disgusting.

>When my software doesn't work I shouldn't fix it I'll just get some tech support!

>Arch user talking about having a life

>properly programmed solutions exist
>"Y..you should use shitty GPL'd software because it should get a handicap because it's GPL!"
If you want to waste your life wading through shit, that's on you, kid.

You own free software. Proprietary software owns you,

how are people on Sup Forums this retarded

You just need to set a single registry entry you doofus, since I feel kind I'll even spoonfeed you the key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate\Auto Update

Make a DWORD value / edit the existing one called "AUOptions", and set the value to 2

Restart and there you go, now Windows 10 Pro/Home won't bother downloading or installing any updates automatically, it'll be up to you to keep it updated manually from now on.

It's also up to you to find out how to disable the annoying "It's time to install these updates" full-screen message that shows up every couple days though. (hint: MusNotification.exe)

>pic related: a way to do the same setting using group policy if you're some kind of nerd or something

PS: next time you reinstall Win10 run this powershell script over it, it'll set that AUOptions key and fix a bunch of other stuff: pastebin.com/Uk9BRrRJ
(make sure to CTRL+F "remove all listed apps" and edit the list of apps it removes though, and the lists duplicate, unless you really want an install with no UWP shit)


If you want to gamble with an infection.
You only deserve free Windows if you get the Enterprise edition ISO, and get vlmcsd from GitHub and learn how to set it up *properly* on your network in a VM.


quads check

Because you are a fucking baby who lets windows fuck yourself in the ass instead of checking the group policy manager and actually doing something about it.

Because it's not a Linux based OS

Ew, who wants to use a router OS on their desktop?

my computers not rebooting....

posting from phone

Just wait for the mustard gas to release and it'll be fine
That is, unless you didn't update your drivers...

>Linux will always win because they don't do shit for your automatically, and Windows does!
>Why is my system restarting on its own? I don't want it to restart right now!

I love Windows users.

What's wrong with video games, smartass? Why are all people who play video games considered manchildren?

Sorry, I am a capitalist and I abhor socialism in all forms, including socialism.

Thats why I switched to mac and linux setups. Games, got no times for games. I AM NOT FUCKING PLAYING GAMES NO MORE!

I decided to just drop PC gaming and go to console, so I wouldn't have to deal with Windows.

That said, streaming services like PSNow seem to be promising if you have the bandwidth. I could see the majority of gaming go the streaming route in the future.

What makes the LTSB better than an Enterprise version of Windows?

task scheduler -> windows -> updateorchestrator -> delete the "reboot" task

Does using a ton of HHD eat electricity?

Because you haven't allowed it to restart in ages.

Why are windows updates such a pain compared to other OS's?


They aren't

You need a gaming machine, right?

> Can't do anything during a 2h long restart during which you can't do anything
> Do anything you want during update and you don't even need to restart
I wonder why windows updates are annoying

Updates take like 10 seconds and you can set them up (i think it's default anyway) to happen during the night so you never even notice them anyway.

>you never even notice them anyway.
Yeah, no one would notice something like a rendering job gone missing or anything.