I can't go back to being a normie, I can't! Help us together fight back and win this, it's a revolution!
Net Neutrality
^Ban your terrible music.
ISPs slow lanes, aka:
>Return of IRC
>No more clickbait
>Text based browser (lynx bby)
>Less spamming on all fronts
>Normies will probably gtfo of everything but normiebook
Sign me the FUCK up
Fuck off you're too fucking late, we tried to warn you faggots and now the die is cast
LOL, nice one OP! I'm sure everyone here agrees Comcast always does business in good faith. They even have the best customer service in the industry. I hope you'll join me in upgrading your Comcast package to show support!
qos will be bad for irc
I NEED to stop playing video games and get my shit together. A fucking year of no vidya and now I'm off the wagon again. Fuck Net Neutrality.
I don't have comcast. I have Reliance Connects.
I'm no expert in what losing Net Neutrality entails, but the fact that so many huge corporations are pushing for it leads me to be extremely skeptical in supporting it.
It all comes down to, do you trust the government or corporations more?
same shit
Exactly. It's a lose lose.
There are 4 huge corporations pushing against it. The ones for it rely on the web, the ones against it rely on people paying more for the same access
Corporations. Corporations rely on people voluntarily giving them your money. The government uses the threat of force to obtain your money.
When there's a monopoly on internet providers (which there is in a lot of cities), you'll change your opinion.
Every city I've lived in has at least 5 providers.
The people use the threat of force to control the government. The people use the threat of starving to death to control corporations.
For now.
Comcast also has great news programming like NBC news and MSNBC.
Why wouldn't we want them to have unfettered control over the internet?
>No more clickbait
What how?
Corporations are on both sides on this one.
Issues where the corporations all agree you don't see shit.
>Don't trust the government
>because it's controlled by corporations
>Don't trust the corporations
>'At least they aren't like the government!'
Pro corporation is really fucking stupid. Even Adam Smith was anti-corporation.
Is this effecting me any way if I am a yuropoor?
I don't know.
Ask again later.
No. Social media will be in the basic package. Clickbait will reach new levels and cuckerberg will be in jew (((heaven))).
This will only give companys more control of what people consume. You can always lobby the government or sue them, but companys aren't going to do shit. They know they can get away with everything or bust and just start back up. We all already know how consumers will take anything up their butt if the convenience is big enough. Privacy is a dead issue except for the few autists left. With a government, there has to be atleast minimun accountability. Now there will be nothing thanks to 1950s tier propaganda from the least charismatic character ever. That is if this shit does happen, the internet is important enough for some logical thinking before acting even from congressmen.
Haha I agree fellow Internet User, let's all suck Comcast's giant corporate cock
>Pay $40/mo for the additional ALT services
>Encrypted Traffic
That's your future.
>Normies will probably gtfo of everything but normiebook
If only
It may affect content or business practices of web services and sites to re-adjust to the new system in one of the largest markets(US) which in turn affects everyone that is using them globally. Whether it's positive or negative is another matter entirely.
Short answer - yes
Wtf I hate Keyboards now