Why is Debian one of the most used and well known linux distros? It's complete and utter shit

Why is Debian one of the most used and well known linux distros? It's complete and utter shit

>No sudo command installed by default and even after install it you need to modify a system file to be able to use it (sudoers)
>No make command installed by default either
>no gparted preinstalled
>no "open folder as root" in its file manager
>the only way you can fix that bullshit is by using su -l and manually launching the filemanager through the root terminal to edit the system files
>you cant suspend the computer without modifying a system file because they still haven't fixed a bug they found in 2014
>if you want to install adobe flash or you need extra drivers you have to manually install the contrib and nonfree repositories by editing system files
>you cant add ppa repositories by default
>it doesnt have an update manager
>it has no support, if you search a bug or problem you are experiencing, all you will get are answers for Ubuntu machines even if you add "+Debian" in the query

Seriously why? I never had more problems with a distro before, even Linux mint was way better and functional than this crap
>All of that happened using Debian 9

Other urls found in this thread:


I guess Debian isn't for you, stick to an OS you like.

Most of what you listed is a nonissue for the average Debian user. If they're dealbreakers for you then use something else.

>Not being able to suspend the computer or being able to use apt install (if you try to use it forces you to insert a Debian CD unless you modify a system file first)
>"Not a problem for the average user"
Do average users only use the web browser or something? I find it hard to believe something so basic wouldn't be a problem

>Do average users only use the web browser or something?

yes. the only one of the things you listed that bothers me at all is no sudo by default

>no sudo installed by default is a bad thing

Is this a joke?

>Why is Debian one of the most used and well known linux distros?

Because it was the first Linux distro, you fucking stupid bastard.

If you think editing sources.list is a complex modification of a system file then you should probably just use Ubuntu.

You mean Slackware

Ubuntu -> Mint -> LMDE -> Debian -> Arch -> Debian -> Mint

Because back in the day ( more than 12 years ago) it was pretty darn good, and old habits die hard

just use su

no it wasn't. It's one of the oldest still going (along with Slackware), but neither of those was the first. Softlanding came before both.

>Trying to use a primarily server distribution as a personal computer distro

Found the problem

>No sudo command installed by default and even after install it you need to modify a system file to be able to use it (sudoers)
it explcitly asks you if you want to install sudo during the instll process

>No make command installed by default either
it explicitly asks you if you want to install development software during the install process

>no gparted preinstalled
sudo apt-get install gparted

>no "open folder as root" in its file manager
gksudo filemanager &

>the only way you can fix that bullshit is by using su -l and manually launching the filemanager through the root terminal to edit the system files
login as root idiot

>you cant suspend the computer without modifying a system file because they still haven't fixed a bug they found in 2014

>if you want to install adobe flash or you need extra drivers you have to manually install the contrib and nonfree repositories by editing system files
>wanting to install adobe flash

>you cant add ppa repositories by default
no shit, ppas are for ubuntu

>it doesnt have an update manager
update managers are for faggots

>it has no support, if you search a bug or problem you are experiencing, all you will get are answers for Ubuntu machines even if you add "+Debian" in the query

>apt install
use apt-get
which is what you should be using on ubuntu too

the installer literally asks you if you want to allow login as root or use sudo instead.

>uses a "do it yourself" distro that requires manual configuration
>whines about how hard it is to use

wtf i have loonucks now

Just use Ubuntu if you're going to whinge about it so much.

>using sudo

>too much of a brainlet to uncomment one line in one config, yet needs to because he absolutely NEEDS sudo to constantly reinstall packages on his fresh virtual machine of the week


>Don't need it initially since the installer is sufficient. It's not that hard to install things, user

>Install a different file manager.

>Or you can just sudo (program) the file in console since that's ultimately easier


>Get used to it, install Ubuntu if you non-free chimp shit in your system.

>Then add them manually.

>sudo apt-get upgrade

>Read the documentation, brainlet

Debian is for somewhat experienced users. Go back to Ubuntu if you want to be babied.

Are you a BBC smoking faggot, OP?

If so, then please stick to the easy to use kiddie distros.

It's stable. It's really nothing more than that.

What's wrong with apt?

>you cant add ppa repositories by default
because ppas are for ubuntu
if you start pulling shit in from other distros you're going to end up breaking everything
did you even read DontBreakDebian on the wiki?

god damn people are retarded.
"buh I have to edit a file"

stick to windows.

>you cant add ppa repositories by default

why is echo /etc/apt/sources.whatever >> repo too hard for you? it's easier than adding a fucking ppa is.

>No sudo command installed by default
just use windows or macos instead
you'll be a lot happier with an os for children


click to enlarge

SLS -> slackware is quite a bit older than debian
the only older ones never went anywhere
MCC interim
the only known ones before slack..

yggdrasil would have been a cool one though

i was just wondering this myself the other day. centOS is much better

even has android forks at the bottom

chromium OS based on gentoo

why is it so shit?

>no "open folder as root" in its file manager


>No sudo command installed by default and even after install it you need to modify a system file to be able to use it (sudoers)
Debian is a highly stable distro mainly used on servers so it kinda makes sense that they do this. Enabling sudo by default on new users is a huge security risk.
>No make command installed by default either
Why would you need make on Debian. It has a huge repository with good security support. Why would you compile an unstable package from source?
>no gparted preinstalled
Why do you need it by default? Just install it when you need it.
>no "open folder as root" in its file manager
This sounds like a terrible idea. I never saw that in any distro.
>the only way you can fix that bullshit is by using su -l and manually launching the filemanager through the root terminal to edit the system files
Or login as root? Once again, this is a security focused distro.
>you cant suspend the computer without modifying a system file because they still haven't fixed a bug they found in 2014
I never had problems with suspend. That's probably just your hardware.
>if you want to install adobe flash or you need extra drivers you have to manually install the contrib and nonfree repositories by editing system files
Yes because Debian consists of free software only. The third party repos aren't a part of Debian, so they have to be manually added if you want them.
>you cant add ppa repositories by default
PPA is an Ubuntu thing. It's like complaining that you can't install rpm files on Debian.
>it doesnt have an update manager
Synaptic is enabled by default. Also Software if you use GNOME.
>it has no support, if you search a bug or problem you are experiencing, all you will get are answers for Ubuntu machines even if you add "+Debian" in the query
Blatantly false but okay. There's also the IRC channel which is very helpful.

You just want the distro to be something it isn't. The problems you list are just non-issues.

>>No sudo command installed by default and even after install it you need to modify a system file to be able to use it (sudoers)
install it then
>>No make command installed by default either
install it then
>>no gparted preinstalled
install it then
>>no "open folder as root" in its file manager
useless bloat
>>the only way you can fix that bullshit is by using su -l and manually launching the filemanager through the root terminal to edit the system files
use the terminal emulator
>>you cant suspend the computer without modifying a system file because they still haven't fixed a bug they found in 2014
suspend is a meme
>>if you want to install adobe flash or you need extra drivers you have to manually install the contrib and nonfree repositories by editing system files
do not use adobe flash
>>you cant add ppa repositories by default
ppas aren't a debian thing
>>it doesnt have an update manager
it has apt, and you're welcome to install whatever front ends you want; aptitude, synaptic
>>it has no support, if you search a bug or problem you are experiencing, all you will get are answers for Ubuntu machines even if you add "+Debian" in the query
it's the most widely supported distribution of all time

>it doesnt have an update manager
Personally, I find automatic updates to be obnoxious to say the least. That's one reason I use Debian. No automatic updates by default.

This. What's wrong with running apt update & apt upgrade?
Takes like 10 seconds and you can even set up a script that does it every time you boot if you want it to be automatic.

I began with yggdrasil...

You mean apt-get.

seems you're the only basic thing here my dude.

apt install is the same as apt-get install
apt just combines the most used commands from apt-get, apt-cache and others to make it easier to use.
Literally the same thing though.

apt install = apt-get install
apt search = apt-cache search

>baawwwww it doesn't have sudo by default

Arch user here. You are like little baby.

debian invented apt-get which is what everyone else copied because it's a great package manager, it was the best for a long time. It's looking a little long in the tooth now because of new things like nix and guix but hey, it's my go-to basic linux usually.

That's literally 1 character away from giving you a really bad day and I would never recommend you do that. Use the sources.list.d folder for custom shit.

the Arch Wiki is your crib babby

>(if you try to use it forces you to insert a Debian CD unless you modify a system file first)
This never happened to me?
Did you connect to the internet while installing?
The reason why Debian has like 10 DVD isos is because it's possible to have all the packages available offline.
If you install it offline, you won't have mirrors enabled, of course.
Another non-issue.

Apt is, indeed, one of the best, if not the best, package manager. Whoever says otherwise doesn't know what he's talking about,
Apt is the only package manager (along with FreeBSD's pkg) that never gave me issues of any kind. Compare that to arch's pacman, or the ridiculous way of package management that Gentoo uses. They simply do not compare.
Apt is why a lot of distros derive from Debian.

apt is the best.
dnf is also nice.

This only happens if you set a root password for the whole system. If you don't then sudo should be installed by default

t. Had the same problem yesterday

Was confused.

>apt is the best because it didn't give me issues
wow what a reasonable argument
compare it to what with pacman it neither gave me any issues

That. Imho they should make it clearer in the installer that by setting a root password, sudo will be disabled by default.
Still, you probably should not setup a root password for a desktop install.


>I instantly know everything without first learning about it

rely makes u fink

what are man pages babby

>No sudo
Don't set a root password during installation and it installs sudo. Wow, that was hard.

>No make preinstalled
install build-essential

>no gparted preinstalled
Fuck GNOME, that's on them

>no "open folder as root" in its file manager
>[also I don't know how to properly do so]
Fuck GNOME again
also, what is admin:///

>you cant suspend the computer without modifying a system file
[citation needed]
I just had to edit grub's configuration because there of my shitty hardware. What's your excuse?

>if you want to install [proprietary software] you have [enable proprietary software]
Synaptic can do it EZ

>you cant add [ubuntu] repositories by default
that's not really an argument

>it doesnt have an update manager
apt install unattended-upgrades
change one fucking line in its config properly and you don't ever need to do an update yourself
or hell just install synaptic or packagekit

>it has no support [because I don't know how to google properly]
that's on you mate

So you still need to read something, right? What does it matter where the information is located, if it tells you what you need to know? Try being a bit more information-location-agnostic, you elitist faggot.

> 4/10 problems because no GUI update manager or something isn't in OS by default
> 2/10 problems because file manager is not Windows
> 2/10 problems inability to configure basic system files and not allowed to break OS
> 1/10 problem because afraid to fix things
> 1/10 problem because can't google or RTFM

Seems like you shouldn't be using even a calculator.

Sounds perfect to me.
What's the problem?

>>it doesnt have an update manager

Also for some reason Debian decided that sources.list should still include the installation medium so I wasn't able to install anything until I modified the sources.list file and commented out the .iso source.

No idea why that happened.

You didn't use a netinst CD.
If you use a full CD/DVD from the set that happens. Another Debian install non-sense like the sudo thing.

>Setting up your clock and time zone is followed by the creation of user accounts. By default you are asked to provide a password for the “root” (administrator) account and information necessary to create one regular user account. If you do not specify a password for the “root” user, this account will be disabled but the sudo package will be installed later to enable administrative tasks to be carried out on the new system. By default, the first user created on the system will be allowed to use the sudo command to become root.

im not even using debian
>captcha: elliot center

It's probably because when you are installing from a CD/DVD (full iso) it can't be guaranteed to have Internet access so it won't waste time trying to find Internet sources and instead install from the ISO.

If you aren't an actual brainlet and read the pages this should be fairly obvious.
>A larger complete installation image: contains more packages, making it easier to install machines without an Internet connection.

PPAs are abominations and Debian's position that they are security risks is the correct position.

>Do average users only use the web browser or something?
On PCs? Yes.

>PPAs are abominations and Debian's position that they are security risks is the correct position.
This is very true.
Another reason not to use Uboontoo

ITT toddler hating on a sane distro

> >All of that happened using Debian 9
> >No sudo command installed by default
Complete bullshit. It installs sudo if you do not specify root pw during install.

why do you even bother using linux when you're too much of a fag to modify a file ?

You should stick to your iOS fuckin idiot elephant ballsack eater OP

it also has fancy colours
I like colours

>No sudo command installed by default and even after install it you need to modify a system file to be able to use it (sudoers)
>>No make command installed by default either
The only one that does this is is Ubuntu. Giving users sudoers access by default is a security risk.
>no gparted preinstalled
sudo apt install gparted
>no "open folder as root" in its file manager
I don't think any distro offers this. It's a retarded idea for several reasons (ie: clueless users deleting/modifying important system files)
>the only way you can fix that bullshit is by using su -l and manually launching the filemanager through the root terminal to edit the system files
Ad it should be.
>you cant suspend the computer without modifying a system file because they still haven't fixed a bug they found in 2014
Bullshit. Suspend works fine on my machines.
>if you want to install adobe flash or you need extra drivers you have to manually install the contrib and nonfree repositories by editing system files
It comes with Linux-Libre by default (as it should do), so it doesn't have any proprietary blobs.
>you cant add ppa repositories by default
PPAs are an Ubuntu thing and they're pretty insecure. The only thing more insecure than PPAs are Arch's AUR.
>it doesnt have an update manager
sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade
You can even configure apt to update and upgrade automatically in the background.
Or you could sudo apt install gnome-software if you're that incompetent.
>it has no support, if you search a bug or problem you are experiencing, all you will get are answers for Ubuntu machines even if you add "+Debian" in the query
Happens with most distros since Ubuntu is the most popular one.
>Seriously why? I never had more problems with a distro before, even Linux mint was way better and functional than this crap
You obviously come from Ubuntu. Stay there of that's what you want. Debian is libre, stable and secure; albeit a little bit less user-friendly than Ubuntu.

It doesnt installable with OpenRC or S6 init or Runint as alternatives that are selectable it just assume's you WANT & NEED SystemD.

your comment made me puke
how dare you capitalize systemd

you like the D baby, admit it.

Enjoy the chunder bucket, no wonder all the hackers are downloading the telephone companies own wire-tap going "excuse us" that is ours not yours!

Because the day the rock solid, production servers ready distro Debian has been for the last two decades starts catering to clueless faggots' desktop needs, it'll stop being the rock solid, production servers ready distro it's been for the last two decades.

If editing sudoers is some kind of black magic to you, you probably don't understand how sudo works, and shouldn't use grown up distros in the first place. Stick to one of 8372341 Debian's derivatives, and realize that the reason none of them comes close to Debian's server market share is that security/stability and faggot-friendliness are mutually exclusive.

Oh, and don't even get me started on adobe flash in $current_fucking_year.

What's wrong with pacman?

You can install Debian without systemd using the CLI installer. Alternatively, you can uninstall it after the OS is installed and install sysV, OpenRC, Upstart or whatever you wish. Or you could use Devuan.

It's designed that way so you don't use sudo everything.
Just keep your permissions right and use su when needed.

>Muh flash
Go to hell with your proprietary bullshit. Flash is a cancer anywhere it shouldn't be used in any system.

>Muh broken apt
Just remove the DVD source?

mad goy
everything you do in terminal is 1 character away from a bad day

I feel a little sick reading this. Minimal install, gnome, flash, nonfree, not knowing sources format, not knowing apt, not knowing email.
Seriously, why?

>Why is Debian one of the most used and well known linux distros? It's complete and utter shit
Because it's the base for buntus so people consider it the step up. Also it's pretty easy to run 24/7
>>No sudo command installed by default and even after install it you need to modify a system file to be able to use it (sudoers)
so install and EDITOR=nano visudo if you can't figure out vim (because i can't either)
>>No make command installed by default either
normally that would confuse me but as long as there's a means to it, use the means, install make
>>no gparted preinstalled
that's a weak complaint, even in Slackware 14.2s 9GB "install all packages" option there isn't gparted, so sorry Debian doesn't cater to you out of the box i guess
>>no "open folder as root" in its file manager
install a different file manager
>>the only way you can fix that bullshit is by using su -l and manually launching the filemanager through the root terminal to edit the system files
>>you cant suspend the computer without modifying a system file because they still haven't fixed a bug they found in 2014
lol what the fuck
>>if you want to install adobe flash or you need extra drivers you have to manually install the contrib and nonfree repositories by editing system files
dies sudo apt-add repo or whatever the fuck it was not work anymore? i haven't used debian since 7
>>you cant add ppa repositories by default
oh okay
>>it doesnt have an update manager
wym? sudo apt-get update, apt-get upgrade
>>it has no support, if you search a bug or problem you are experiencing, all you will get are answers for Ubuntu machines even if you add "+Debian" in the query
they're similar enough that i was always able to apply Ubuntu solutions (sometimes with modifications) and have them work
>>All of that happened using Debian 9
never used it, stopped using debian before 8 released, not because i hated it, but because i found systems i liked more

Not him but I thought it would be interesting to point out that pacman never gave me trouble but for two occasions, my first time using it, and my first time using it again after using Slackware for two years and forgetting how to use it. Pacman does have a learning curve I guess. Slackware is installing from source, Debian and FreeBSD are just [command] install [package] and compared to that, pacman has a sort of fuck off vibe to it with single letter arguments that take five seconds to learn.

>The only thing more insecure than PPAs are Arch's AUR.
>speaking out of my ass™

>Or you could use Devuan.

You forgot that Devuan is a joke.

The arch wiki is pretty good

>not using su and su'ing back out of root

>>No sudo command installed by default and even after install it you need to modify a system file to be able to use it (sudoers)
I prefer su so this is perfectly fine since sudo is additional unnecessary cruft
>>No make command installed by default either
yeah basic build tools for bootstrapping a system and all that should be included, or at least enough to be able to build your build tools
>>no gparted preinstalled
just build it using your package manager falamalam
>>no "open folder as root" in its file manager
what why
just open a terminal and su and run a file manager if you really need to, but this is an awful idea considering the kind of devs who make file managers are the same devs who coughed up shit like GTK3 and gnome
>>the only way you can fix that bullshit is by using su -l and manually launching the filemanager through the root terminal to edit the system files
alternatively su and then open the files with nano or vim like a sane person
>>you cant suspend the computer without modifying a system file because they still haven't fixed a bug they found in 2014
I can not say anything about this as I never used suspend
>>... adobe flash or you need extra drivers
yeah this is part of why debian is absolute shit even if flash is shit; why not include it in the repository by default, alternatively having a license-mask like gentoo does
>>you cant add ppa repositories by default
is this an aptitude-thing? everything seems shit in comparison to portage anyways
>>it doesnt have an update manager
is this to help the infamous "os breaks every 6 months"-thing?
>even Linux mint was way better and functional than this crap
debian does not set the bar very high
it is literally (and barely even that) the distro that makes the "linux is a server os"-people right

let me add that they insert GNU into the name of everything, even the linux os itself, and go full sperg if you do not agree.

Your real problem is that you're too stupid to read the manual it seems, because you chose your installation to be this way, and all the changes you require can be done in less than 10 minutes.
>No sudo command installed by default and even after install it you need to modify a system file to be able to use it (sudoers)
If you don't enable the root account it's installed and configured by default (like in all the other distros that don't enable the root account), otherwise you're supposed to use the root account (since you decided to enable it) and spend a minute installing sudo and configuring the sudoers file.
>No make command installed by default either
>no gparted preinstalled
Depends on what you choose to install. Otherwise it takes like 45 seconds to install them whenever you need them.
>no "open folder as root" in its file manager
>the only way you can fix that bullshit is by using su -l and manually launching the filemanager through the root terminal to edit the system files
Wrong. Depends on your DE.
>you cant suspend the computer without modifying a system file because they still haven't fixed a bug they found in 2014
Just like in Windows you can't hibernate OOTB right? You need to enable it first. Enabling it takes 20 seconds on either OS.
>if you want to install adobe flash or you need extra drivers you have to manually install the contrib and nonfree repositories by editing system files
Enabling proprietary software repositories requires you to copy-paste two lines and takes 30 seconds. Anyway, you should be installing the free Flash plugin instead.
>you cant add ppa repositories by default
Or you can take 20 seconds to enable it if you want to make a Frankenstein.
>it doesnt have an update manager
It does.
>it has no support, if you search a bug or problem you are experiencing, all you will get are answers for Ubuntu machines even if you add "+Debian" in the query
Or you could look specifically on the Debian support base and forums, retard.

apt install/apt purge/apt update works fine on my ubuntu 16.04 machine idk what you're talking about

I prefer sudo -s to su root (or sudo -i)
Most of your normal user $(env) is preserved.
$HOME .bashrc, all you're aliases, .bash_history etc.

Not using Debian, but was just reading up on apt pinning. Handy to know if you debian.

devuan is better

This is a bait thread right?

Fuck, I can't even tell anymore. There's so much stupidity everywhere, I'm becoming stupid myself.

>using debian as a daily driver on a laptop
>everything works great, battery lasts much longer than it did under the redmond OS thanks to better control over the hardware and configurability
>trying to understand why people think this is hard
Debian will install a desktop and automatically pre-configure all your hardware (if you install from the nonfree ISO) pretty much exactly like Ubuntu, but without your computer getting BLACKED in the process. If you can't handle Debian you can't handle Ubuntu, and you can't handle Linux.

I pinned systemd and put in sysvinit, so it'll never try to auto-install it to satisfy a dependency, Poettering can eat my dick. Devuan still has a ways to go.

>you need to modify a system file to be able to use it (sudoers)
don't you just have to add your dude to the right group?

nah you have to add a line to sudo's configuration file

you're thinking of bsd where you just put somebody into the wheel group and bam, they can sudo

i literally just installed debian like three days ago and all i did was add myself to the sudo group

kek, all of those are non issues. Ubuntu looks like the distribution for you.

>No sudo command installed by default and even after install it you need to modify a system file to be able to use it (sudoers)
>if you want to install adobe flash or you need extra drivers you have to manually install the contrib and nonfree repositories by editing system files
If you're too stupid to read a manual, you probably shouldn't be using debian

>No make command installed by default either
>no gparted preinstalled

>no "open folder as root" in its file manager
Debian does not have a file manager, whatever DE you installed has one.

>you cant add ppa repositories by default
security vulnerability

>it doesnt have an update manager
it has apt-get

>no sudo
Just give two enter in root password screen.

sudo is unsecure ubuntu tard

>he uses adobe flash

ROFL gtfo