/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

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If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Your friendly neighborhood search engine.

$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ help %command%
$ %command% -h
$ %command% --help

Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

Sup Forums's Wiki on GNU/Linux:

>What distro should I choose?

>What are some cool programs?

>What are some cool terminal commands?

>Where can I learn the command line?

>Where can I learn more about Free Software?

>How to break out of the botnet?

/t/'s GNU/Linux Games: /t/'s GNU/Linux Videos: /fglt/'s website and copypasta collection:
fglt.nl && p.teknik.io/wJ9Zy

Other urls found in this thread:


>first time installing arch
>trying to install kde plasma
>been waiting hours which feel like days for this to download
>feel as if I am making a mistake
Should I install antergos instead?

Just making sure you see the information.

You have no idea what a distribution is.
You don't know anything about the distributions you mentioned.
Encryption isn't distribution exclusive.
Instead of asking sane questions or informing yourself, you're jumping straight into the memes. Enjoy your 10 minute experience and then going back to Windows.

tl;dr: you're an idiot who fell for memes and myths spread on here.

I am stupid and I keep replying in the old thread.

You are an idiot. Reasons why:

>antergos is arch for pretentious idiots, who enjoy additional useless abstraction layers which contribute more bugs
>you will use the same kde plasma package on both, meaning you will have to wait the same amount of time (on the same internet connection)

>Nice shot, son.

>haven't updated arch laptop in 2 weeks
>930MB of updates to download

do it like this redditor

what's the advantage of using CentOS over ubuntu server in a real life work environment?

i saw today that ubuntu can now run as a windows domain controller. it's come so far in the last few years


its come too far we need to stop it

>December 11, 2012
Mmhmm. So far. The last few years. Thank you based tridge for inventing Ubuntu.

Ubuntu server is fit for cases where you need the latest server software and backends.

CentOS and such are for cases where you need the server stable, up and running no matter what. As an example, Dolby uses CentOS for the base of their OS running on their digital cinema servers.

>falling for shill memes
either go full RHEL retard or install Debian

First user to post on thread here.

Managed to install KDE , It came with more bloat than you could imagine, Any advice how I find every ounce of bloatware and remove it?
Pic related.

>implying I use anything but debian and gentoo

What do you mean by """""bloat"""""?

>Remove KDE
>Install i3, openbox, etc.
>thank Sup Forums later

this is why i'm concerned about the choice of ubuntu server. it's just not as stable as centos.

How should we know which software you need and which not? And why did you install KDE in the first place if you dont want the bloat?

To remove such bloatware applications such as things the shitty games it comes with, Do I simply delete it from the /usr/share/applications folder?

How can he remove an organisation?
What's wrong with Kwin and why would i3 or Openbox be better for him? Why did you only mention a window manager and not other useful programs?

No, you don't. You uninstall it with your package manager.


that's literally your "start menu folder". Deleting it only deletes the icons. You have to do what this man said:
remove the programs themselves using your package maanger.

>What's wrong with Kwin

not him but a year or two ago I had severe issues with kwin failing to detect monitor resolution/placement properly leading to a whole bunch of other related issues, had to disable kwin in kde and then set up a manual xorg config to resolve the issues

multi-monitor stuff on kde just does not work well in the slightest

>disable kwin
I don't think you know what Kwin is. You can't disable a window manager. You can replace it with a different one. I also doubt that a window manager has anything to do with your monitor/X stuff. That is an X problem and you most likely would have it with any window manager.

is he right, Sup Forums ?


>PCs vs Linux

opinion discarded, not even opening the video.

Totally. I prefer PCs over Linux, because I can easier google for help when I'm photoshopping something and it has free software like iTunes that I can listen to music to.

yup, pretty much correct. still a fagot though

It's PCs with Linux, not versus.

> reading comprehension

>still a fagot

Cheers, Managed to uninstall most of the bloat

So to clarify...

So much unbelievable fail, I love PC's with Windows 10 that spy on me and sell my opinion down the river and I love iTunes because I love of my fag-pad and phone.

or you could just use snapper

just look at him. if that's not a fagot, then i don't know what is


I tend to always get this when booting into arch, is this normal since I've not yet seen it in any other distro?

idk he's cute

He seems like a reasonable guy at the start, but
>The hardware just works
>You got a problem? Just let someone log in remotely!
Nah, most laptops have problems and so do a lot of desktops.

>Linux has the potential to be the most powerful gaming platform, because it is free
Yeah, like it has the potential to be the best networking platform, because it is free AND is used on so many servers. But it isnt. The way Linux gets high performance networking is by bypassing the linux networking stack and handling it in a simplified, custom driver.

>muh freedom
Yeah it's great. But you can't pitch linux as a jack of all trades and the best at everything.

Looking to install Ubuntu onto my system, have a Samsung NVMe drive with a 200GB or so unallocated chunk for it, is there anything I need to add or modify to the latest Ubuntu image before I try and install? To get Win7 working (Ryzen CPU) I had to add a heap of drivers into the install disc.

>s this normal since I've not yet seen it in any other distro?
It's a "just another day with systemd" problem. search for "a start job is running for dev-disk", I encountered it a few times with debian and ubuntu. You should find plenty of people complaining, especially because it's long and cannot be cancelled.

For me it's only 1 Minute and 30 Second, It'll take that over using winblows.

>For me it's only 1 Minute and 30 Second
It's a fixed amount for everyone. Guess memed is waiting for something? Nonexistent device in fstab or similar.

Depends on your hardware but chances are you don't. Make sure you connect the computer to the internet, that lets you download / update stuff early on but it's not necessary.

>not looking into the problem and why it's happening
Hint: it's not for without a reason.

Hence why I came here to see if people had had the same issue.

Fixed the issue.
Apparently I must have missread the "z" for a "2" on the end.

Why would you ask here for such a common problem and not on the Arch forums? You don't even have to ask there, there are already threads about similar symptoms. Took me 30 seconds to get first pointers.
It's obviously waiting for a device that's either not there or specified wrongly.

What are some cool terminal commands?

sudo poweroff

that's what normies do

>not writing a script that also stops mpd for you and sends emails to all your clients that the server will go offline now.

Legit question from a Linux newbie:
I have a Gnome installed as my DE

Is it possible to somehow implement a large list of hotkeys to open all kinds of different programs?

Wouldn't know about Gnome but KDE comes with a shortcut manager to set shortcuts for different applications , Also if you right click on the open application you can open up the options menu.

if you want to do this, why not just use a tiling window manager? e.g. i3

Took me 15 seconds to find out how to do it using my search engine of choice.

Trips of truth.

What does the fact that he wants to start certain programs with a keyboard shortcut to do with a window manager's mode of operation?
Nothing, that's what. You're just another idiot who thinks that i3 is for l33t people who use keyboards, disregarding its core premise, which is the ability to use a tiling layout (together with also a floating and tabbed).

You're a pretty smart guy tb h.

Thanks. I learned how to use internet web search engines at a young age and solve my problems faster than it took me to ask stupid and easily searchable questions.

Snapper is shit and breaks all the time

curl cheat.sh

gee mr. F you're awfully sand-vaginy today

curl -s -L raw.githubusercontent.com/keroserene/rickrollrc/master/roll.sh | bash[\code]

try this one

>curl | bash

fuck I messed up
curl -s -L raw.githubusercontent.com/keroserene/rickrollrc/master/roll.sh | bash

it's harmless, i swear

>reinstalling Slack
>notice this

What's the current state of AMD GPU support on Loonix?

I'm using a 280x which is a GCN 1.0 card, I'm wondering since proprietary drivers were discontinued.

This Fucking memesters. xbindkeys is wm independent.

base64 -d IF9fX19fX19fX19fXwo8IHVyIGEgZmFnZXQgPgogLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tCiAgICAgICAgXCAgIF5f

that might be the case, but putting it in my i3config is the easiest

Use your package manager and figure out how to tie a file back to the package it came from (with rpm, it would just be `rpm -qf $filename`). Then remove that package.

Be careful, since if that package is tied to other dependencies you will likely remove a lot with the bloat, say if it came from a package group/meta-package and you tried to install the entire thing.

In the future, look for minimal meta packages or package groupings, and always look carefully at everything that is about to be installed to see if you made the right decision.

Not everyone wants to be a tiling kiddie.



Openbox is floating kiddo

No I'm not.

< ur a faget >
\ ^__^
\ (oo)\_______
(__)\ )\/\
||----w |
|| ||

xxd -p -r

damn it.

Should i use jeos or lxqt for my raspberry pi 3b? gonna install opensuse tumbleweed, not sure about speed differences

Have a rare pepe for your troubles.
wget -qO- 0x0.st/GVj.txt

Hotkey faggot again.

So, when i make a hotkey a bash command executes. But where does it execute? Can it use like cd?

Things like "~/foo/bar.sh" or "cd ~/foo && ./bar.sh" doesn't seem to work

>try KDE on OpenSUSE
>shitloads of bloatware I won't ever use
>try removing a single inconsequential program
>Are you sure you want to uninstall your entire current operating system, the operating systems installed on your other devices, divorce your wife, and set fire to your pets bed? (y/n)
Never again.

Post your command

That depends on the program that handles those keys.
Try absolute paths, i.e. substitute ~ for /home/username.

sh -c 'notify-send benis'

>manjaro and antergos are more popular than arch
who knew that you could make a distribution more popular by taking a few hours to develop a gui installer


One of the Sup Forums memes that I actually liked is openbox/I3.

Openbox is a great minimal transition for floating that I use at home and I3 is great for productivity at work.

I can never go back to a full blown DE now.(not like that's a bad thing) lol

Thanks guys! :)

hence the options

Nothing special, just trying everything

Not everything works this way for some reason. Like opening a nautilus in a targeted folder

curl -s -L 0x0.st/9a | bash

What's the most advanced DE these days? The one that has most features?

>nothing special
Then how the fuck do you expect us to help you with such vague nonsense?

Whoah, you fixed every small problem i had
Thank you!

gnome, kde, xfce and unity

how the fuck does that work???

Isn't Unity at this point pretty much abandoned?

true, but its still one of the most 'advanced' DEs out there

is there a arm sbc that has a bios so you can book off usb?

How's Kubuntu?