/pcbg/ - PC Building General

If you want help:
>Assemble your parts list
>State the budget for your build (and country if not the USA)
>List games/software you use often, as well as your monitor resolution + refresh rate
>Clarify your goal for build improvements: lower price or improved specs?
How to assemble a PC, select components & more (kind of outdated)

No i5 unless discounted
>G4560/G4600 - Budget builds (R5 1400 - Cheapest quad core you can get (Ryzen 3 soon)
>R5 1500x - Good but up to 1600 if you can
>R5 1600 - Best value for higher fps gaming / mixed usage; 1600x if you want higher stock clocks
>i7 7700k - Only for 144hz
>R7/Used Xeon/Threadripper - Compute/Multitask/VM/mixed use; Not for just gaming

Coin miners have driven price up and stock down, waiting to buy a GPU might be wiser
>Integrated CPU Graphics - Desktop stuff and very light games
>GTX 1050(Ti) - Lower end budget cards, drop settings on newer games, RX560 beaten by both
>RX570 - 1080p@60~hz maxed, running most maxed older games at 100~Hz
>RX580 and GTX1060 6GB - 1080p@80hz maxed, 1440p@60hz at lower settings; RX580 better in newer games
>GTX 1070 - 1080p@130hz /1440p@60hz at high
>GTX 1080 - 1080p@144hz / 1440p@60hz maxed, 4k@60hz in a few games; Probably the highest end card you need for 1080p/1440p
>GTX 1080Ti - 1440p@144hz and 4k@60hz maxed/high in many games

>Check your Mobo QVL before buying any RAM
>Ryzen CPUs benefits a lot from high speed RAM

Always consider an SSD. Try buying a large SSD for what you'd pay for your SSD+HDD combined, and add a HDD later
NVMe SSDs aren't for a faster OS boot, they're for productivity/scratch disk/VMs. NVMe and M.2 are not the same thing, M.2 is a form factor.
The Ryzen lineup comes with surprisingly good stock coolers. consider using them over any

Other urls found in this thread:


It's been announced

16 cores CPU priced like the 10 cores 7900x
And yet the 7900x gets outperformed by the $200 cheaper 12 cores
Skylake-X dead within a month of it's release, nice

Is my fan trying to communicate?
The fuck is going on?

Is it generally better to buy all your components at once, or buy them over a period of time and wait for sales?

Skylake-X was DOA without any help from Kikeripper. Literally slower than Broadwell-E for many things whilst being a mini nuclear reactor.

>bought an R5 1600 to shitpost on image boards

The problem with buying them over time is that you're fucked if something proves to be faulty. It'll be too late to return it for a replacement and you'll have to RMA with the manufacturer.

Is this a good build that will get me 60+FPS on Ultra in most games? Also what case fans should I get?


Sup Forumsuys, what can I expect for PC component prices by Q4 of 2017? I'm building my rig by December and my build currently costs $600. Should I buy RAM (or any other component) ASAP even before I build it due to price increase? Do I buy selected parts if they're on sale or is there always a sale around Christmas (not from USA so no black friday shit)?

Well I currently have a pc I built like 3 years ago. Was thinking about doing a new build in a few months to a year. I guess I could just test out everything on the old pc when I get it.

Some be quiet pure wings 2 or any other $10 140mm fan you can find, really
Does your case has a built-in fan controller?

Get 2 4gb memory sticks instead of 1 8gb.

Bump, also wanna know

>Should I buy RAM (or any other component) ASAP even before I build it due to price increase?
No, you wait for sales on ram kits
I got 16GB at 90€ instead of 120€, case at 90€ instead of 110€, just by checking for sales every day 2 months before i had planned to buy my stuff

>Read product reviews
>Product is praised by many
>Purchase product
>Sup Forums laughs and calls me retarded for buying product

Fuck this place

I wanna upgrade to 16gb in the future

Don't think so

whatdya get?

Nvm, it does, I'm dumb

i5 7600k

well the product is good on its own (hence the good reviews) but comparing it to a Ryzen, it will kinda look bad. You know how Sup Forums is when it comes to "muh Ryzen". All they're saying is that you could've gotten something better for that price range.

you're retarded .

If you bought it before R5 launch it's a fine choice
If after then yeah it's completely retarded


Helping a friend build a computer to play games/do uni work on that isn't a potato office laptop.

Luckily at the condo I work at people throw out computer cases and components so I have a free Fractal Design R5 case that had 5 140mm fans (two are the stock Fractal Design fans, three are Be Quiet! Silent Wings 2).

The 1060 is just a placeholder to show price point and power draw, would rather go for a rx580, but as we all know, they are not really in stock and are overpriced ATM.
(prices are all in CAD)

>Luckily at the condo I work at people throw out computer cases and components
wtf I wanna work there

Literally nobody has recommended a 7600K since March. Your fault for trusting retarded Amazon reviews.

Somebody help me feel better about my decision to buy a GTX1080ti for a 1080p 144hz screen.

At least it was on sale. How much of a bottleneck am I looking at with a i7 4770 Non K

I suggest a different SSD because this is the first time I've seen a WD like that. A Samsung EVO 850 500gb should be fine. Correct me if I'm wrong.

haha, yea it can be pretty nice, especially around Christmas.
my current, humble build, is made out of parts people threw out.
But I don't get parts that often, and when I do its mostly cases, fans, occasional motherboard.
Did get a gt 8800 earlier this year however


My buds budget is 700 and we in the US
any improvements while staying in the price range of 700? maybe even critique
wanna play that overwatch and fallout

What the fuck

>GTX1080ti for a 1080p 144hz
overkill bro

what's wrong with the M.2? Also the Samsung is like 40 more bucks

Good choice, user

There are so many things wrong with this build

Now you have a GPU powerful enough to match your future Ryzen 7 and 1440p 144hz upgrade. Which model is it?

1) Read the OP. A Ryzen 5 1600 might be better for you unless you want to end up like that guy here who's being called a faggot for buying an i5 7600k. Pair it up with an AM4 mobo like a B350.
2) Ryzen works well with fast RAM so probably go for a 3000mhz stick (which can be used after updating your mobo bios since early bios versions had trouble with ram)
3) Try to go for an SSD first to act as your boot drive and probably buy a cheap HDD like a WD Blue (1TB) for storage. Helps a lot.

it's not the M.2, more of a brand thing. From all the lurking I've done, I've never heard someone suggest a WD M.2. But I haven't checked so I'll assume that it's good enough

Build is for a friend who only wants to play overwatch and watch tv shows/browse web

Prices are in AUD, budget is 600-800

This build currently sits at $784

Does it matter what b250 mobo i get? as i could save an extra 20 from there.

For statistics:
>why did you decide on an Intel/i5?
>why did you decide on a short GPU?

Consider going for an NVME SSD if you are spending that much money. Even the cheapest models would be an improvement.

I've been playing game when suddenly screen became black. After rebooting PC there were artifacts on screen (pic related). I've took out my GPU and after some time put it back. Now it works correctly. What could it be? Is my GPU dying?
GPU is XFX R9 290.

damn, we have almost the same build except mobo, case, and PSU. for the PSU I suggest the Seasonic S12ii 520w which is a standard choice for budget. (go with the M12ii if you want modular). EVGA is also good. The mobo doesn't matter that much unless you need some specifics. Also, B250's can run 7th gen processor RAM speeds up to 2400 so probably go for the small upgrade from 2133 to 2400 to make the most out of it :)

>Does it matter what b250 mobo i get?
If it has the I/O you want, you're probably good to go.
Go for 2400 RAM if possible.

Nothing wrong with WD SSDs. In fact the WD Black usually competes with the 600p in price while being faster in writes.

Have you tried cyka blyat?

ASUS 1080ti Founders edition gayman, I already run DSR at 1440p so at least theres that

Do you actually notice a difference between standard 1080p and 1440p DSR on a 1080p screen? Genuinely curious.

so the extra 50$ would be worth it for the WD black?

this guy doesnt have a lot of money, also graphics card price isnt included with everything else

Are you in Canada?
Damn man just link to your build instead of screenshotting. It's easier for you and me. The feature is there for a reason.


yes I am as. as should of been apparent from my original post.


Is there any goddamn information on when Ryzen 3 is released? I need a new PC but I need at least a quad core since I do some photography and video editing

how come?

Yes. DSR is like anti aliasing but better, ofcourse 4k looks the best and there were some games I could run at 4k with my old 970.. the image is just so much more crisp.

Sata power splitters are ok to use right?

For $50 the choice is up to you. I would.
If you choose to buy the Blue (which isn't wrong, again), get it in a 2.5 inch form factor. The performance is identical, and it doesn't take up the precious m.2 slot, which can remain open for later. 2.5 inch slots are everywhere, m.2 isn't.

>What is R5 1600

Completely fine. The SATA power cable(s) included with power supplies have 3-4 power connections for a reason.

Neat. I may have to try that shit out.

why not R5 1400

July 27th

What's a good rgb motherboard?

I'm about to swap my old gray+white 2005 case for this black thing (aerocool 300). The only thing that bothers me is supposed location of HDDs there. Won't it will be warm near PSU? And for warm i mean 40+ degrees C.
37$ there

The Kingpin won't offer anything useful to you if you're just air cooling so having copper fins is literally pointless. But in cryo-territory you can push absurd power into it which is the main benefit of the Kingpin cards. In fact pretty much all the high end 1080 Ti's that are air-cooled have very similar performance and it's mostly down to the silicon lottery and how GPU boost works. You're better off just getting the ROG Strix or EVGA SC2 or something similar. The Strix probably has the best air cooling but it's massive and over 2 slots whereas the SC2/FTW3 are 2-slot and still cool very well. I don't have much info on the Lightning but it seems a bit overpriced and three power connectors is silly for this GPU on air or water.


wow thank you

Really? My EVGA G2 just came with 3 1-1 sata power cables. Good to know I won't fry anything though.

Wow, why didn't I think of that, how stupid of me to ask about budget CPUs when I can just pull money out of my ass and buy more expensive CPUs!


not motherboards too!

r8 my new motherboard


Apparently the board comes with a free gaming mouse so you can just use that. Get a G403 or something like that if you want a better one later. I also went ahead and chose a non-shit case and SSD. Use the CPU cooler that comes with the 1600.

What is the best (for the money) used CPU I can buy to max a 1060 6GB?
No sense in going around $160 since I can buy a R5 1400 for that price and it will run well.

Hello, newb here. Can you please comment my setup?

Location: Czech rep.
Purpose: Developing in Java & Python, gayming (Witcher 3, GTA V, Minecraft)
Monitor: 1920x1080, 60Hz, 27"
Budget: I don't want to go much higher than it is, maybe even couple hundred of $ lower, if something from the list is overkill for what I need.

I couldn't find this cpu fan there so:
>CPU Cooler: Silentium PC Fera 3 HE1224 v2

Total cost ~ 1750$

What do you think? I'm new at this.

Guys, in the other thread, in my 2500€ build, they were saying that 7700k is not good anymore. What's the best gaming CPU that's around the same price of the 7700k (ok, I give 50€ more if it's really good)?

The GPU price is really high, but I don't know the market there.
Also, go for a Ryzen 5 1600, you can find a $300 combo for R5 1600 + MSI Motherboard.

There's nothing that best a 7700k, but even a $120 cheaper CPU will produce exactly the same performances in your 1080p60hz games

Ryzen 7 1700X is the same price as the 7700K

Ryzen 7 1700 for $269. Take that 30 bucks and buy a aftermarket cooler to OC it.

A 1700 OC'd is in the same level as the X, plus it costs less.

1700X is better binned and you don't need the Wraith cooler anyway

i5 7500 cost 237$ and Ryzen 5 1600 cost 260$.

Sorry for dumb question, but are more cores worth the slightly higher price and slightly lower frequency?

>but are more cores worth the slightly higher price and slightly lower frequency?
It depends on how much more cores you'll get and how much you'll have in total if you don't get these extra ones
In any of the i5 case, yes any recent 6+ cores CPU > i5

Yes, the i5 can't hyperthread but the 1600 can (called SMT) so you're looking at 4c/4t vs 6c/12t.



Monitor is what i currenlty have. Looking o upgrade from my FX-8350 to Ryzen. Going to keep my current GPU(290x) until the gaming Vegas coming out and make a gpu decision then.

Any input is welcom


ready to buy, any problems? And yes I'm sticking with the 7700.

Rate ?
Should i wait for AMD threadripper ?
Will be buying this at the end of august, probably.

Anyone got experiencie with a ES CPU?
Thinking of buying a QHQG from $135 on aliexpress and also got the boards and custom bios from the korean site.

I wanna know if any board will boot with stock bios because I don't have any other Skylake CPU to change bios before using the ES.

I am keeping the SSD, 1080 and power supply from my old PC, just listing them so nothing is missing. Any thoughts regarding the RAM/Mobo?
Case is a bit difficult as I can have a max. height of 40cm. I am open for suggestions though. Country is Germany; what is relevant is in red.

With your budget I'd get a bigger ssd and fully modular psu. I'd probably opt for a big dual heatsink cooler like a Noctua D15, but that's a personal call.

Which PSU do you recommend ? I was considering the Noctua D15 actually.
Not sure if i need a bigger SSD, do you think its worth it ?

Intel is finished. FINISHED!

change mobo to anything that isn't biostar, like asrock.

i'd go for 3200mhz ram if it doesn't cost much more. the rest is fine, though i would never pay for windows, but you seem to like getting ripped of so i guess it's ok.

threadripper releases 2 weeks from now. you'd be stupid to not wait. the psu is a huge overkill. supernova g3 would be more than enough. get one 3tb hdd unless you're doing raid or some shit. that case is expensive as fuck. also just personal note: g502 mouse is heavy as fuck. if you don't need extra buttons get g403 instead - it's much lighter.

i would go for better mobo like msi tomahawk. other than that it's ok.

Recommend me some budget cases please.

>i would go for better mobo like msi tomahawk. other than that it's ok.
Not him but it's the best one according to
so what do you exactly mean by "better"? The Gaming Pro Carbon is already an improve Tomahawk mobo.

Yeah, i have a G502 and i loved the weight of it. guess its down to personal preference.

As far as I understand the one I picked (Gaming Pro Carbon) is a better version of the Tomahawk? Or am I misunderstanding something?

thanks, i'll forgive the snarky comment