Speccy thread

Post them,rate them, going to buy a external 4tb drive soon.

Other urls found in this thread:


Well it might not be the greatest thing ever but concidering i found half of the pc at a local recycling station a year back

i wish cpus would catch up already thing is cpu bottlenecked hard.

A bit too much Intel going on in here for my liking.

Modest and comfy

I'm not anti -amd so don't throw me with all these shills.
I'm the friendly Intel guy.


so many people on Sup Forums using W10, what the hell?



6/10 Unbalanced!






rate me I guess it's an old pic but nothing has changed and I'm lazy as shit.

Desktop: shitposting
Laptop: facebook

Get the new speccy you lazy shit.



Considering a 3770 non k or a 2700k, both go for around $150 and I could prob get $50-60 out of the ol' 4t.
>I'm not anti -amd
good onya, me neither
Set your scaling to 100% before taking a snip and it won't be blurry.

I built this in 2012 and it's only just starting to show its age, so I've been thinking of upgrading.

I'm not sure where to start, though. What do you think, Sup Forums?

They updates just about nothing i care about it seems!

Vram stepped above 3GB years ago!

Looks alright, a new gpu, a bigger ssd and overclock the ram. If you plan on sticking with 60hz you have years left on that platform

>a new gpu
Yeah, that's more or less been my thought. What do you think I should upgrade it to?

Been juggling around some options (mostly out of the gtx 10XX series) but nothing really jumps out at me and says "this is worth the price".

It's kinda fucked now. Maybe a used 980ti, 580/8 when prices fall or wait for the Pascal refresh following vega's launch. Only card worth it right now imo is bottom barrel cards and the 1080

r8 n h8

W10 LSTB user here (). I'm sysadmin and I work with Linux everyday. But I found Windows very useful (with the appropiates tweaks to desactivate telemetry and ads crap) for my desktop everyday usage and a very solid VM host.

>inb4 winfag cucked 2.0 kek


hi brother

my fellow 3770k friend, get the 980ti.
Recently upgraded from 6870 to it and it's wonderful. After some OC you can squeeze out 1070-level 1080p performance. You only lose out on 2GB of VRAM, but 6GB is still more than enough if you're sticking with 1080p.




extreme4 though and no 960 evo, and 1600mhz ram

otherwise niscu

i use Windows but not 10 so i didn't make that statement to shit on anyone

I would use W7 but, as you can see, I have a kaby lake processor and is not supported.


The ram is actually 1866, I forgot to turn on the XMP profile lol

so many 1080ti bros in this thread :3c

needs more ryzen


>all those mismatched drives
what the hell user, fix that thing



check it & r8 it


>1TB ST1000DM003


Recently upgraded.

>tfw speccy doesn't calculate ryzens 20C offset

Just built this

The GPU fans aren't on, is that normal?

Forgot image


this is me fans are at 0% they kick on at 60c
Do you play PUBG if so how do you run it and at what settings?

Literally just finished it when I posted that, still downloading games. I'll let you know

hmu with that steam name boi


sent :^)

Rate me pls


feels bad man

install ryzen



I'm going to ride it out a few more years. Switching CPU would mean switching MOBO and RAM...I'd rather just wait and build a whole new system in like 2 years.

solid 7/10


Noice, how's that 1.gen i7 hanging in there?

I put a i7 720 in my old acer piece of shit and 8gb ram some years ago, became a beast. Swapped out my moms core 2 pentium laptop with the acer when I stopped needing it for work. She's still rockin it.

For gods sake go for the 2700k, the 3770 uses paste under the ihs, 2700 is soldered. And can be overclocked.

Performance wise there is zero differance between the 2. and 3. gens, they only shrinked the process a tad.

Get the 2700k.

your poor io controller

Meh, there's only 6 internal drives.

anyone know why it cant resolve the name/type etc of my ram

>-u cpu
>1440p 144hz
that's pretty fucked up

I can oc the 3770 to 4.2 all cores on my board. I am a little worried about getting a degraded 2700k that has spent its whole life north of 1.4v. I know the limitations of ivy, I'm just weighing options.

It sucks that the only way to lower my GPU temps is to sync my case fans to its temperature but that makes my PC sound like a jet engine.

Impossiable temps is this a OC rig?

CPU is OC on a kraken x62. GPU is running stock and boosts to 1911. Its an FTW3 if that matters.

Picture for reference. I have a 140mm fan on the top as an exhaust.

>those temps


I dunno, seems high though

did you just get done playing vidya or is this just idle temps? Hot weather where you are?

You tell me. I got the 1080Ti last week, should I RMA? Its reaching the same temps as my bottom 980Ti card when I had SLI with a Hybrid and SC.

I'm running FFXIV in the background right now. It idles at 34-40

that's normal then

high temps aren't necessarily bad and it's only when it's up in the 90s constantly that it's an issue

Alright in that case I'll stop tying my case fans to my GPU temp.

I see the problem Your sucking in hot air onto the GPU from the radiator.

quick solution would be to water cool it as your GPU is not getting any freash air.

I plan on doing a full custom loop later down the line. I was going to hop on it immediately but EK decided to be fuckwits and aren't supporting hardline for their aluminium series.

I would have purchased it immediately if they said it was coming down the line.

If you want to save that GPU from geting burned out I would get on it user A.S.A.P
don't forget to save the heatsink for resale.

I need to upgrade soon.

put the 240 rad in the top as exh and use your 2 fans as intake in the meantime. Your cpu temp is low enough.

I need to find a fucking speedfan config for this motherboard.

Are you storing your soda on your GPU?

I honestly have no clue. Its just ever-so-slightly cool in my room right now.

Probably a bad temp reading then; even when completely idle and at ambient temp of 10 my GPU idles around the 25-30 mark at 50% fan

how would I go about fixing this?

>tubes at top of radiator
You're gonna kill that thing really fast. Put the tubes at the bottom for less air bubbles.

It's a shame more and more games are asking for DX11 nowadays.

I have a 280mm rad too, Corsair H115i.

I have the rad on top sucking air in, and two fans in front to suck in as well, with one single fan in the back as exhaust. No temp issues.

You might have exhaust on top, but there's no point if your case is getting zero fresh air.


Been wanting to upgrade recently, now that I've got cash to throw around.

But you don't need to upgrade

If I were you I'd invest in a case that gets some fucking airflow across the HDDs. 50C+ is way too hot for them in the long run.

pls don't bully me for being poor =(

Very Reasonable / 10

Time for an upgrade if you can be bothered, but if you're not gaming, or doing very intensive stuff, that will last a few more years.

Ryzen if you can be bothered, but I didn't really notice a difference when I went from my 8370 to a 1700X, except in a few games.

>using a 2018 CPU with a 2030 system


Can you stop posting this in every single speccy thread you dumb russian?

Can you smd, please?
And YOU are stupid, murikafag.