Are we being assfucked by corporate entities in greater proportion simply because the vast majority of people without a...

Are we being assfucked by corporate entities in greater proportion simply because the vast majority of people without a vested interest in corporate assfucking are intimidated by the topic?

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Vast majority of folks don't give a fuck

>implying individuals don't assfuck other individuals and/or corporations on a regular basis

i wouldn't have so much confidence that they actually understand the issue at hand because the scary technology words make their brain hurt

Msees were always fucked up in the arse, different methods, slavery, tithe, industrial revolution.

Avg human is dumb, he want to eat, fuck and sleep.

guess i just gotta become the fucker huh

Yes, and it has been that way for hundreds of years now. Since the industrial revolution really, the moment people realised technophobes were easy to abuse they kept on doing it.

You're probably right my friend. Sad times indeed

it's ironic to me that the same types of people who might tell me to "educate myself" freeze like a deer in headlights at the mention of stuff like this

i've heard them say "nobody has time to learn this like you"


u kno it bb


Dear god let this angry cat file size meme die


If you run it through FLIF encoder, it comes out 197 bytes.

pomf cat / cqnjxc.flif

go to
Try to drag & drop angry_cat.jpg on animated gif
>I'm actually that retarded.

I don't get it.
Won't accept jpg in
Convert jpg to out.png
flif out.png out.flif
how do I view?
convert back to png = same size

is that cat a coming back?

can confirm that my mom is alive after the last post

not this time user!

you lose

OK. I tried the gui version on a larger compression=9 png.
Works better than pngcrush -brute.

It doesn't yet support JPG naturally. You have to convert it to PNG or some other format first.

>how do I view?
You need to get an image viewer that supports FLIF like XNView or Ivy. There's also a Windows codec you can install so that the regular Windows viewer can open them.

Seems xnview does'nt load flif files generated using the precompiled ubuntu binary. It says so on the Flif site. The source code build was a snap, but xnview wouldn't load it's flif files either. Using the xnview .deb for ubuntu they link to. My imagemagick is too old. I'll just have to convert to png to view I guess. There's already another package named ivy in my repos, I'll avoid that.

>scary technology words make their brain hurt
Like what?

like license types and the concept of web/software standards for example, which aren't too steep a subject

try to explain and they won't listen or it will go in one ear and out the other even though it affects them

they'll probably think something like "i don't understand all this tech stuff, i'll definitely learn it one day but for now the people who are smarter than me are keeping it under control! :)"
that's just what i imagine