The city of android

Next phone is definitely going to be an iPhone. Fucking LMAO


I'm just gonna take this bait you dumbass
well, it's your own fault for installing that keyboard in the first place. I agree on your FUCK GOOGLE but not on FUCK ANDROID. this has nothing to do with the operating system itself. please don't be this stupid next time, baka

also and

>well, it's your own fault for installing that keyboard in the first place

Default install on all new HTC devices its part of the image :]

>not installing gapp-less lineageos
lmaoing at your life

What keyboard is that?

>not buying a 5+ year old Samsung Galaxy S3 to install Replicunt on

Don't be useless and gay op
Just install another keyboard.

HTC used a third-party keyboard on that phone, weak yes but hardly a bid deal.

>being a swecuck

>not rooting and adblocking as the first step in conditioning a new device

So what you're saying is that it's HTC and NOT android or google, yet you're placing blame onto google and android?
Do you hate the Jews because 6 million would never have been killed if they had never existed in the first place?

Not funny, Shlomo.

Sounds about right. Say hej to Ahmed for me.

what is this 2009

Good fuck off and join the other threads.
We don't have time for your dumbass, no ones going to try to convince you otherwise. Go buy your new phone. Bye.

iPhone will never come with bullshitty bundleware.

>b-but if you just install this shady Moldovan rom you'll
Shut the fuck up with that shit too you tards. It's absolutely unacceptable to have to install iffy weird ROMs on your phone to avoid the fucking botnet.


>48 tabs

and people wonder why i'm a fosstard for aosp. shit like this.

big companies trying to jew us with ads to fill their wallets. cause making some money isn't acceptable. they need to make ALL the money.

That's nothing, the counter stops after 99, after that it just shows a happy face.


i currently have 392 tabs open on my desktop browser, 48 is nothing

Are you autistic?

Fuck you user

Posted from my HTC one m7

that is fucking gold

>that keyboard
>48 tabs open
>start page