Two rigs with i7 6700k

>two rigs with i7 6700k
>64gb, 32gb of ram respectively
>2xGTX1080 SLI + 1xGTX1080
>STILL 720p

how FUCKING bad are these intel cpus? what in the FUCK is this trash? don't tell me they still don't solder those things in 2017?


>implying anyone on twitch streams at 1080p 60fps
Shit bait thread

first of all, there are people who manage to do that.
second of all, over 90% of streamers are intel faggots. that is why 1080 60fps is so rare there. only the top end i7 owners who know how to utilized their settings can stream at that level.

They don't solder them. He's playing at 1080p but streaming at 720p60 because Twitch is still garbage with bitrates and a quad core Intel can't push 1080p60 with software encdoing on it's own.

no, the reason why nobody streams at 1080p60 is that twitch cucks the fuck out of you bitrate > 720p60 and 1080p30 look better

>what are bitrate limitations
It's not 720p because of CPUs, it's 720p because the max bitrate on twitch won't make for good quality 1080p60 streams


This guy is making a lot of money

>2x Intel builds just to run and stream this garbage at decent FPS at the same time
This is why PUBG has a reputation for being a shitty meme streamer game.

1080p 60fps available for more than a month already. available at 30fps for years. only a handful of i7 owners can do it though.

>only a handful of i7 users and all Ryzen users can do it though

They support 1080p60 streams but the bitrate cap is too low to get good quality streams at 1080p60 which is why almost everyone on Twitch caps out at 720p60 because it looks better despite being lower resolution

Why the fuck nobody points out that almost half of streaming depends on your internet connection?

>watching other people play video games
this board is 18+

It can easily do it if that's all it's doing and since he has a dedicated streaming PC, it can more than pull it off.

He's restricting to 720p because he probably has shitty internet like anyone in the U.S. who doesn't have a fiber optic connection and is restricted by the shit uploads provided by DOCSIS.

What I meant to say is you can't stream and game on the same i7 but I'm fucking retarded and half asleep right now.

I know a relatively large streamer was recently having trouble with his Ryzen streaming rig. He might be retarded though.

>why almost everyone on Twitch caps out at 720p60

any relevant streamer has 1080p. but apparently even i7s can't handle PUBG, even on two rigs.

>large streamer
>not technologically retarded
Pick one.

Anything actually moving has to be 720p60 because of the fucking bit rates.
Only Gwent and Hearthstone is at 1080p and then only 30fps.

You realize this game is a CPU bound poorly optimized early access shit that probably doesn't even use your cores and would run even worse on a ryzen cpu right?

>implying it's not his internet connection

Yeah they can stream at 1080p60 if they don't care about the image quality

Trust us, we know. Every time some stupid Sup Forumsermin shows up to remind us Ryzen sucks because it can't play this and ARMA 3/other autistic simulators at high refresh rates.

Is there an evidence 1700 can handle 1080/60?

>cant play arma 3
nothing can play that unoptimized piece of shit. bohemia thought it a good idea to use such a dated engine.

Yeah, I know, but there's still autistic retards that show up on here and claim Ryzen is shit because it's worse at running that garbage than an i7-7700K.

What's the bitrate there?

you do realize it's unoptimized and in alpha, right?

i get Sup Forums is pretty stupid but the more fps the better.

Sellout Summit1G is making more and it's $5 to get him to read anything and the messages don't stop coming and they don't stop coming and they don't stop coming and they don't stop coming and they don't stop coming and they don't stop coming and they don't stop coming and they don't stop coming and they don't stop coming and they don't stop coming and they don't stop coming and they don't stop coming and they don't stop coming and they don't stop coming and they don't stop coming and they don't stop coming and they don't stop coming KappaPride

>doubling the bandwith only to get a minor improvement of video quality.
No point. I wish there was 480p60fps option on youtube. I'd use it.

Isn't the main bottleneck in streaming internet bandwidth?

summit is boring AF

at least the doc is entertaining

How is he so popular? This guy is fuckin' basic.

I like the Doc I was watching earlier today, Summit is making more money from his energy drinks.

you really need to evaluate your lives if all you do is watch people streaming on twitch

That looks awful and it proves that 6mbps is nowhere near enough for 1080p60

The guy has always had tons of personality. Just being good at a game will only get you so far.

I remember laughing my ass off when I first seen him jump in the Lambo chasing guys around in H1.