How did this literal nigger get one letter domain? What the fuck is ICANN doing?
How did this literal nigger get one letter domain? What the fuck is ICANN doing?
>life so trivial that stupid shit like this gets you mad
kill yourself
Here come the acolytes
It used to be used/owned by paypal before they were paypal.
icann is horribly corrupt.
some jew has made millions off of the .tv domains.
Any source on this?
he bought it
from paypal
he has some contacts there you see
If you have enough money you can buy any domain
Why would they grant a one letter domain to a salty obese basement duelling virgin like you instead?
For money.
Please try to keep up.
Tfw no job at spacex was registered before ICANN reserved all the single-letter .com's. Musk/PayPal bought it some time after (late 1990's?)
>nothing to do with XCOM
>thumbnail of a twitter post
wow can it get any worse
>How did this literal nigger get one letter domain
Becuase he has more money than brain cells.
he must be fucking rich
know a guy who bought a singleletter.twoletter domain for $4k and then a normal like $10/month fee afterwards
It's just a domain name dude, chill your autismo jets.
Is this the end of days?
>Its a 'Sup Forums is assblasted because rich people spend money but they continue to vote for those same people' episode
>ICANN reserved all the single-letter .com's
Did they?
When they switched to unicode I assume?
Because all ASCII one letter domains would have been sold out in the first second.
is the spaceX user in this thread right now?
Fucking money whore, too many ads
why do you inject all of that css in the page instead of using a proper blocker
wtf did Elon code and host this website himself? Is there anything Elon can't do?
I chuckled
or does it?
>Is there anything Elon can't d
Rid himself of beta genes.
>phone posting
Um, he ownee it BEFORE paypal, he founded in the 90s which later was bought up by paypal.
>Because all ASCII one letter domains would have been sold out in the first second.
that's not what the internet was
how else are you supposed to take a picture and upload it to the best reddit forum on the internet?
>using chrome
not that guy but im on chrome and i got the same thing as you
Dat bald spot
you okay user?
Okay :(
You'd think with all the money he has, he'd get a transplant to fix that JUST spot. I guess he's just confident with his appearance, or doesn't really care.
I want to be an XCOM soldier :(
yea he is
he did though. . .
>How did this literal nigger get one letter domain? What the fuck is ICANN doing?
Sup Forums is leaking again
He got that and a bunch of other features fixed. He is basically doing what ever SV nu-male dreams of doing once their "Facebook but with X" app(s) takes off. Too bad he is too beta to get a gf.
Nice thumbnail of a Twitter screenshot.
He most likely got it by buying the domain from someone. That's generally how things like this work.
Are you too fucking dumb to tell that the image is well over a decade old? Fucking hell you stupid cunt. No wonder AI is going to be replacing humans at shit. Some humans are really, genuinely fucking dumb and miss things they really shouldn't.
Picture for ants.
>he said nigger
>he must be from pol!
good try libshit
don't tempt me user. So much shit is fucking backwards. Have you ever used mainstream consumer oriented operating system? And meanwhile som idea guy is able to pay for something he already owned just isn't compatible with my understanding of how the internet works
There are some giveaways:
Image is a Twitter screencap
Very short, unintelligent sentences that did not require much thought to write out
Got upset over something trivial
nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger penis nigger jew nigger nigger nigger FUCK
Use a less shitty DNS.
That sounds more like something a liberal would do.
Pretty much, what the fuck does "literal nigger" have anything to do with technology?
Its not an intelligent critique, its a mindless racist insult
>what is the difference between an apex and a subdomain
shut up nerd my iMac doesn't need stupid "smart" shit
Posted from my iPhone
Will my petite asian wife orgasm all over Luke's fat cock while I wait in my cuckshed? Click my face to learn more!
Is only one type of person allowed to act like that?