/ptg/ - Private Tracker General

Previous: >Not sure what private trackers are all about?
The mission of /ptg/ is to promote the highest possible standards of tracker service by providing members with opportunities for professional development, by recognizing technical competence through examinations and by advancing the interests of its members.

FAQ pastebin.com/SLdgTiuc (embed)
WIKI wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Private_trackers

Use as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.

Remember the following:
>Staff occasionally read these generals and have posted here before.
>This is a thread for educational purposes only. Don't offer or ask for invites.
>Staff may pretend to be normal users asking for invites and when you invite them, they ban you for inviting strangers.

Other urls found in this thread:


Can we get some rare sareks

roll up on me and ill mark ur ass. homey don't play those public games

Hey guys I just thought of a new joke:

Whats the difference between REDdit and a pooploop?


Lol at all the BTN invite discussion in the last thread

BTN is near their cap. Even when Myr returns, they aren't recruiting anytime soon unless they (very unlikely) increase their user cap.

Why does the user cap matter so much?

It usually doesn't until the usercount is really high.
If they have too many users the servers will always be stressed out.
Most of the userlimits are arbitrary, though.

Where does RED recruit from?

their IRC

Where besides?

daily reminder waffles is the only good music tracker

How many albums would you estimate iTunes has? Does RED have more albums than iTunes has available?

It doesn't. The cap can be lifted at any time. It already happened with PTP.

2 million seeds


delete this you fuking basterd

jpopsuki recruitment :)

Make sure you all vote on the rec war. Only 2 more days left until round 1 voting is closed.

>64 albums
>48 hours
I don't think so.

It doesn't and it never will.

who is :^) ?

does AB recruit anywhere other than GGn, BIB and RED?

The dude giving out invites is not staff at JPS, it's not official. APL staff is so lazy that they still haven't edited the thread title after 4 months.

myr is in BTN's IRC every night


proton said they're going to pull those thread before the end of august

from hawaii

>using the smiley with a carat nose

next major release for RED goodness?

t. A

Where cuties go to travel.

But they aren't actually recruiting anywhere so it does matter

>faghetti and 312cuck working together to btfo some curry dev on ribbit

how do i into smz?

Who else /complex anime/ here?

wtf I hate net neutrality now

do you happen to know why?

wtf i love pedos now

So, did they kiss and make up yet? Is there a video of the event?

reported OT to federal authorities see ya suckersss

OT is the north korea of private trackers.

good job, bootlicker!

Treating paying costumers like shit is not a bad business decision when you already operate under a government granted monopoly.

More seeders takes them further from enlightenment.

>OT is the north korea of private trackers
yes, it's tiny, irrelevant and controlled by a mentally deranged attention-whore

Is O******me a meme or actually good?


reported to fbi
prepare ur anus for jail


holy shit pooploop is fucking finished

Fuck off spaghetti

So are they going to get their shit together or what?

>as that would require access to the site backend that we don't have.

that's been 'fixed'. They fake torrent activity so the torrents aren't auto pruned.

>not having full control of your tracker
Is R***ct*d just as bad?

That's why I've been uploading there been a member for 2 years and just uploaded my first torrent a month ago. Figured i'd get more outta uploading to waffles than apollo right now.

hey friendos, how do we make ahd better

Learn to encode and contribute to the internals.

Just grab shit from PTP and upload it to AHD.

Shut it down

hey that's the first implemented feature in 4 months! good job apooloo!

Seriously, what does that even mean? How do they not have access to their site's backend?

it's already being done with stuff from HDB

donate to the fucking freeleech pool, you fucks!

OT confirmed CIA honeypot

Wtf with the ab recruiter man

you're welcome



>reddit getting buttblasted over ot's net neutrality post

fettuccini's trolling would be funny if OT was actually a good tracker

sp*ghetti make OT the new AB, please!

based s**********tti is fighting off liberal cucks on r*****t, let's show our support

fuck off, you attention-seeking cunt

I need AB shit!

Well I do agree with the guy

Pls. I need to watch DBZ thank to the user in last thread.


wtf to small


read the manga instead. Nothing beyond the first 6 chapters (or volumes) though

He said dragon ball, not dragon ball z you fucker.
also archivisthings.eieidoh.net:8880/DataHoarder/Anime/Dragonball.Z/

I am well aware what he said. Doesn't mean he should.



See AHD is a garbage tracker and should just die already.

>fettuccini's trolling
he's right you know?

Should I watch through the entirety of Pokemon?

t. blutopi* staff

He said DBZ. Ive seen Dragonball so i can just watch DBZ, its fine!

Care to quote the post, user?

>DragonBall Z


you win this time

kekeke. Dragonball is amazing. Easily 9/10. Ive heard Z is even better.

*** * **** * ****** **** * *****?


path to nirvana?

Mommy get my tendies, there's a tracker I don't like.
