So this guy got got my ip address from my little brother while he was gaming. And now my router has been getting ddos for the past week. Any options I can choose from to get out of this predicament?
So this guy got got my ip address from my little brother while he was gaming...
new ip from ISP
Do you have a static ip or something. Try looking in the router settings and see if you can change the Mac. Unplug and the ISP should assign a new ip.
Either option works best, I wish you luck.
get fucking rekt m8
>getting ddos'd in the current year
Op here, ty for the help!
>Normies are literally so stupid they don't know what dynamic ip addressing is
How you even solved the captcha to post this is a feat.
This, though it might take some time (a day or two) for your ISP to assign you a new address. If you just replug your router, you might as well get the same IP you just had. That's at least the case here where I'm from. Might be different in areas with greater population density.
Turn off router.
Turn on router.
Fuck with router settings
Turn off router then turn it back on.
Call up ISP
"hi i need new ip"
This only works on poorfag countries or flyover states with no name shit tier ISPs.
Call your isp and tell them to change your IP?
That's Bullshit.
Comcast and others that use DHCP will give you and new IP address as soon as you change your router's MAC and restart your modem.
Clear your cookies too... you know, to avoid bans from 9gag and reddit.
What do you mean by that? I'm on a Windows system, what should I do?
call your isp, get the fed involved
That's also bullshit.. you don't need to change the MAC, and it's unlikely that the ISP will actively change your IP.
In most cases a router restart or a full reset will be enough to change the IP, especially if you've had it for a long time
If the ISP isn't too shitty or stupid, most likely they'll cut off the connection for a while if it affects other customers.
If you have a very good ISP, they'll switch your IP on the spot (esp if you report problems with DDoS) and put the old IP in "storage" for a few months.
Whatever ISP you might have or get in the future, always look through the contract or ToS (if you order by phone, ALWAYS get a contract or they jack up the price). There will be a section in there on their policy on hacking, DDoS and other attacks. Just beware that far from all ISPs are cooperative in dealing with online attacks.
Unplug the power cable from your modem and reconnect it.
What game was it?
disconnect the modem
change the mac or plug something else that is not the router, to the modem
wait like 30 minutes
plug and turn everyting back on, you should have a new ip
>my little brother
Lmao you lying piece of shit go back to Sup Forumseddit already
I live in San Francisco and Comcast will give me a brand new IP immediately upon booting the modem up with a new MAC address.
What did you little brother do to piss him off so much?
1.) Call ISP. Explain that you want a new dynamic IP.
2.) Unplug ISP modem for 15 minutes - couple hours. Most ISPs have very short DHCP lease times for non-commercial customers.