Computer science is a low prestige job

>computer science is a low prestige job
>you will always be a 'nerd'
>lawyer, doctor, finance, architecture etc are high prestige job
>unless you jackpot a startup and have millions at which point the vultures will circle around you
>there are no female programmers worth shit so you have no chance of connecting with another person on a spiritual level

Admit it, being an INTx is a terrible fate. You will never find happiness no matter how many solutions to random problems you can find.

I accepted Ill never find love before I decided on computer science
Check mate

Birb a CUTE

You're forgetting about project managers, faggot

Forever alone. Best place to be given whats happening in the world.

Lawyer, doctor, finance, won't matter anymore because I'm straightwhite male between the ages of 18 and 65 and will never be listened to or respected anywhere unless people are desperate.

And when I'm old and that stack of LCD screens topple over and crushes me flat, I'll remember this post, and how much cancer it gave me.

Also project managers are fags. Your cracker jack box pmp designation doesn't mean you have a clue about what you're doing.

>hurr duhhrrr I can say time money and scope over and over again and ppl will think I'm smrt

>Also project managers are fags. Your cracker jack box pmp designation doesn't mean you have a clue about what you're doing.

I liked being bossed around it gets me off.

>Pic related
>Pm where I'm working

99% of people here don't work in tech

shitty place for such bait

Pmps are engineers without degrees. I have a whole department of them and I'm constantly doing damage control because they never live in reality.

Now our gm just let's them write charters and capital requests for accountants and let's the real work get done by the pros.

For you Cs guys you could learn off this.

You have no idea how wrong you are.

But computer science is fun

>99% of people here don't work in tech
>shitty place for such bait

You new here fag?

>lawyer, doctor, finance, architecture etc are high prestige job
You can always call yourself a "software engineer".

A programmer is not an engineer, but "waste management executive" sounds better than garbageman.

You missed the real-world example of this..

An 'assistant' being called an 'Office Manager.'

>wanting to engage in a symbiotic relationship with a leech
With divorce rates around 60-70%, and how many of those still together are actually happy.

>being part of the "never enough" consumerist attention craving narcissistic western culture
I've seen plenty of successful people kill themselves.
You nerds should read up on some Eastern philosophy and inner happiness.

Heh heh.

On a more serious note: I have an engineering degree, but I have only worked as a programmer from the day I graduated and until today. I have never felt that I am of "lower prestige" when compared to my engineering friends who worked as engineers. Your title is not that important, unless you are the vapid/shallow sort. What is important is having a stable job, advancing your career, taking care of yourself financially/physically/etc etc. Why would any CS major be unhappy, if they have a well-paying job?

Cause I'm depresses and hate everything!

im an INTx architect, its easy

It gets better, friend. CS is not as prestigious as medicine for sure, but it is still a great field.

redpill me on software dev vs infosec vs research

>And when I'm old and that stack of LCD screens topple over and crushes me flat, I'll remember this post, and how much cancer it gave me.

As a CS grad in his mid 30's, I agree it's a shitty career choice; not because of prestige or happiness or some other hard to measure things, but from a purely pragmatic standpoint. A doctor, lawyer or architect builds his professional position all his life. The longer he works, the higher the market values him. A programmer, on the other hand, has to constantly keep up with the ever-spinning carousel of new meme languages, frameworks, libraries and methodologies while competing against legions of fresh graduates willing to do his work for less. Then by the time he's in his 40's he'll become virtually unemployable because "he doesn't fit the corporate culture" (meaning: he's not a young, easily impressible faggot with no family or life to get back to who would pull overtime every time he's asked to).

A lot of them are now called admins.

>Why would any CS major be unhappy, if they have a well-paying job?

Because the world is shit and somehow i have to clean up after other adults.

By the time you're 40 you should be shitting on those clueless experienceless 20yos.

I can assure you a 60 year old grey bearded COBOL wizard shits on everyone while writing assembly with his dick, but is also completely, absolutely, totally unemployable in today's agile-on-rails-meme-of-the-week industry. That's the point.

You forgot
>my windows is slow, can you fix it?

>INTx is a terrible fate
correct. ENTP in comp sci, however, is master race.

I realised there is no hurry for spiritual awareness or inner happiness. Most people who commit to any philosophy live in a world view bubble and create even more suffering.

Mathematician is pretty high prestige though.

The only thing I'm working towards is contributing to the development of prenatal autism diagnostic. It's an absolutely inhumane life that I want to spare others from.

>>There are no female programmers worth shit so you have no chance connecting with another person on a spiritual level
>Being straight
Enjoy your roast beef sandwich

I'm INTP and programming bores the fuck out of me. I can do it but it takes literally forever to program anything that has any shred of significant use.

>takes literally forever to program anything that has any shred of significant use
That's why you get paid by the hour

>believing in personality tests


>no girls
Meh, I prefer women who wear scrubs over anything else.

Hello fellow CS ENTP, how are you on this fine day?

>he isn't chief scientist at his workplace
These people think I'm a genius and all I do is develop software and do physics equations. And I'm not even close at the top of my department. The top ones have plenary of prestiage. They have started companies, won contracts, developed high quality research. Better than a 'doctor' in my book

Not studying that, but I could be studying anything else and girls would still be stupid 90% of the time, doesn't make much of a difference to me, I don't expect people to share my interests.

>tfw work in tech but not really

Law isn't as prestigious as it used to be

Most people view lawyers as scum (with food reason)

What engineering degree? I'm about to graduate as a Chem E but I'd rather try to do computer shit.

what the fuck do i care for prestige?

truth, I'm becoming an automobile enthusiast right now!

Maybe in fantasy applications.

exactly thats why you should study economy, business administration or at least IS

"computer science" isn't a "job" like lawyer, doctor, architect

What's a mainframe, mommy?


>Believing myer briggs pseudo science

>Spiritual connection with a woman
>Not being gay in 2017

getting grills isn't so much about your job as it is about your level of game. Don't be poor either

the best thing about CS is its CHEAP to learn. Use the damn internet. Thats it. To be a doctor or a lawyer you have to go through years and years or education and end up in hundresds of thousands of dollars in debt.

Nobody likes or respect lawyers. People who work in finance nobody likes because they're shitbags you owe money to. Doctors are becoming phased out by low level cheap patient care. Etc etc

Architectures are the lowest rung. They aren't even capable of engineering. Or have real world experience. Most of them have never even stepped foot inside a home depo

4 year infosec/sysadmin here. In process of transitioning to software dev, much more interseting imo.

Unless you're super interseted in security stuff, I wouldn't recommend it. it's mundane, boring and non rewarding

>computer science is a low prestige job
Why would I need prestige? I gain absolutely nothing with it.

>you will always be a 'nerd'

>lawyer, doctor, finance, architecture etc are high prestige job

>unless you jackpot a startup and have millions at which point the vultures will circle around you
Leave this to entrepreneurs -- I'm far from being one.

>there are no female programmers worth shit so you have no chance of connecting with another person on a spiritual level
>spiritual level
Alright, I'll bite this one.

>lmao doctors are prestigious

Go to medical school then.

By the time they're done raping your self-esteem, free time and basic human dignity, you'll wish you were a "lowly" programmer. You'll be lucky if you even care about programming anymore. Chances are you won't give a single fuck about people by the time they're done with you. I guarantee it. You'll be the hospital's personal slave before you even graduate. Why pay a nurse when you got a student who's paying to work? Then you'll earn fuck all as you enter indentured servitude -- I mean residency. Any money you earn after goes towards paying your ridiculous loans. After about 10 years of intense memorization and regurgitation, zero free time, zero social life, super competitive tryhards, socratic pimp questions by higher ups, scut work nobody wants to do, marriage to a pager the sound of which will send chills down your spine and a literal prison they call hospital where you can't even take a piss without begging for permission, MAYBE you'll see some real money. Unless you end up in radiology, pathology or ophthalmology, you're pretty much fucked.

Prestige my ass. Want to know what medicine is like? Imagine high school-tier drama and office politics on steroids. Some of the worst, biggest asshole people alive on this planet are doctors. Dealing with these faggots every single day will take its toll on you like nothing else. It will break you. When people join medical school they think "gonna help people", by the end of it it's "gonna make a ton of money" but then they turn 50 and they're really just an overworked cuck surgeon with zero life outside of work and 150 hour work weeks, a lot of money but no free time to enjoy it and the neighbor with normal hours is banging his wife every single night.

So don't bullshit me about doctors being "prestigious" you fucking faggot. People commit suicide because of this lie.

I chosed CS to find love
a great idea

Jokes on you, I'm gay.

Came here to say this. When I hear lawyer, I either think slimy jew, high-powered blood sucker, or both. Same with finance. I also don't know anyone who really holds architecture in high prestige either, really. Either they don't even care, or they hate architects because they are engineers.

Did you ever do anything in regards to networking by chance? I'm going into network engineering and probably sysadmin later on. Can you give me any advice on what kinds of pitfalls to avoid and any really critical things to know? My college program included programming with all of the IT and business related classes I took, but I'm also keeping an open mind about possibly broadening my skillset with more programming just in case.

You may be right, if I were independently wealthy I'd be studying philosophy instead of CS

>don't interact with patients
>nice salary
>week working times
radiology is one of the most valuated doctor specialisation, you radiologist was probably major of his class (if he didn't like surgery)

No, I hate networking. It always feels like pajeet tier shit.
I always managed securty systems, scripting, forensics, SOC, and some reverse engineering.

>Try dating

>"So what do you do for a living?"
>Oh shit I was hoping she wouldn't ask
>"Oh umm, I'm a developer"
>"Oh... Right... That's umm, cool I guess"
>Can practically feel her panties drying up
>She immediately loses interest
>Doesn't text me anymore.


hey guys
you can still work in medicine (or whatever your favourite industry is) and be a programmer, because they need people to design and implement medical devices and systems

you'll even gain quite a lot of domain knowledge

as a nurse, I think that an AI app to provide education or advices related to a chronic disease maybe be a good idea
but too busy/lazy to do it now

Yes. It's also extremely hard to match into. People know it's one of the best lifestyle specialties with the best pay, so they all flock to it. The result is unless you're an "exceeding expectations" tryhard gunner faggot with perfect grades and a nose so brown it's not even funny, you probably won't make it.

It's also the specialty most likely to be outsourced to indians.

>work with financial systems
>everyone is completely retarded and barely knows how to use a computer
>most people I work with are gonna get laid off in 2-3 years because I'm automating their silly office jobs
>mfw I have no face
we're gonna end up being the last remaining white collar workers in a couple decades time

I feel almost evil for doing this to them

That's the route I took. You have no idea how inefficient doctors are. When I get my M.D. I'm going to make some shit and hopefully not depend on medicine for the $.

You greatly underestimate what you need to be a doctor or lawyer. They both have mandatory educational requirements every year in order to keep their licenses, and doctors only see their pay really start to ramp up as they go through even more grueling years of study for their specialization, which at times may take even longer than their actual med school. On top of that, no doctor worth their salt will be working as an employee at 40+. You're not unsuccessful because you're a computer scientist. You're unsuccessful because you're a lazy fuck who wants to work a "safe" job as an employee without taking on more responsibility as a manager.

Ur a dum cliche. t. """INTP""" software entrepreneur

>not enjoying programming and/or hacking away front of a keyboard all day
You never belonged here


Here's how it actually works:

>Show up for the date looking like upper middle-class, because I am
>Pay for everything no sweat because I can
>Confident and attractive because I am
>"So what do you do for a living?"
>"I'm a project leader for a small enterprise. We work with a lot of high-end tech stuff."
>She's impressed by my financial status, my emotional stability, and my intelligence, and my appearance. Literally everything women want in a man, except for the following:
>Conversation continues, at some point I impress her by making clever jokes, showing I have a good sense of humor as well as everything else
>Phone numbers are exchanged
>Send her a romantic text later that night and keep in touch with her but don't act intrusive or desperate
>Give her enough space and time to realize she wants to fuck me
>Pop the question at the right moment

That's literally it. The only way you'd have difficulty with this is if you're an introvert, in which case, yeah go invent something amazing. You were never meant to breed.


And that's why you'll never get laid, kiddo.