Why aren't you using KDE?
Why aren't you using KDE?
I don't need bells and whistles, I find i3 efficient for my daily tasks.
Not available for Windows.
Live window previews is not simply a "bell and whistle" Many KDE features completely change workflow for the better
You're just stuck in old, shitty, traditionalist ways like crappy outdated depreciated XFCE / Unity
i use fvwm.
Because I unironically prefer GNOME tbqh
Well, Im using it alongside with i3 on my sabayon
Pretty comfy setup
I left Windows, I don't need a DE that emulates it.
I use awesome wm and that's all I need.
Also This
But I am...
the only thing kde has over xfce or cinnamon is a file picker that works
Heavy as fuck?
I'm quite happy with xfce user. Your DE looks nice though.
bloat + the uglyest UI
54 deg cpu
Cursor limiting bug that fucks over fullscreen games.
Even if they've fixed it by now, I don't care. Plasma has shown they don't give a shit about quality any more and would rather add more shiny bullshit than test their fucking garbage.
it's able to render windows without tearing, that has to count for something
I don't need eye candy or mouse to be productive.
I tried using it, but GNOME was significantly more stable.
Because it doesn't bring anything new to the table. It's just a prettier version of a traditional desktop like XFCE or Windows explorer.
GNOME is the DE that actually does something different and I appreciate that a lot.
I guess old habits die hard, huh?
Enlightenment is far better if you care about options/customisation/tweaking - it makes KDE look like a cheap MacOS rip-off.
I prefer not to use a mouse while navigating.
I've only just gotten back into Linux for the first time in years and have only tried MATE so far. Why should or shouldn't I try kde? Running an i5 4210u with 8gb RAM btw
Don't KDE is borring and does not bring anything new to the table.
Try something new like openbox or i3.
>Not using i3
I am.
Because everytime I've tride it in the past it was buggy as shit. They pretty much lost my confidence in it ever being usable.
When Firefox is fullscreen when undecorated, and the task bar is at the top of the monitor and set to auto hide, you can't drag tabs to that Firefox window.
because i only need a WM op
who uses bloated DEs any more?
just add the components you need
Xorg itself is already too bloated
this is exactly how i use FF lol
bonus for keyboard shortcuts
> bastardised mix of tiling and stacking WM ideas
> get all of the cons of each with none of the pros
I think you should end you are self
It's actually fully tiling. I have just binded a hotkey to exclude windows (like neofetch in the screenie).
You can do better OP
Install some papyros icons and Arc-Darker GTK theme and you are good to go
And yes, it's essentially a mix of tiling and stacking. I am constantly adding more shortcuts and slowly cutting my mouse usage. I know it's a bit plebby and I should just move to a tiling WM but I actually enjoy the mix.
What shortcuts let you move tabs to the window?
But user, I am using KDE
Because XFCE is the best DE.
Don't trust whatever it says. The FX line has shitty temperature sensors. They really can't be trusted to be too accurate. At best they can give a rough idea of core temps. If I recall correctly, they're more accurate when hotter.
But I am!
And also rocking KDE Neon on laptop
I don't have a beard.
What are you using to do this
Javascript and KWin scripting API.
Are you sharing it anywhere?
Tried kubuntu, didnt like it, also instead of shutting down it just killed plasma, so i had to reboot in another tty.
i know i know kubuntu is shit with kde and i should use arch or suse tumbleweed, but i just dont feel like i need to switch really, especially if vsync is unchanged since 5.5.5 and it sucks ass and tears like xfce on my nvidia gpu.
Only if you don't bully. It's my first Javascript and some of my first """"code"""" ever. Also, I only own one screen so I don't know how much it crashes on two. I'm still working on it daily.
Runs like ass on my computer.
Turn off compositing.
It looks pretty spiffy. I wonder if it would have issues on multiple monitors
github: (slash)Jazqa(slash)kwin-quarter-tiling
I had access to a dual-screen setup a few days ago but adding a multi-screen support was hell. It works with multiple screens but the interaction between the screens is not implemented yet so if you try to switch a screen of a window, it breaks. Virtual desktops and switching between them works fine tho (at least on a single-screen environment).
I wonder if I could emulate a dual-screen environment easily to develop it for a multi-screen environment.
Anyways, it works perfectly fine for my use case, but it's a buggy mess for some. I'm developing it as a hobby on a daily basis. It's a fun exercise to learn programming.
because i am not a massive faggot like OP
I'm trying it right now.
I had to apply some tearing fix but I have another problem, which is that if I let the thing suspend and get back on it, it will run terribly slow.
Because the devs refuse to support EGLstreams for my GPU on Wayland
I am using KDE.
what the fuck is wrong with your font rendering
Yep, multimonitor kinda fucks with it. If you don't switch windows it works perfectly though, that's the thing.
No need to do anything about it, but do you think it'd be possible to put 6 windows instead of 4? I use one of those meme ultrawide monitors and it'd be a neat thing to have.
Because I find it very obnoxious.
I'll support different layouts eventually. I've coded the shit in a way that multiple layouts will be easily doable.
However, multi-monitor support is a priority at the moment. After it a few tiny features and after those, multiple layouts. I've coded this shit in less than a week so I don't think it'll take too long ;)
Because it's ugly, bloated and its developers are of questionable mental health.
This is not a thread about GNOME.
KDE is the only DE that unironically lowers my opinion of a person. I've used Kubuntu and Manjaro with KDE. Using it is a Sisyphean task.
because I have a X200 :(
Why do you have icons on desktop?
I prefer KDE4.
Horrible 4K scaling. I'm using Cinnamon now.