Ivans hate thread

Pajeets get a lot of hate around this place, but not so many people talks about the fucking ruskies in the software industry: I have been working for 4 years already with many of these subhuman programmers and I can tell you they are the WORST kind of coworker you can ever have. Because pajeets at least let you do your work alone when they have no fucking clue what they are supposed to be doing, but with the ruskies? noooo, they just can't let you code in peace... They (and I really mean ALL THEM) are the most useless arrogant twats you will ever have to deal with in the industry. They really believe they are good programmers, it's fucking amazing! it doesn't matter that they can't make a single fucking commit without including nasty bugs and unreadable crap. And how terribly lazy can they be??? for fuck's sakes, they are unable to just do they work, their brains simply doesn't function in that way.....

So fuck you Ivan, you are literally the worse thing that happened in the industry. And there is a reason why your 3rd world country is a shithole, so just please stay there and stop invading other countries.

Russia is literally the definition of 2nd world retard

Yeah, maybe in the 60's that was accurate, but not anymore. Pic related: this is how 99% of Russia looks like.

sounds like someone is just mad that some slavs are doing a better job than him

Do you think that being a lazy fuck is doing a good job, Ivan?

You sound like some first world nu-male faggot who got cucked by a slav.

And you sound like a summerfag who have no fucking idea.

Democrat shill spotted
to be fair, if they were any good they'd probably still be over there, not playing pecking order games over here

Who would win; the cybersecurity infrastructure of a world superpower, or some wide brow mongol descendants who can't make bug free code?

I dunno man, Russians seem genius tier when it comes to programming

The problem is keeping them sober

Do you mean in programming competitions? yes, they are like the chinks: good remembering tons of algorithms and good at typing them really fast. That doesn't make you a good software engineer. Actually, statistically that makes you a bad one (not trolling).

How many computer science papers written by Russians did you ever read? 1? 2? there you have your answer...

I find it astounding how they manage to keep programs stable enough to run with all the redundant and ramshackle coding that's stereotypical of Russians. It's like they make a plane out of tarps, pvc piping, a Moskovitch engine, another one pointing down, and it somehow manages to stay in the air despite all laws of physics saying it shouldn't even get off the ground in the first place.

lol this

pls tell me that's not power line

It may, although I would say it's probably just cable TV.

You clearly don't know the definition of 1st/2nd/3rd world

Хyя бoмбaнyлo.

Canadian Ivan here.

My code is messy and I am arrogant but I say sorry when I take down the production environment with a commit.

>posts picture of romania

nah its power and cable

the cable runs through the powerlines

comfy industrialism

You are just a pajeet who got tired of being called names, trying to redirect insults to somebody else, I suspect. Russians have literally hacked the US government(some sources say) and keep doing it. Nice try, pajeet.

But there is good Sup Forums client for iPhones made by russian.

>Russians have literally hacked the US government(some sources say) and
Kek. The parties are not the US government, however much they flatter themselves.

Christ save us

They make good malware and viruses.

At my University a Russian guy actually managed to become professor and he made the presentation for one of our possible masters. He was quite skilled, nothing wrong with him, but there was a connational friend of his who came to help him with the presentation who was the worst: average non-graduated arrogant prick tech with Adidas suit and shaved head who acted all cool with his crappy chinkpad and looked down on us (almost graduated computer engineers) saying things like "heh, you don't really know how computer systems really work but you'll find out when you'll come studying with us", except we all had a lot of experience with stuff like x86 and IA32 assembly, microprocessor architectures, low level algorithms, system calls... and lots of other stuff for 3 years of exams, While he probably learned a couple of shitty things via YouTube tutorials and acts like he's Torvalds incarnate.

At least it gets the job done and in a better way than pajeets do it. I mean, pajeets (and white nu-cowboy coders) don't even know what an algorithm is...

That's the SATA cable. It just reads data from the SSD.

Quite fascinating imo. Looks like some steampunk fantasy world

>heels in air
This is improper squatting.

haven't worked with any russians, but every piece of software made by them I work with (nginx, Excelsior JET, IntelliJ IDEA) is top notch

>if the USSR never collapsed, we'd never have to deal with Russians shitting up the internet
>but then communism would still be a threat
Tough choice.

>do they work
Pajeet detected.

nice try Pajeet

>statistically that makes you a bad one

This. Using express+nginx on most of my projects.

He пизди cyкa

Except intelliJ Idea sucks ass and only pajeets use that without being forced by Android studio

jelly user of a language that doesn't have a jetbrains ide detected

I only use Atom masterrace for everything you sucker

Only use pajeet studio or eclipse when I need to make C# or Java solutions that can't really be put together otherwise, I don't really care if languages I use have JetCucks IDEs as my only experience with idea made me realize how bloated and shitty they are.

Yeah but their women are hot so we tolerate them.


There's no evidence of that either. Debbie the Jew wouldn't let the FBI touch her servers. She was just trying to hide her breaking of party rules and possible voter fraud. The latter is conjecture tho.

I want to protect that smile

Slavs are also responsible for nginx, cracking the John Deere firmware, and reverse engineering slot machine software to discover how the PRNGs work for huge gains. They still do microsoldering and make their own hardware.

Asking how many Russian compsci papers people have read is retarded. Most posters here don't speak Russian.

Not saying you have to like them, but there's a long history of computers beyond the Iron Curtain.

TL;DR don't hate on Ivan nor on Ivanka

Remembering shit doesn't make you good. You can put it together like a puzzle but if shit breaks you don't know how to fix it. This applies to any field.

Slavs are subhumans, literal white niggers, what did you expect?

>Talking shit about Slavs when these two are at the helm of all power in this world

Can I get a quick rundown on these two?

Black people are not actually "people"

>Because pajeets at least let you do your work alone

Sup Forums is leaking again.

This thread has nothing to do with technology, go the fuck back to your containment board

>Rothschilds bow to Bogdanoffs
>In contact with aliens
>Possess psychic-like abilities
>Control france with an iron but fair fist
>Own castles & banks globally
>Direct descendants of the ancient royal blood line
>Will bankroll the first cities on Mars (Bogdangrad will be be the first city)
>Own 99% of DNA editing research facilities on Earth
>First designer babies will in all likelihood be Bogdanoff babies
>both brothers said to have 215+ IQ, such intelligence on Earth has only existed deep in Tibetan monasteries & Area 51
>Ancient Indian scriptures tell of two angels who will descend upon Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with them
>They own Nanobot R&D labs around the world
>You likely have Bogdabots inside you right now
>The Bogdanoffs are in regular communication with the Archangels Michael and Gabriel, forwarding the word of God to the Orthodox Church. Who do you think set up the meeting between the pope & the Orthodox high command (First meeting between the two organisations in over 1000 years) and arranged the Orthodox leader’s first trip to Antarctica in history literally a few days later to the Bogdanoff bunker in Wilkes land?
>They learned fluent French in under a week
>Nation states entrust their gold reserves with the twins. There’s no gold in Ft. Knox, only Ft. Bogdanoff
>The twins are about 7 decades old, from the space-time reference point of the base human currently accepted by our society
>In reality, they are timeless beings existing in all points of time and space from the big bang to the end of the universe. We don’t know their ultimate plans yet. We hope they’re benevolent beings.

She won't be smiling when her husband is in jail for the rest of his life for lying on his SF86 hundreds of times.

Hiroyuki please close Sup Forums

Why do you have the same job if you are "better"? You sound like the same kind of code monkey than them.

Russians are top tier...


is this the power of white civilization?


well I say fuck Ivan


There is, however, evidence that the Guccifer 2.0 docs were campaign materials created on US government computer systems by Pic reated, which actually is a crime.

Baiting Pajeet detected.

Phone lines. Most probably.

I've always hated half-life 2, but picture you posted just reminds me never to go Romania then.

>uses atom
>calls JetBrains IDE's bloated

do you understand what bloat means?
do you understand that atom is a text editing webapp running inside chrome? ahaha, this idiot does his programming inside of a web browser and calls things bloat


That's like Sopranos intro video when tony drives through those highways before turn pike.

Not that DOTA is any stretch of the imagination representative, but my encounters with slavs tends to be a lot like this.

They are always the best in the game (even if they've fed the team none stop) and shit on you for anything they think is a mistake, and call everyone a bitch, none stop.

Definition of ivancode.

t. Ivan programmer in bongland

>I find it astounding how they manage to keep programs stable enough to run with all the redundant and ramshackle coding that's stereotypical of Russians. It's like they make a plane out of tarps, pvc piping, a Moskovitch engine, another one pointing down, and it somehow manages to stay in the air despite all laws of physics saying it shouldn't even get off the ground in the first place.
Please elaborate. :3

i'm working for a state ministry in germany. we had a local webdesign shop set up a typo3 site for one of our projects. i'm tasked with running it, and i see SO much cyrillic in the backend, since the people running the shop are actually those sorts of russians with german names that came to germany in the 90s en masse, and they're having ivans back in the motherland code for them. never again

That's not Romania, it's Slovakia.

Search "Lunik IX in Kosice, Slovakia".

>Sergey Mikhaylovich Brin (Russian: Cepгéй Mихáйлoвич Бpин; born August 21, 1973) is a Russian-born American computer scientist,

I love how you become an American once you are successful

yes, work ethic is unheard of in russia since communist times

He asked you for a source, not for an explanation

Are you trying to take credit for an American Jew? Somebody who went to school from first grade in America is Russian now?

Yes, people born in the Soviet Union by definition are soviets. You can only change the place you were born as much s your gender, e.g not really. Be glad a soviet contributed to the murrikan economy

All jews who left that shithole were refugees. They are not soviets and definitely not Russians.
America accepted and invested in that 5 year old jew boy and raised him to be who he is. He has no connection to contemporary Russia.

*neighs semitically*

t. Russian refugee here (not jewish) in Canada.

Grandfather was a soviet dissident. You're just butthurt you're stuck in Russia. If it's any consolation, I'm miserable here too, despite how much better it is here, as my parents assure me.



>full of gooks and mongols

I love it when angry people and/or racists refer to different brain functions or genetic intelligence levels of a certain group.

"their brains simply doesn't function in that way....."

Someone's brain isn't functioning up to standard and it's unrelated to your nationality.

So why have Sub-Saharan Africans and Australian aboriginals contributed nothing?

Because they know Western civilization is cancer.


Yeah, fuck cancer. Famine, disease, that's the good shit.

Oppression by the west you history illiterate.

Do you remember slavery and the holocaust?

You can not be seriously believe that if you imprison millions of people and force them to work on your cotton fields that they will be able to unfold their true potential.

Claiming that "muh whites are better then the negros" just shows a lack of historical awareness and a great amount of racism and bigotry.

A+ satire, but since this is an Ivan thread, it's always fun to point out that Slavs were enslaved for about 3 times longer than African-American slaves (the word slave deriving from the name of their ethnic group) and yet they still managed to make breakthroughs in science, mathematics, literature and music.

Are you seriously ignoring the genocides perpetrated by the west?

Colonization killed millions upon millions of civilized people. Not only directly through wars and slavery, but also through the diseases the west brought into the new world.

lol. Good satire.


I'm not talking solely about the West, nor am I saying the West is perfect. Arabs, Chinese, Japanese, Indians, etc, all made great contributions to human achievements. Why have some groups of people, hardships or no, have advanced human understanding of the world around them, while others have been content to sit around playing with rocks and sticks? Clearly there has to be some genetic component.

>Good satire

I guess I have been found out.

>Arabs, Chinese, Japanese,
Guess who wasn't sold into slavery and slaughtered in the millions by diseases from the west.

>Clearly there has to be some genetic component.
Don't be rascist.

>Guess who wasn't sold into slavery and slaughtered in the millions by diseases from the west.

Explain the Slavs then.

First enslaved by vikings. Then enslaved by mongols. Then enslaved by the aristocracy. Now enslaved by oligarchs.
