Do you believe in secret nazi technology Sup Forums?
btw, not a Sup Forums thread
Do you believe in secret nazi technology Sup Forums?
btw, not a Sup Forums thread
US rocket launch 1950s.
"5...4...3...2...1...Oh, not again!"
I think that American "success" stories after the war were mostly because they were bending the narrative in their favour
The Nazis are the good guys if you're being purely scientific and judging history from a technologist's perspective.
>secret nazi technology
There's probably a lot of shit that got destroyed and never became public. It doesn't matter much since science survived and things were reinvented or even improved.
>that xkcd
It's a bit different. The things the Nazis built were good because they were based on the German mindset to things properly and right. This German mindset is based on a Prussian mindset. The Nazis were a tarnishing factor. Engineering is science based. Science and the old Prussian mindset are compatible. Nazi ideas do not survive critical scientific review. They are not compatible with either the German or Prussian mindset.
I'm sure you could argue eugenics is good from that perspective, but jews/gays etc. doesn't make sense. Who knows what great minds you might've killed.
Where did you get that information on mindsets?
It's not worth the risk user, imagine tech industry without pajeets, sure there is few talented ones but these retarded street shitters do enough damage to counter weight the profit. Now imagine economy without the Jews.
Economy without jews is like politicians without corruption.
bic reladteq
Flying wing wasn't even a Nazi invention, try again.
A loose collection history books that focus on specific topics and look at Prussia at some point, mostly for the sake of comparison. Sadly, it's only side notes but I have the impression that I stumble upon them all the time. I think I recently read about that Prussian guy who reformed bureaucracy in one of Francis Fukuyama's recent books about history of politics. You might find some yourself if you look for 'reform' and 'military'.
The big thing about the B-2 bomber is its stealth capacity.
Lots and lots and lots and lots of annoying math to get it right.
Actually, the plane is all "polygonal" like that because the computers of the time simply didn't had the processing power to deal with a more rounded plane.
And the shape itself is shit for actual flying, so they had to use series of computers to compensate for that and make it fly.
But they probably got the inspiration from the german one, yes.
But one of em appear on the radar, and the other don't.
>And the shape itself is shit for actual flying
Nope, flying wings are surprisingly stable.
Flying wings with the whole flying being the focus yes, but that's not the case with this bomber.
It is a polygonal thing with not returning the radar signals first, flying second, so it need computers to keep it on the air.
eugenics is the only weapon we have against AI.
singularity vs eugenics
otherwise get ready for postbiological evolution
it's no secret that both USA and USSR captured german scientists for their own interest
But what did they actually do different? Also xxdk is shit.
>This German mindset is based on a Prussian mindset. The Nazis were a tarnishing factor.
Also this.
Having watched some Germans make and repair things on youtube, I'm struck by how deliberate and methodical they are. By contrast, Americans are much more "git irr dunn", slapdash and finish-line-driven. Which can be good in its own ways.
Not really since all the nazi technology we use isn't really a secret.
That's a logical fallacy because your argument is based on the inherent optimistic "goodness" of people, which in reality is an unknown variable.
Could Hitler have killed potential scientists and held back the advancement of society? Possibly. He could also have killed the Jewish version of Hitler, or even two Hitlers. You never know.
This is why in Ethics the argument of "greater good" doesn't stand up to scrutiny. At best, you can assume that people are a neutral entity predisposed to doing both good and evil, and you might be inclined to analyze what motivation drives a person to carry out good and evil deeds and what might be necessary for them to perform such deeds. But you can never assume they'd inherently do good from the very beginning.
>mass murder is ok because who knows, you might've killed a mass murderer, or even two!
Sup Forums "logic"
>establishing neutrality makes you a Sup Forumstard
This is why they won.
Holy shit was there anyone more BASED than the Nazis? xD praise kek #freekekistan
Isn't German excellence limited to cars, tho? Maybe weapons?
Why are they not important in tech?
So a cause to fight for?
wtf I love nazis now
This. Corporate Jews and their government cronies are the reason the rest of the world has a high perception of America, Sup Forums population notwithstanding.
The Bell was serious shit. There's no fucking reason for it to be high level top secret information for 70+ years.
Is Randal a neonazi now?
>otherwise get ready for postbiological evolution
>implying this is not what I am waiting for.
Yeah and industrial machinery. However, the companies are usually pretty small. The most famous one is probably kuka
Now you know why 5 inteligence agencies are being glared at menacingly by there own governments, but the good news is when they went laundering all those bonds they did it with a "Bad Boy" clause and guess who falls neatly inline for all of it and the even better news, they did this all through a wiretap that recorded every single transaction. Fucked! Is the word Stock Brokers have to tell there client, whilst they explain all there money vanished into this kids pockets!
Dude, to owe that many people, gangsters etc money... Now finding there all being arrested because of a simple Law Review.
Loose your Security Clearnace and !Go to Jail.
I feel so validated now when I know how to call out fags who do not like my attempts to rationalize argument.