Is this worth doing these days?

2/10, wouldn't bang

Insightful, thanks...

Why would it not be?

wish that were me

Certs have never been worth getting
They're for retards

Not that guy, but you posted a chick with huge gozangas and get snarky when you get a joke response? You probably never send the elevator back down either.

it is but consider having other it certificate if you don't have any kind of other degree mainly VMware and citrix in the virtualization field also knowing or passing juniper exams is not a bad idea

CCNA is a pretty good first choice

waddup with idiots like you making threads like this 4 times a week

is this some form of retarded advertising?

Just got back from vacation, thanks for the input

Thank you


>Send the elevator back down


jenn kaelin

You hear me.

Those tits are impossible.

*Heard i meant

I don't understand though. Do you press the ground floor button when you exit an elevator? Other people might be waiting to use it on other floors.

Me too

My certs have earned me jobs, promotions and saved me from redundancy just last month.

Get Associate/Pro for as many areas as possible, and master your favorite. If your company pays, then why the fuck not???

Not OP, but what if the company doesn't pay for it?

Only if you dont know how to leverage them properly, shmuck

did you mean "use"?

Then it gets mega expensive for the courses and lab time. Or you self teach. Not reccomended without the lab time.

No one uses them clown you learn by doing and the cert just fills in some gaps. They help get you into the positions that you are actually capable of doing instead of low balling into less challenging roles

I bet she's a fun drunk

>My certs have earned me jobs, promotions and saved me from redundancy just last month.
>Get Associate/Pro for as many areas as possible, and master your favorite. If your company pays, then why the fuck not???
Marginalize yourself more you faggot. Just cuz you have certs doesn't mean you know what you're doing

Yes, at least in my world, which is federal IT/contracting.
CCNP + clearance can go a long way. Hell, just CCNP with 4 or 5 years of experience can get you places.

Also depends on your career route that you plan on taking. If you want to go IT, getting an entry level position and trying to rack up the certs is a good way to make upward or diagonal upward moves. CCNA shows that you are at least somewhat capable in the networking world, and getting some red hat/VMWare certs is also not a bad idea at all.

>Certs alone: not worth much
>Certs + experience: good
>Degree + certs: decent starting point
>Degree + certs + experience: excellent

>pierced navel
fuck. while it looks sexy on amateurs, when it's these professional workers doing it it just looks too tryhard.


Depends on where you work. Around my place certs of any kind lose you points. It's like a degree from an art school: if you suck at it, getting the degree won't help; if you don't suck at it, you don't need the degree to begin with.

Focus on learning what you need to get stuff done. The jobs will come from that.

Calling bullshit on this. No real employer on earth says certs not preferred. Especially when they can leverage them for discounts.

It's definitely worth doing her

Good riddance, someone this stupid shouldn't be allowed to breed.


The source of this was never found. After all these years, no one could.

Certs are a minus for code monkeys

why does that 10 year old have huge breasts?

giving breast implants to a child should be against the law

You see people in the lobby and you didn't tell the elevator operator that there are people downstairs, so he just waits on the floor he is on since you would never know where the next request is. People tried not to press the button because it just caused a ringing noise that was unpleasant since nobody cared about the black guy maning the shaft and a nice bell system would be a waste of money and time.

I don't LARP as a 1930s businessman