This is The Education in the Future

This is The Education in the Future.

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fucking CHRIST, this is why Capitalism will weed out and the only two systems will be Fascism or Socialism, Americancer will be the death of us all

It's all pretty much daycare up til college anyway.

>#trench foot

Who cares about WW1, though. Even if the assignments weren't that retarded, it still wouldn't be educational.


>Think of the/your children user.

This. The point is to learn using social networks.



you don't even know what "weed out" means you stupid fucking commie

Why is this bad again?
A teacher must relate/understand their students.
This is just a way to keep GenX's attention.
I see nothing wrong here.

I'm a Fascist but okay ancap

This picture is like five years old

This is what education looked like in the past

This is literally history


I know "cringeworthy" is an overused term, but I can't think of a better way to describe this.

>Connor died yesterday. We promised to start a business when we got back. I miss my kids. #Trench Foot

>Unnecessary capitalization of facist
Mobilefag, be gone.

This is Sup Forums in the current year.

Yeah, then it is a safe space.

You've not the slightest clue what capitalism is.

It's the education right now.

>Who cares about WW1, though.
Are you fucking serious? Do you have any idea how major WW1 was in constructing much of Europe as we know it and advancing many technologies that we benefit from in our daily lives today?

Well at least children will grow up hating the internet.

And this is why we need another war

so more men can die for jew interests?

>constructing much of Europe as we know it
and then destroying it with WWII. why can't yuropoors just get along?
>WWIII looming thanks to europe

That's just a subtitute teacher's idea of DUDE LEARNING IS FUN LMAO

WWII caused less reconstruction of Europe than WWI did.

Where did you get that, Cultural studies course?

>space in hashtag

>choking on mustard gas #trenchfoot

Gen X are all over 30 years old now.

Its clear the government is funding these non money making social media platforms to better track the U.S citizens.

When I was in school I was told never to put my name or last name on the internet

also this image could be fake

>they bomb us for 3 days straight,artillery rain is going on for so long we are shitting in our bunker next to our beds lmao hahahaha
#Trenchfoot #litty #ptsd xoxoxo

>chilling with my bois on the pile of bones

Bomb America.

>getting this triggered over a piece of paper anyone can print out

>all these asspained foreigners

It must suck to be from an irrelevant country.

Harris was shot by the commanding officer for being a coward and we left him in the field #trench foot


Fuck off retard, WWI was hell and to make light of it so some retarded children can "learn" about it easier is an affront to education and decency.

t. non-retarded American

lel just imagining a bunch of scummy brits soaked in mud doing this brings a smile to my face

Just got my leg blown off,dat morphine though.

#TrenchFoot #No1

Because if no one is taught about the world wars the sooner a new one pops up?

There 2 things keeping us from WWIII:
- Nukes
- Education

ok Sup Forums


This looks like a teacher trying too hard to fit in with their students. Boys love war movies anyway, so I'm sure those will teach them that war is hell if nothing else will.


You first.


A method of distributing resources is to blame for bad education standards. Okay.