How do you design the gender select menu for the modern age?

How do you design the gender select menu for the modern age?

2 radiobuttons.

Text Area up to 500 characters

Are you questioning SCIENCE?

>2 radiobuttons.

>prefer not to say

You can make that other automatically delete whatever form they're filling out

>Sup Forums makes choose your gender in the vein of input your phone number

a slider

mentally ill

>rather not say

Even if everyone who used their website wasn't SJW cancer, the 3rd option would still be welcome.


transgender gay muslim

text area, alternatively file upload.

This would not include those that feel they are neither or both but not both equally or half way, both fully

If you insist on catering to the idiots, "Male", "Female", "Other", and "Prefer not to say". Maybe add a text box for other if you want for them to put whatever retardation they want. Otherwise, exclude the other option.

But WOULD this input be sanitized?

We need like a centralized service that deals with genders just like we have one for timekeeping, maps and so on

Male only


having a gender option would imply that the website in question is using accounts as representations of the humans that control them. Internet accounts should never be personal to being with.


Fixed it for you



This is IT!!!

Other / Anonymous

More important question...
When would it ever matter?
Unless you are going to a doctor or a dating site, who cares what your gender is?

There is literally NO REASON to care much less record someone's gender in this the 21st of centuries

No, that's racist as you are constraining the user's life experiences (gender) to an arbitrarily defined set of rules that from your biased perspective makes it the ideal input i.e the Überinput and by cleansing its "impurities" you are actually doing an act of digital input genocide.

>tl;dr you are basically Hitler

Drawing panel, like in forum posts.

>please upload an image that describes your sexual identity

"What's written in your passport's sex field:"
"Select your chromosomes:"

was meant for >text area
I sexually identify as

I studied a bit of gender theory in Med school and at the time (8 years ago) it was best expressed as a 4D phase space.

I would have 4 sliders. One for sex. One for sexuality. One for Societal Role. One for Self-determined role. They would range from 100% trad F to 100% trad M in all cases.

Outputs would normalise to a bellcurve to annoy everyone. People trying to request some specific label will be reminded they are not current with gender theory and are trying to create labels and so are an enemy of societal progression.

It would not be touch-enabled.

Personalized advertising

>It would not be touch-enabled.
you fucking monster


Gender: and the only option you can choose is "is a social construct"

>demaximises browser window

>file upload

What is the purpose of this? Why does every website want to know? It's probably targeted advertising bullshit.


"select up to 3 of the following chromosomes, if you have 4 or more, why are you posting from prison"


>No "trap" option

>upload filegender.sjw
Fucking this.

Are you blind?

>Not Applicable

futas do exist, user

advertisers can go fuck themselves

>file upload

>inb4 download option is added to allow people to modify their gender
>inb4 people start abusing this and turning it into a file hosting

>male at the very top
fucking patriarchy

The name could be Universal LGBTQI+ 4k 60FPS Authism Enhanced Gender Variational Role Select.

We have a personnel database at work.
Gender is stored as a bit; 1 for male, 0 for female.


>1 for male, 0 for female
I bet they did this on purpose

Who did, ze germans?

Gender is a social construct and so are numbers especially 0.

The guy who built it retired like 20 years ago, so I can't ask him.

>0 is a social construct
It's not. If I throw 1 rock at you or 0 rocks at you, that has nothing to do with society and everything to do with quantity.

Why is this even a thing? Sexual orientation and identify are not gender. It's fucking Male or Female, even hermaphrodites have a specific DNA.


Not bad but why the hypen

Oh my days, senpai. You're embarrassing yourself.

Axia are social constructs. It doesn't matter that philosophers are antisocial.

>1 for male, 0 for female

to indicate a bro-
ken word

>mah equality
>why can't female be 1 too??!?!
Typical "0" logic.

Gender: string(8)


...wasting space like that

You could learn a thing or two from the 0/1 guy above

>Gender: string(8)
Gender: bool

>varchar (50)

Gender: blob

Gender encompasses sexuality in some theoretical frameworks. Most, in fact. You are seemingly thinking about sex, not gender.

I identify as an SQL injection

I identify as '; DROP TABLE 'USERS';-- and this post offenda

The general use of the term gender is what scientifically is sex. Most people just don't use the word right, like theory and shit like that.

[ ] male
[ ] female
[ ] check this one to trigger edgelords

>( ) There was a penis attached to my body when I was born
>( ) There was no penis attached to my body when I was born

The Germans already did, it was called Birkenau.

Just ask for chromosomes

change 'a' to 'one or more' then it's good.

the answer right here

how are you going to throw -1 rocks, mate?

Google Genders

Exactly like the picture. Maybe it'll help em realize how dumb they are.

no that's girl (male) you undeducated swine

Hearty kek

Well, if you throw -1 rocks at me, you get a rock to your face.

You're okay. I'm okay.

When will the reactionaries realize how softly they are being trolled?


A boolean

[ ] male
[ ] female
[ ] defective

This makes logical sense, female is the "default" sex in humans.

If we say X = 0 and Y = 1, then XX = 00 = 0 and XY = 01 = 1. Perfect.

All of that list.
Only Male, Female and Unspecified get through.
The others go through a longer registration process that is obtuse as fuck.
In the end, it just bans you from the site using evercookie.
Thanks Samy.

The question is: who cares? When is gender even relevant to know? (unless you're a slimy piece of shit marketeer)

single check box

[ ] Male

leave it unchecked if you're female

Is it called the transphobia bit?

wow that was hard

Male, Female, other.


> [ ]Male
> [ ]Female
> [ ]They dropped me on my head as a child

You give them a four dimensional hyperspace with axes representing Male-Female, Animal-Human, Child-Adult, Angel-Devil and then allow them to input a relation that accurately describes their genderform.