Goodbye Linux. Work on your AMD hardware compatibility

Goodbye Linux. Work on your AMD hardware compatibility.

I'm running Linux on FX-8370 and RX 460 without any problems.
You're just a sucker that likes to blame everything else but himself.

Nice try, pajeet

No it's an APU. It fucks Ubuntu and RHEL won't even install.


And? It's still CPU + GPU, the implementation details are abstracted from the OS.
I also have a laptop with A10-5750m APU with Xubuntu and it fucking works flawlessly.

How does it feel to have all that computational power go to waste?



> the implementation details are abstracted from the OS

That's not even remotely true these days.

How so?

For some reason I think you're lying


well, i see that user0 is on his primary machine and he's... using Sup Forums. at least when you do do important things you'll have an important sounding name and machine. you know, since you're user0 using the primary machine.

>APU on Ubuntu
>posts Ryzen on Fedora
Freetards aren't very bright.

Hey, how does windows 8.1 run on ryzen?
I know you have fedora but do you know how well it works?

It is in the case of APUs. The OS sees it as a GPU connected with PCIe.

OP's asshole is absolutely devastated

Okay op I will get right on it and we in the Linux community will miss you greatly
t. Linus


my amd gpu has no issues with my manjaro

What is it, my brother?

Not many good games and barely any good programs that could take advantage of any of that power outside of like, Blender or some shit.

Well OP, AMD is not perfect on Linux. But if you run something like Debian, or Ubuntu or anything that comes from that, you might have problems. I always experience much better performance when I try distros like openSUSE and Manjaro.

>complains about resources going to waste
>proposes GAYmes as something you miss out.
You were dropped as a child, right?

Anyone with a gaymen GPU on Linux is just LARPing as a freetard.

It sees some device connected with PCIe. Initially, it can probably get a dozen of bytes from that device for identification. Even starting it at boot-time requires non-trivial ritual dance that may include updating its firmware and configuration data. While CPU and video card manufacturers still have to follow some hardware standards (largely of their own making) to make different motherboard manufacturers develop compatible devices, they are the only ones to write drivers for them (if we forget about some bunch of idiots), so they don't have to follow any standard and just do what feels best to do without explaining it to anyone.

how do i unsub?

I am a software developer by trade


AMD should work just fine with Linux considering they aren't as massive of Jews like Nivida when it comes to cross platform driver support.

What model specifically? I had zero problems using an A6-3620 on Arch.

Even ran a few rounds of Unigine Heaven to see how RAM speed and single channel vs. dual channel really affect the performance of the iGPU.

No, OP, don't do it!
Please come back!

I actually game on Linux, you retard


Ah yes, I'm happy you traded up-to-date packages for a shit filled repo because you're too stupid to install arch

I'm sorry you have older cards since AMD is working stupid hard on open drivers. I'm happy they have caught up this much, I could even recommend an AMDGPU for Linux this time around.

I do game on Linux though. Emulation, native games, and even some Wine when it's not shit. I can't even remember the last time I booted to the Windows drive.

why would anyone waste his time installing that?

It's an AMD APU from 2016.

Goodbye user. Work on your GNU/Linux software compatibility.

>too stupid to install AMDGPU and latest Mesa

Pick one.

Wouldn't it be amds problem and not the people who work on Linux?

>tfw still on 4.11 kernel

You said Ubuntu and RHEL, Fedora is practically RHEL.
>Wintards can't even remember their own arguments

lol what a fucking dumbass. video games? opinion dropped.

>install nvidia drivers
>shit doesn't work
>install mesa-libgl
>shit still doesn't work
>try to uninstall mesa-libgl
>fucking pacman thinks mesa-libgl doesn't exist even though it literally just finished installing it and can locate it when using the search option

Ubuntu was the only one out of half a dozen distros I tried that actually functioned. To Arch's credit, Arch functioned as well but none of the fucking DE's did on it. That's the story of how I had less trouble slipstreaming USB3.0 drivers into a Windows 7 image and installing that than I did getting Linux to do anything with Ryzen.

Funny how you didn't provide any details about your supposedly unsupported piece of hardware.

